
"Pythonic" equivalent for handling switch and multiple string compares

Alright, so my title sucked. An example works better: input = 'check' I want to parse input, using the first word as the "command", and the rest of the string as a parameter. Here's the simple version of how my non-Pythonic mind is coding it: if len(input) > 0: a = input.split(' ') if a[0] == 'check': if l...

PHP: Creating a psuedo-join method inside an object

I am trying to create an object that is capable of handling query-like conditional statements. This is so I can 'join' two conditions together to create a dependency between them based on the type of 'join' being used. I currently have a simple object that contains the following methods: public function addCondition ( Condition $conditi...

How does elsif work in Perl?

I am new to Perl. Does anyone know why Perl has 'elsif' and not 'elseif'? I am doing something like this: $somevariable = 0; if ($idcount==5) { //do something if (somestatement is true) // 1 { $somevariable = 1; } } elsif ($idcount > 1 && somevariable = 0) { //do something else here } The code never comes to ...

pthread_cond_timedwait returning immediately

I'm having a strange problem. I have the following code: dbg("condwait: timeout = %d, %d\n", abs_timeout->tv_sec, abs_timeout->tv_nsec); ret = pthread_cond_timedwait( &q->q_cond, &q->q_mtx, abs_timeout ); if (ret == ETIMEDOUT) { dbg("cond timed out\n"); return -ETIMEDOUT; } dbg calls gettimeofd...

And Or stacking conditions in Javascript (if $1 && ($2 || $3))

For example. there are 3 variables, 1 is a must, 2 and 3 are eithers so 3 can be false as long as 1 and 2 are true, 2 can be false as long as 1 and 3 are true. if(xmlhttp.responseText.indexOf("type:SearchList~")>=0 && (obj == "hDrop" || obj == "iDrop")){ } Isn't working for me Can anyone spot the problem? ...

The ternary operator and if A, B, else C. Are there any important differences?

There are a few ways to do this in javascript. Foremost and most readable and flexible is probably: if (a){ //b } else { //c } Something else that only* works with assigning and is less readable is: var foo = 'c'; if (a){ foo = 'b'; } My main question, though, is about the last two methods I can think of: var foo = a ...

Rails conditional routes

Hello I am trying to set up a user creation wizard where the user can only go to the page that corresponds to the current step in the wizard that the user is on. I have already sorted out the state machine functionality. The current state is stored in the DB. This is not the problem The problem is how to redirect the user to the right...

Why use !== FALSE to check stripos in php?

Here is the code I am looking at. foreach ($header as $idx => $field) { if (stripos($field, 'foo') !== false) { $cols['foo'] = $idx; } else if (stripos($field, 'bar') !== false) { $cols['bar'] = $idx; } else if (stripos($field, 'brr') !== false) { $cols['brr'] = $idx; } else if (stripos($field, '...

VBA Not IsNull

Working with some VBA code in Access that when a very specific set of conditions are met it will pop up an InputBox asking for a integer. So far so good. Private Sub Command10_Click() If Not IsNull(mrf) Then If min <> max Then If qty <= min Then mrf = GetParamValue End If End ...

How to display browser specific HTML?

I'm trying to find a way to display one link to an IE user and another link to all other browsers using javascript or conditional comments (or whatever it takes). Basically... //pseudo code <!--[if IE]> <a href"ie-only.html">click here!</a> <!--[else]> <a href"all-other-browsers.html">click here!</a> <![endif]--> I don't thin...

sql query with if statment

I am trying to come up with a query to report revenue. It will require 2 tables: clicks and offers. Revenue is calculated by the number of conversions * commission for the offer. Conversions are stored in the clicks table in a field called "conversionDate", and the commission for each offer is stored in the offers table. There needs ...

Java: which is faster overloading or if/else

Hi all, I have child classes, each carries a different type of value along with other members. There may be a LongObject, IntObject, StringObject, etc. I will be given a value, which can be a long, int, string, etc., and I have to create a LongObject, IntObject, StringObject, etc., respectively. Would it be faster to overload a met...

"Conditional Conditions" in a WHERE clause (Which condition to apply depends on a "mode" flag)

I have a situation which I have solved in two different ways, but was wondering what people thought about the options, and if they have any other alternatives... The system is processing "intervals" of data. All the data is allocated to an "interval" The interval is represented by an "interval_start" DATETIME in the Fact table A...

Conditionally disable warnings with qmake/gcc?

Hello, I am involved with a software project written in Qt and built with qmake and gcc on Linux. We have to link to a third-party library that is of fairly low quality and spews tons of warnings. I would like to use -W -Wall on our source code, but pass -w to the nasty third-party library to keep the console free of noise and clutter...

Conditional method calling conditional method not working in C#

I am trying to enhance my Logger class with some conditionals to control what to log and where to log. I've got two kinds of logging functions: public static class Logger { [Conditional("Logging"), Conditional("VerboseLogging")] public static void Log(string msg, string filename) { // log to file } [Conditio...

ReportViewer Conditional Formatting

I am trying to apply conditional formatting of certain table cells in my ReportViewer control. I understand how to apply conditions by comparing data that resides in the same row, for example, the following will color a cell RED if the Cost is higher than the revenue: =IIf(Fields!Cost.Value > Fields!Revenue.Value, "Red", "Black") My ...

scalar subquery in if statement Condition in PL/SQL

I have an If Statement block similar to the below which is failing with the error - PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SELECT" when expecting one of the following.... Begin If (select count(*) from Table1) > 0 then dbms_output.put_line('Test'); end if; end; I have similar Case statement which works fine select case ...

How do I conditionally define tags in CruiseControl.NET?

I am trying to clean up my CruiseControl.NET configuration so that the sections are easier to maintain and new projects are easier to create. For instance, I currently have the following: <cb:define name="project"> <project name="$(name) ($(milestone)) [$(env)]"> <category>$(category)</category> <workingDirectory>$(dir)\$(name)\$(...

sql server 2005 :how to put not null constraint on a column depending upon value in other column?

in a table two of columns are billable(bit),billabledate(datetime).i want billable date to be not null if billable is not null. ...

mysql count child table rows with condition

I have two tables: "user" -> "order" TABLE: user user_id ----------- u1 u2 TABLE: order order_id | user_id | flag ------------------------- o1 | u1 | fA o2 | u2 | fB Y need obtain all users counting how many times have orders with flag 'fA' RESULTS WHAT I NEED: user_id | orders ---------------- ...