
Python event handler method not returning value in conditional

I'm completely new to python (and it's been a while since I've coded much). I'm trying to call a method which acts as an event handler in a little "hello world" type game, but it's not working at all. I'm using the pygames 1.9.1 lib with python 2.6.1 on OSX 10.6.3. So this is in a while loop: self.exitCheck() if sel...

Is it bad practice to have PHP conditional statements directly called from the index file (mixed with HTML markup)?

Some people have told me that the following code is bad for HTML validation: index.php: line 1 ~ 5 (this one is OK. Just for reference): <?php include_once 'localization.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> line 15 (if Chinese is selec...

Can I simplify this conditional statement, which uses the logical negation operator?

Sorry if this is a "Logical Operators 101" kind of question. I've been staring at my screen for 15 minutes trying to wrap my head around it, but I'm stuck. Is there a more concise/elegant way to phrase the following (this is JavaScript syntax, but it's not a language-dependent question): if (!something && !something_else) { // do som...

Conditional operator and assignment operator in C

On;q=conditional+operator#74dcdcacce777679 There is an answer given for a question why (A%2==0)?A=0:A=1 gives error. The thing I don't understand that when do we use (precedence and associativty) and we use C grammar to parse...

conditional statement for resolution?

I would like to use a conditional statement to attach a different stylesheet for: if the clients resolution is <= 1024*768 I'm pretty sure this is possible, but have never seen the code for it before? ps. I am not looking for a javascript solution ...

Why doesn't null evaluate to false?

What is the reason null doesn't evaluate to false in conditionals? I first thought about assignments to avoid the bug of using = instead of ==, but this could easily be disallowed by the compiler. if (someClass = someValue) // cannot convert someClass to bool. Ok, nice if (someClass) // Cannot convert someClass to bool. Why? if (some...

Outputting the name of the month instead of the number

I have a query which returns 3 fields, one of which is the month as a two digit number. I want to basically have it so if month == 1 output january, if month == 02 output febuary etc This is what I am trying, but this does not work at all, and prevent the entire column from being displayed in PHP. while ($row = mysql_fetch...

How can "if-else" logic be emulated using "condition"?

Hello, everyone! I know that there is ant-contrib, which provides "if-else" logic for ant. But I need to achieve the same without ant-contrib. Is that possible? Pseudocode which I need to work: if(property-"myProp"-is-true){ do-this; }else{ do-that; } Thank you! ...

MYSQL if a select query returns 0 rows then another select query?

if (select * from table where x=1) returns 0 rows then i need (select * from table where x=2 [or some other query]). is it possible to do this in a single MYSQL query with a conditional statement? edit: all answers with 'UNION' work but only if both queries selects from the same table (or tables with the same number of columns). What if...

Which of `if x:` or `if x != 0:` is preferred in Python?

Assuming that x is an integer, the construct if x: is functionally the same as if x != 0: in Python. Some languages' style guides explicitly forbid against the former -- for example, ActionScript/Flex's style guide states that you should never implicitly cast an int to bool for this sort of thing. Does Python have a preference? A link t...

Shortest way to write this in JavaScript

if $('.item:last').attr('id').split('-')[1] is not undefined var liid equals that, and if it is undefined then it equals null ...

SQL for summing only new values

Hi, i have a table like this NAME VALUE ----------------- bla 1 bla 2 bla 2 bla 3 bla 1 bla 4 bla 2 How can i do a sum of ONLY different values , and ignore the repeating values (is it possible?)? Something like this : SELECT SUM(??condition?? value) as total FROM table And the sum should be...

Problem with is_page() conditional in WordPress

Hi, can someone tell me why this code doesn't work? The is_page() is not in effect. function tao_scripts() { if (!is_admin()) { wp_deregister_script('jquery'); wp_register_script('jquery', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js', false, '1.4.2'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); if ( is_page() ) { ...

Implementing IF Condition Within a T-SQL UPDATE Statement

Using T-SQL, I would like to execute an UPDATE statement that will SET columns only if the corresponding variables are defined. Here's a simple pseudo-tsql example of what I'm trying to accomplish: --Declaring vars @ID int, @Name nvarchar(20), @Password nvarchar(10) --Run the update UPDATE User SET IF LEN(@NAME) > 0 Name = @Name, ...

Xslt how to style conditional odd/even rows

I've an html table written using xslt transformation that looks like this <table> <xsl:for-each select="someNode"> <xsl:if test="testThis"> <tr> <!-- <xsl:call-template name="conditionalRowStyle"/> --> <td>something</td> </tr> </xsl:if> <tr> ...

How can I code this Interesting Condition Join SQL

In a nutshell here is what I want to happen: Complete the join, if the rows do not exist do the same join but using one different value to fill the null columns in each row. Here is my join: Left Join CMS_ECH.dbo.hsplit hsplit on hsplit.row_date = ANDREWSTABLE.SegStart_Date and hsplit.split=ANDREWSTABLE.dispsplit and hsplit.starttim...

Declaring two variable in a conditional?

Can I declare two variables in a conditional in C++. The compiler gave an error but still I think I should get an opinion: int main() { double d1 = 0; if((double d2 = d1) || (double d3 = 10)) cout << "wow" << endl; return 0; } ...

How to return a true/false statement off of a select conditional in rails..

I am trying to select an array, and check and see if any of the objects within the array are false. If any of them are false, I want an ultimate value of false returned. If all of them are true, I want true returned.. Here's what I have.. validates_presence_of :email, :if => { |user| user.organizations.find(:all).select {|org...

WordPress: Multiple conditional statements not working

I'm trying a simple multiple conditional statement which should work fine with PHP but WordPress says no. What am I missing? <?php if (is_page('sample1') || is_page('sample2') || is_page('sample3') || is_page('sample4')) { ?> include this <?php } else { ?> include this instead <?php } ?> ...

Insert into a table if a condition is met with sqlite3

if I have two tables: files(id, owner) and share(file_id, user), where owner and user would be primary IDs from a theoretical user table, how can I insert an entry into share only if the user doing the sharing owns that file? This is a stripped down example, so I'll just use a literal for the one doing the share operation -- normally th...