
Shorthand conditional in C# similar to SQL 'in' keyword

In C# is there a shorthand way to write this: public static bool IsAllowed(int userID) { return (userID == Personnel.JohnDoe || userID == Personnel.JaneDoe ...); } Like: public static bool IsAllowed(int userID) { return (userID in Personnel.JohnDoe, Personnel.JaneDoe ...); } I know I could also use switch, but there are pro...

What's the "condition" in C interview question?

What is the answer to this C question: What's the "condition" so that the following code snippet prints both HelloWorld ! if "condition" printf ("Hello"); else printf("World"); ...

if statement condition optimisation

I have an if statment with two conditions (seperated by an OR operator), one of the conditions covers +70% of situations and takes far less time to process/execute than the second condition, so in the interests of speed i only want the second condition to be processed if the first condition evaluates to false. if i order the conditions ...

How do I write a While loop

How do you write the syntax for a While loop? C# int i = 0; while (i != 10) { Console.WriteLine(i); i++; } VB.Net Dim i As Integer = 0 While i <> 10 Console.WriteLine(i) i += 1 End While PHP <?php while(CONDITION) { //Do something here. } ?> <?php //MySQL query stuff here $result = mysql_query($sql, $link) or ...

Is there a list of browser conditionals for use including stylesheets?

I've seen people doing things like this in their HTML: <!--[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="ie.css" type="text/css" /> <![endif]--> Does this work across all modern browsers and is there a list of browser types that will work with that kind of if statement? Edit Thanks Ross. Interesting to find out about gt, lt, gte, & lte. ...

Loop termination conditions

These for-loops are among the first basic examples of formal correctness proofs of algorithms. They have different but equivalent termination conditions: 1 for ( int i = 0; i != N; ++i ) 2 for ( int i = 0; i < N; ++i ) The difference becomes clear in the postconditions: The first one gives the strong guarantee that i == N after...

How do I conditionally display a field in Infopath?

Hi! I'm trying to do the following in infopath: I have to choose between 2 options (with bullets), and depending on this, if we choose Option1, I need to display a text field to enter more details, but if Option2 is chosen, I don't need this additional field. I'm not sure about how to enter a Rule to define this :-( Anyone could help? T...

When using ANT, how can I define a task only if I have some specific java version ?

I have the problem that an specific step in Ant can only be executed when we have Java 1.5 installed in the build computer. The task definition uses uses a jar file that was compiled using 1.5, so running with a 1.4 virtual machine will throw an IncompatibleClassVersion exception. I have to find a solution meanwhile to have this task ...

Why does the code below return true only for a = 1?

Why does the code below return true only for a = 1? main(){ int a = 10; if (true == a) cout<<"Why am I not getting executed"; } ...

Is it good practice to use the XOR (^) operator in Java for boolean checks?

I personally like the 'exclusive or' operator when it makes sense in context of boolean checks because of its conciseness. I much prefer to write if (boolean1 ^ boolean2) { //do it } than if((boolean1 && !boolean2) || (boolean2 && !boolean1)) { //do it } but I often get confused looks (from other experienced java developers, n...

Ruby: builtin do ... while ?

Ruby has a wealth of conditional constructs, including if/unless, while/until etc. The while block from C while (condition) { ... } can be directly translated to Ruby: while condition ... end However, I can't seem to find a built-in equivalent in Ruby for a C-like do ... while block (in which the block contents are execu...

Finding entries in one MySQL table based on conditions on another table

I've got a table of hardware and a table of incidents. Each hardware has a unique tag, and the incidents are tied to the tag. How can I select all the hardware which has at least one incident listed as unresolved? I can't just do a join, because then if one piece of hardware had multiple unresolved issues, it would show up multiple tim...

Using set.insert( key ) as a conditional?

I am trying to use set.insert (key) as a conditional, where if the key is inserted correctly (meaning that the key does NOT already exsist in the set ) then it should go on and perform some kind of code. For example, something like: if (set.insert( key ) { // some kind of code } Is this allowed? Because the compiler is throw...

Correct order for control structure logic (true/false, false/true)?

I am new to programming, and am wondering if there is a correct way to order your control structure logic. It seems more natural to check for the most likely case first, but I have the feeling that some control structures won't work unless they check everything that's false to arrive at something that's true (logical deduction?) It wou...

MySQL conditional statement

Alright, so I have a query that looks like this: SELECT `orders`.*, GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT( `menu_items`.`name`, ' ($', FORMAT(`menu_items`.`price`,2), ')' ) SEPARATOR '<br>' ) as `items`, SUM(`menu_items`.`price`) as `additional`, `children`.`first_name...

How do I use regular expressions in bash scripts?

I want to check if a variable has a valid year using a regular expression. Reading the bash manual I understand I could use the operator =~ Looking at the example below, I would expect to see "not OK" but I see "OK". What am I doing wrong? i="test" if [ $i=~"200[78]" ] then echo "OK" else echo "not OK" fi ...

How do I conditionally create a table in Sybase (TSQL)?

OK, so Sybase (12.5.4) will let me do the following to DROP a table if it already exists: IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'a_table' AND type = 'U' ) DROP TABLE a_table GO But if I try to do the same with table creation, I always get warned that the table already exists, because it went ahead and tried...

What does this Perl conditional do?

Hello, I'm trying to understand a particular Perl code from vcake. Usually I find my way around in Perl but the following statement baffles me. I suspect that this is simply an error but I'm not completely sure. The statement is: foreach my $seq (keys %$set) { if( (defined $set->{$seq}) and (my $numReads >= ($coverage)) ) { ...

ASP conditional error

i am trying to use an ASP conditional here: if (Request.Cookies("username")) and (Request.Cookies("password")) <> "" Then And i keep getting this error: Type mismatch: '[string: ""]' Any ideas what I am getting that? Thanks, Ryan ...

SQL Conditional Where

Hi there, I have a Stored Procedure called spGetOrders which accepts a few parameters: @startdate and @enddate. This queries an "Orders" table. One of the columns in the table is called "ClosedDate". This column will hold NULL if an order hasn't been closed or a date value if it has. I'd like to add a @Closed parameter which will ta...