
Comparison of CI Servers?

I am searching for a comparison of different continuous integration (CI) Servers (esp. focusing on .NET) and couldn't find any. Therefore I'd like to know what you think about the different solutions available, what are the pros and cons, what are the hosting requirements and why CI Server XY is the Server of your choice. I am interest...

Comparer Class Most Efficient?

Consider the following A list of approximately 10,000 folders Of these folders, a list of rules determine if they qualify to go to the next stage The rules are a text based comparison such that if folder name contains (...any of the following from a list of exceptions) - such that there is a one to many comparison for each folder, but th...

Are there any production-ready LINQ implementations for javascript?

Background: Just for laughs I decided to search to see if anyone out there had developed a JavaScript implementation of LINQ. Lo and behold, there seem to be several of them. It would seem like LINQ implementations are almost like string Template processing engines: everyone and his dog has written one. Question: Does anyone out there...

Is there a Java reflection utility to do a deep comparison of two objects?

I'm trying to write unit tests for a variety of clone() operations inside a large project and I'm wondering if there is an existing class somewhere that is capable of taking two objects of the same type, doing a deep comparison, and saying if they're identical or not? ...

scheme list equivalence comparison

Hello I need to check if two lists have same elements in same order but I wasn't able to achieve as it seems like scheme eq? and eqv? checks by reference so giving false to such: > (eq? (list 1 2 3) (list 1 2 3)) #f > (eqv? (list 1 2 3) (list 1 2 3)) #f How to achieve this ? ...

Can I expect float variable values that I set from literal constants to be unchanged after assignment to other variables?

If I do something like this: float a = 1.5f; float b = a; void func(float arg) { if (arg == 1.5f) printf("You are teh awresome!"); } func(b); Will the text print every time (and on every machine)? EDIT I mean, I'm not really sure if the value will pass through the FPU at some point even if I'm not doing any calculations, and if ...

Speed up text comparisons (with sparse matrices)

I have a function which takes two strings and gives out the cosine similarity value which shows the relationship between both texts. If I want to compare 75 texts with each other, I need to make 5,625 single comparisons to have all texts compared with each other. Is there a way to reduce this number of comparisons? For example sparse m...

Speed up text comparisons (feature vectors) with spatial MySQL features

I have a function which takes two arrays containing the tokens/words of two texts and gives out the cosine similarity value which shows the relationship between both texts. The function takes an array $tokensA (0=>house, 1=>bike, 2=>man) and an array $tokensB (0=>bike, 1=>house, 2=>car) and calculates the similarity which is given back ...

Java: Cache results of computation?

I'm writing a program to calculate a value that is a measure of the similarity between two objects. The comparison is commutative, so compare(a, b) == compare(b, a). The program's output to the console is a matrix of all results. However, since the matrix has each comparison twice ((a, b) and (b, a)), I'd like to save time by only calcu...

mateo ...javascript

hi what happens is that I am making an Enrollment Form, and I have a text field where I need 2 comparisons, I assess the number of ICFES snp, and if prior to 2000 has 12 digits, and after the 2000 14 ... and I've tried and nothing ... restricts me when I'm older than 14. function verificar(valor) { var letras=document.form1.snp.valu...

What's the most concise way to check if a variable matches one of a range of values in PHP?

I'm currently using this for a nav list to highlight the active page: <?= ($current_page == 'thema_list' ? 'class="on"' : '') ?> Extending this to check another page would be: <?= ($current_page == 'thema_list' || $current_page == 'thema_edit' ? 'class="on"' : '') ?> Is there a way to avoid this repetition? ...

How do you get how much memory a program uses?

I have two programs, one in C++, the other in assembler. I want to compare how much memory they use when running respectively. How can I do this? I am doing the testing on Windows, but I also would like to know how to do it on Linux. ...

Compare many files at once with Vista?

I have a project composed of 100s of files. One version contains a bug that the other does not. Is there some tool I can use to compare everything at once? I was thinking I could examine each difference to see if it's causing the problem. (There wouldn't be too many differences, it's just a matter of finding them.) ...

Why is Perl the best choice for most string manipulation tasks?

I've heard that Perl is the go-to language for string manipulation (and line noise ;). Can someone provide examples and comparisons with other language(s) to show me why? ...

Python/C++ Binding Library comparison

I feel as though this question is a duplicate, but I haven't found one on the subject (specifically) yet so I'll ask anyway: What Python/C++ binding libraries would you recommend and why? In addition, what has been your experience using it or any others you have tried? Also, what binding features do they contain and has your use of them...

Watch a web page for changes

I googled and couldn't find any could that would compare a webpage to a previous version. In this case the page I'm trying to watch is link text. There are services that can watch a page, but I'd like to set this up on my own server. I've set this up as a wiki so anyone can add to the code. Here's my idea Check if previous version ...

Combobox with comparison operators

I actually have an equation to make on visual basic. An exemple of it (12 = 12) AND (12>1) true and true the answer would be TRUE But for both comparison operators i must create a combo box to insert <, >, =, <=, >=, <> My problem is my program wont function because I don't know which variable to use for those... could anyo...

How could I test if two bit patterns differs in any N bits (position doesn't matter)

Let's say i have this bit field value: 10101001 How would i test if any other value differs in any n bits. Without considering the positions? Example: 10101001 10101011 --> 1 bit different 10101001 10111001 --> 1 bit different 10101001 01101001 --> 2 bits different 10101001 00101011 --> 2 bits different I need to make a lot of t...

How does Smalltalk (Pharo for example) compare to Python?

I've seen some comparisons between Smalltalk and Ruby on the one hand and Ruby and Python on the other, but not between Python and Smalltalk. I'd especially like to know what the fundamental differences in Implementation, Syntax, Extensiabillity and Philosophy are. For example Python does not seem to have Metaclasses. Smalltalk has no ...

text comparison/difference algorithm

Is there a c# library/algorithm that compares 2 texts and displays what is different in them? ...