
Compiler compiler in C#

I'm looking for a customizable parser and/or lexer that can allow me to build a custom syntax checker in C#. Essentially the user will enter code a line of code (custom), and the syntax checker will be able respond if it is written correctly or not. ...

How to disable c++ strong type checking in VS

When porting unix project developed in C language to windows and compiling it with VS 2005, compiler reports errors related to incorrect type conversion like " can not convert 'const char*' to 'char*' ". Is it possible to disable this strong checking through compiler options. -Thanks for attention ...

C# .NET: Can I compile a file's file path into the file?

If I have an ASP.NET code-behind, is there a way to compile the path of that file into the file somehow? ...

Resources for Learning about Non-C Compilers?

When it comes to learning about C compilers LCC seems like the compiler of choice for many. Also, there is another StackOverflow article here on learning compilers in general. However, I've previously studied C compilers and am looking for something a bit deeper in terms of programming paradigms. To be clear, what I am looking for are...

compiler design

How to design simple compiler? I want to design compiler for MCA project. ...

List of known bugs in C# compiler

Is there such a list? I don't expect to get a complete one, but the list of most well-known ones must be enough. ...

Is finding the equivalence of two functions undecidable?

Is it impossible to know if two functions are equivalent? For example, a compiler writer wants to determine if two functions that the developer has written perform the same operation, what methods can he use to figure that one out? Or can what can we do to find out that two TMs are identical? Is there a way to normalize the machines? E...

Are ASP.NET Web Site projects inherently slow at compiling, or could I have deeper issues?

Hi, I've been working on a legacy ASP.NET Web Site (versus a Web Application) project at a client for some time now, and its slow compile time has me wondering: Are web site projects known to be slow(er) at compiling (than Web Application projects)? It's a pretty small website, but the entire solution has tons of functionality -- 19 p...

Choosing which Service Pack of the .Net Framework to build against

I have read many questions (and answers) around here that had similar sounding terms in them as this question, but all of them ended up being about building against different major versions of .Net. I am in much deeper trouble, unfortunately. Here is the story. Our customers use version 2.0 of the .Net framework. Just 2.0, no service pa...

MXMLC Incremental compilation not working

Google shows a couple of hits for this issue, but never a solution that I can find. It's always just a few other people saying "it works for me", and the issue dries up. I've tested both with the "-incremental=true" flag to mxmlc and with the <incremental>true</incremental> tag in my flex config.xml with the same result: Failed to ma...

Eclipse as an cross platform IDE for C++ code on Linux and Windows

Hi, I consider an option to use Eclipse as an cross platform IDE for C++ code on Linux and Windows. Is it possible to set Eclipse to compile code with Visual Studio C++ (don't think it's relevant but Eclipse project files will be created by cmake). Is it possible to debug from Eclipse application compiled by VS C++ compiler? Is it po...

How JSDB generates .exe from Javascript?

Take a look here. It's a really neat project. I am just wondering how do they generate exes out of javascript code. I know they use TraceMonkey as their javascript engine. Edit: Here you can find an example at the bottom of the page ...

Use libraries compiled with visual studio in an application compiled by g++ (mingw)

Is it possible to use a library compiled by visual studio in an application compiled by g++ (mingw) on Windows? ...

Why HTML/JavaScript/CSS are not compiled languages and will they ever be?

Why HTML/JavaScript/CSS are not becoming compiled languages (or maybe even merge into a single compiled language)? What if browsers were running "Browser Virtual Machine" and html/javascript/css sources could by compiled to a "browser bytecode". Wouldn't it help developers and users a lot? I can see a few challenges: What to do with z...

Is comeau compiler worth it compared to gcc?

Hi all, I have been using gcc,g++ for my C,C++ application development till now and have found it to be amazing. But browsing through stackoverflow I found many members stating that error reporting in Comeau compiler is much more than any other compiler. Is this true? I haven't invested in any commercial release of a compiler. Is it rea...

C++ : Will compiler optimize &Variable; away?

In C++ a statement like this is valid: &Variable; IMO it doesn't make any sense, so my question is, if you do this, will it affect the compiled result in any way, or will the compiler optimize it away? Thanks! ...

Why do ASP.Net server control declarations require the runat="server" attribute?

Surely the fact that they're declared beginning with "<asp:" is enough to infer they're server controls? Or is it just included for completeness (so they look similar to the server control declaration of <input runat="server" for example). Or is there some special reason? It just always bugs me that the compiler tells me I've missed i...

Compiler running on a network

HI all , i am asking a quite descriptve question , so if possible suggest me some useful links or related information on how i can proceed to develop a network compiler (compiler that runs on the internet or LAN ) thanks & regards Shrey ...

trying to understand the main disassembly first instructions

hi I have disassembled some programs (linux) I wrote to understand better how it works, and I noticed that the main function always begins with: lea ecx,[esp+0x4] ; I assume this is for getting the adress of the first argument of the main...why ? and esp,0xfffffff0 ; ??? is the compiler trying to align the stack pointer on 16 byte...

How to store and call a compiled function in C / C++?

For very low level optimization purposes it would be useful to me if I could store a compiled function inside a variable directly, not a pointer to a function. That is, if I have a function foo, I want to make a char buffer large enough to hold the machine instructions generated for foo, and then be able to in effect call foo by somehow ...