
Keep Track of php code

Hello , I have many requires and includes and i was wondering if there's something that can help me look at the whole of php code when a webpage is loaded. the reason i'm asking is that after fiddling with some code i cannot put any php code anymore as it will not be "sensed" by the compiler. like if i put anything inside the php tags ...

I want to read the source code of a real compiler. Suggestions on which & how? Any experiences to share?

In order to continue my dive into reading real code, I'd like to read and understand the source code of an actual in-use compiler. Is there one that you think is particularly well-written, elegant, and perhaps, still relatively small? Any suggestions? Any experiences? Resolution: I've decided to read the Lua source code. I've been bookm...

Why would I want to use the debug mode of the .NET compiler?

I was curious what the differences are between the debug and release modes of the .NET compiler and came across these questions about debug vs release in .NET and reasons that release will behave differently than debug. Up to this point I really haven't paid much attention to these compiler modes. Now I will. My question is, assumin...

D2009 VCL unit that won't compile.

I found a bug in Delphi 2009's implementation of TFields and wrote a quick patch. I copied DB.pas to my projects folder and added it to the project's file list, but now I can't get it to compile. The first two error messages don't even make any sense when I go to the indicated places in the code. Surely if anything can be counted on t...

Cross compiler for embedded platform in Windows

I wish to build a compiler (GCC port) for Linux, so that the built GCC runs on Windows and creates executables for an embedded platform. Is the above possible? ...

End of file descriptor in a grammar implementation

I am working on a compiler implementation and wish to check if the end of file has been reached? I know that this can be done using the yywrap() function in the lex file, but the requirement is that we want if the EOF is explicitly defined as in the hex value 0x1a, then how do we reference that. Example: main() { printf("Check EO...

How much of the compiler should we know?

In order to write better code, is it worth to know deeply what the compiler does? Just how much would be enough? I'm not a bit scrubber, but I was thinking that knowing how the compiler operates would make me a better programmer. Am I wrong? If so, what resources would you recommend? ...

Getting "The source file is different from when the module was built."

I'm trying to debug an ASP.Net web project that I received. I modified a class in the "Apps_LocalResources" folder. When I debug and the code tries to step into that class, I get "The source file is different from when the module was built.". I rebuilt the solution and didn't get any change. I even published it to a different location an...

How do I make Quartus II compile faster

I'm using Altera Quartus 2 to do a custom 8 bit processor and it takes forever to compile on my laptop. I'm only using simulations and making my processor in schematic (block diagram) and VHDL. Right now it takes around 10 minutes to compile, which is a pain since I'm more on the debugging phase of the project where I have to fix up the ...

Show all compile errors in FlexBuilder?

Is it possible to make FlexBuilder show all compile errors in all files? FlexBuilder does not show errors in Action Script files, that are not referenced. Also very often I fix a problem just to see new problems pop up after compiling the whole project although these errors existed long before. IntelliJ is showing all compile errors it ...

Default file extension of the executable created by g++ under Cygwin vs Linux.

Hi All, I've done most of my work on VisualStudio and don't have much experience with gcc or g++. When I tried to compile a (ex. aprogram.cpp) this morning on my pc using cygwin, I got (aprogram.exe) when I tried to compile the same thing on my Ubuntu box I got (aprogram) w/o any extension. I am just wondering if someone be kind enough ...

PVCS compiler -- Linkflags and LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/link'; ignored

I am using the PVCS compiler in conjunction with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (a/k/a version 9.0). In any event, we are using a “.inc” file to set up our makefiles. The situation for linkflags is not good, We need something like: LINKFLAGS = /link /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT.lib If the “/link” part is removed, the flags are not seen or rec...

Where can I get material for learning EBNF?

Extended Backus–Naur Form: EBNF I'm very new to parsing concepts. Where can I get sufficiently easy to read and follow material for writing a grammar for the boost::spirit library, which uses a grammar similar to EBNF? Currently I am looking into EBNF from Wikipedia. ...

Have you ever implemented a programming language?

Have you ever implemented a programming language, either your own or an existing language and why did you decide to do it? ...

CS.exe compiler (C#)

Hi Guys, We are currently building an application which needs to compile a C# code. Can we redistribute the CS.exe in our package. I thought that it comes with the .Net framework installation but from looking in Microsoft Web site i see that there is a difference between .Net framework and the .Net SDK What are my options? Thanks, Adi ...

What techniques can be used to speed up C++ compilation times?

What techniques can be used to speed up C++ compilation times? This question came up in some comments on this question: And I'm interested to hear what ideas there are. I've seen this related question, but that doesn't provide many solutions:

C# Object Initializers and v2.0 compiler error

I'm having an issue setting up one of my projects in TeamCity (v4.0), specifically when it comes to using Object Initializers. The project builds fine normally, however it would seem that TeamCity transforms the build file into something it likes (some MSBuild mutation) and when it comes to compiling the code for a part of the solution ...

Why IIS Development server recompiles all my web application every time I build my webapp in VS 2008?

We have a web application project (not a web site), until the day we have added batch="false" to web.config web development server was compiling all the web application instead of the page that was requested. <compilation debug="true" batch="false"> <assemblies> ... </assemblies> </compilation> This make us faster....

Why interpreted langs are mostly ducktyped while compiled have strong typing?

I just don't know that, is there any technical reason for that? Is it more difficult to implement a compiler for a language with weak typing? What is it? ...

Inversion of Control in Compilers

Has anyone out there actually used inversion of control containers within compiler implementations yet? I know that by design, compilers need to be very fast, but I've always been curious about how IoC/DI could affect the construction of a programming language--hot-swappable syntaxes, anyone? ...