
How can I uninstall the Intel C++ Compiler (ICC) 11 on Vista x64?

I installed the combined package of ICC 11.0.066 for x86 & x64 targets, with all options (IPP, TBB, MKL). Attempting to run the uninstaller from Control Panel > Programs and Features immediately errors out with the dialog: Another instance of uninstall was launched. Please wait while it is finished ... This happens after having a...

Is it beneficial for a programmer to learn how to build a compiler?

There is a lot of variety when it comes to the different types of programmers. In general, is beneficial for a programmer to learn how to build a compiler? In what cases would compiler programming be, or not be, needed? ...

Are there any compiler lectures available via video?

I would like know if there are any compiler construction lectures available along with video? ...

How to disable forward class compiler warning (undocumented class)

I'm currently writing an iPhone application that uses a UITabBarController with more than 5 Tab Bar Items. Thus, a 'more' tab is automatically generated (like in the YouTube Application). I found out that the corresponding view controller class is UIMoreListController, but I don't have any corresponding .h files. So, my code looks like t...

Maximum Method Name Length

Does anyone happen to know what the maximum length of a method name is in your programming language of choice? I was going to make this a C# specific question, but I think it would be nice to know across the spectrum. What are the factors involved as well: Does the language specification limit this? What does the compiler limit it to?...

Parsers and Compilers for Dummies. Where to start?

This is a good listing, but what is the best one for a complete newb in this area. One for someone coming from a higher level background (VB6,C#,Java,Python) - not to familiar with C or C++. I'm much more interested in hand-written parsing versus Lex/Yacc at this stage. If I had just majored in Computer Science instead of Psychology I m...

Why are my units "compiled with a different version" of my own files?

I'm building a program that uses plugins. Unfortunately, the plugin framework's dynamic linking forces the RTL and VCL out of my project EXE and into the BPL versions, and they don't have debug info enabled. So I built a testing framework that links to my plugins statically so I can actually see what I'm doing while tracing through the...

C++ Standard and Global Symbol Removal

Anyone have a link to what the C++ standard says regarding a compiler removing global and static symbols? I thought you weren't guaranteed that the compiler will remove global symbols if they're not referenced. A colleague of mine asserts that if your global symbols are included in the main translation unit, those symbols will not be re...

Which Flash SWF compiler uses compiler directives?

Any existing Flash SWF compilers that can understand directives like #IF #ENDIF, etc? Some SWF Compilers: (Hopefuls) AS3 Compiler - haXe AS2 Compiler - MTASC Adobe Flex Compiler - Mxmlc C# to SWF Compiler - Debreuil ...

Are constant C expressions evaluated at compile time or at runtime?

If I write a #define that performs an operation using other preprocessor constants, is the final value computed each time the macro appears at runtime? Does this depend on optimizations in the compiler, or is it covered under a standard? Example: #define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_FREQUENCY 32768 #define TIMER_1_S EXTERNAL_CLO...

C++: Dll compatibility between compilers

Is there some way to make c++ dlls built with diffrent compilers compatible with each other? The classes can have factory methods for creation and destruction, so each compiler can use its own new/delete (since diffrent runtimes have there own heaps). I tried the following code but it crashed on the first member method: interface.h #p...

How do I build project files and packages for Borland C++ Builder 5 from the command line?

How do I build Borland C++ project files (bpr) and package files (bpk) from the command line? Project groups (bpg) are apparently make files and can be compile with make. But bpks and bprs are xml based and the Export to Makefile won't compile with make. If I put a project in a bpg, make can't seem to find any of the files specified in...

Compile Error CS0433 on pre-compiled ASP.NET 2.0 site.

I keep getting this error ever so often when I launch the debugger to debug my site. I'm using the Telerik controls, and usually the error is in my tab strip. Here is an example of the error I'm looking at right now: Compiler Error Message: CS0433: The type 'ASP.controls_motorvehiclegeneral_ascx' exists in both 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.N...

How do I allow my .net program to compile C# code while running?

I've seen a couple .net applications that allow you to select a C# .cs source file and the program itself will compile this code and run it. How is this done? ...

Chomsky Hierarchy and LL(*) parsers

Hey out there, I want to parse a programming language. I read a lot about formal languages and the Chomsky hierarchy and ANTLR. But I could not find information on how to relate the languages ANTLR v3 as an LL(*) recursive descent parser accepts to the chomsky hierarchy. How do the Chomsky types mix with LL(*)? Any information (online,...

Can specific Delphi hints be disabled?

In Delphi, you can use compiler directives to disable specific warnings, such as {$WARN USE_BEFORE_DEF OFF} But when I tried to do that with a specific hint, whose underscore_style_name I got out of the helpfile, the compiler said it doesn't know what {$HINT} is. So is there any way to do this? ...

C# compiler and caching of local variables

EDIT: Oops - as rightly pointed out, there'd be no way to know whether the constructor for the class in question is sensitive to when or how many times it is called, or whether the object's state is changed during the method, so it would have to be created from scratch each time. Ignore the Dictionary and just consider delegates created ...

Which (if any) locally defined delegates are cached between method calls?

This was mentioned in my other question and I thought it might be useful to add it to the record. In the following program, which, if any, of the locally defined delegates are cached between calls to the Work method instead of being created from scratch each time? namespace Example { class Dummy { public int age; } ...

Best Compiler Destination

I've got a few languages I've been building as interpreters. When I'm ready to take "that next step", what options are best for non-native compiled formats... what are the pros and cons of each? I've been looking at compiling to CLR or LLVM, and contemplated C-midcompile a few times, but I'm not completely certain. A few features I'm ...

Why does compiling a VCC .sln run in the background with no stdout?

I'm trying to compile a project from the command line, like this: devenv.exe myproj.sln /build release It looks like the code compiles well, but that's not all I need: I want to be able to capture the output (e.g. warnings, errors) from the compiler as they occur. Unfortunately as soon as I issue the above command I am returned to th...