
android add contact email

Im trying to insert a new contact into androids contact list. Adding a name and phone numbers works fine, but adding an email address doesnt work. My code: //name is a string //phone and email are string arrays ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(People.NAME, name); Uri newPerson = People.createPersonInMyContactsGroup...

How to read phone numbers with full (not only display name) contact data (first-name, last-name, nickname)? on Android

Hi I want to collect phone numbers from phone with last-name and first-name (for sorting purpose). How can I achieve that in the simplest way? Is it possible with one query? And I need both versions: for pre 2.0 SDK and later to be compatibile. ...

Android : Check phone number present in Contact List ? (Phone number retreive from phone call)

Hello I make a BroadcastReceiver to receive Phone number of the person who call me <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE" /> </intent-filter> 1/How to check if the phone number receive is on my contact list ? Do you have a tip to know if this phone number exist on contact list with out loading con...

How do you select which raw contacts to update when you need to add custom info to your contacts?

As you can know there are aggregated contacts (one 1) and each can have multiple raw contacts linked together to that contact (many N) So there is a 1 contact -> N raw contacts relationship between them. When you need to store a custom info for your contact, you have to store it for one of the raw contacts. The question is, how do you...

Is there a way to authenticate both Gmail Oauth and Google Contacts API AuthSub at one time?

I can access a users gmail account using oauth, and i can access a users contacts and their contact groups through google contacts API (which uses AuthSub). For my application i need both of these, is there a way i can authenticate both at once, so that i don't require users to go through two separate authentication sessions? Or is ther...

How can i get a user's gmail contact groups using gmail oauth? (not Contacts API)

Is there a way i can get access to a user's contact groups using the Gmail oAuth alone? I know it is possible to do using the google contacts API, but i am already using the gmail oAuth so i dont want the user to have to authenticate contacts api separately. ...

How do you get the newly added entry's URL if you are using batch operation on Contacts Provider

If you are using incremental approach in adding a record to Contacts Data table, after an insertion, you get the URL of the newly added record so that you can perform query or update operation. Now if you are using batch operation like following, how do you get the reference to the newly added record? // Create RawContacts...

Memory of the Contacts on iPhone?

Hi, everyone, I want to ask a question about the Contacts on objective C. I am writing a program which will add the people to the iPhone build-in Contacts by ABPerson. However, I don't know I can add how many users to the iPhone. Are there some limitations of adding the contacts to the address book? I mean the number of user, adding fie...

how to retrieve the mobile phone from the Contacts on iPhone?

Hi,everyone, I use the following code to set the retrieve the phone number in my app. CFStringRef addressBookMobile; ABRecordRef person; NSString *mobile; person = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(people, i); addressBookMobile = ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonPhoneProperty); mobile = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", addressBookMobile]; T...

Accessing the phonebook on Galaxy S crashes the app

Does anyone know how to access the contacts from the Galaxy S? I have this line of code: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Contacts.CONTENT_URI); startActivity(intent); and it works on the emulator as well as on the Samsung i5700. I tried running my app on Samsung i9000 (Galaxy S) but it crashes. I am getting the follo...

Any framework / 3rd party tool for importing contacts from gmail, hotmail, yahoo mail, etc

Hi, We have an application in which we want to let our users invite other contacts in their email contact lists. We;re currently using OpenInviter and it seems like that requires users to enter their email accounts and passwords on our site... which is something which we would like to avoid... A better solution would be something that ...

Android; How does the manageQuery work in 2.2?

I'm trying to display contact information, and from another question on stackOverflow I've got the following snippet String[] projection = new String[] { ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.DISPLAY_NAME }; Ur...

Import CSV contacts to Public Folders

I am trying to import a CSV file containing many contacts to a public folder in exchange 2007 installed on SBS2008 for use by outlook users. I have this script that I am trying to run through powershell 1.0 (there seems to be no powershell 2.0 installable for SBS2008). I have created a folder in the Public Folder area called pub_contac...

Custom accountType "edit contact" and "add contact" shows only name

Hello, I've created an own accountType and it works fine to insert my contacts to the ContactsContract and I can view all values of these contacts in the Contacts application. But when I click on "add contact" or "edit contact" I have only input-fields for the given name and for the family name but not for the rest of the fields, like ph...

Android; I only have 2 contacts, yet I can obtain 5 from a query, why?

I have setup 2 test contacts in my emulator. I'm running the following query, it should pick them both out, populate my domain object, and add to a list. The output at the bottom should therefore be 2, but it is 5, why is this? (cursor.getCount() is 5 instead of 2) I have stepped through each iteration of the while loop and it is retre...

How to add the email address to the iPhone Contacts?

Hi, everyone, I want to ask a question about the iPhone Contacts and objective-C. I want to create a contacts in my program and add to the iPhone. I write the following code, the first name, last name and phone number is good, but I cannot add the email to the contacts. Can anyone help me? record = ABPersonCreate(); ABAddre...

Import contacts from gmail,yahoo,facebook etc

Possible Duplicate: How import contact from yahoo/gmail/hotmail using php script I want to import contacts from GMail, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, etc.. I'm using php, are there any tools for this? ...

Multiple contact selection in Android

Is it possible to get a multiple contact selection activity in Android? ...

Sample Contacts on Android Emulator for Testing?

Short of a) using a real device, or b) exporting/importing contacts via SD card ... then creating the SD card 'file' for the emulator, and importing it after each emulator launch ... is there a more turnkey (saner) way to get a set of sample contacts onto the emulator for test purposes? ...

How to resolve j2me contacts 'Array Out Of bound Exception' ?

Hi, I am newbie in j2me development. I have made application to retrieve contacts name,email and phone no.. I am able to fetch name and email correctly,But while it is going to fetch Phone No. , it is giving exception 'Array Index out of bound'. I have checked code again , it is written correctly.But any how it is giving exception for...