
Get Postal address from a contact using ContactsContract api on android

Hi I am using ContactsContract api intent for showing all contacts from an activity. This intent returns an id of the contact. I need to get the postal address of this contact. Here is the code which i am using for showing contacts: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK); intent.setType(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_TYP...

Adding an item to the Context Menu

I wish to add an option of 'SEND' to the context menu of Contacts. Is it possible to extend the ContextMenu Activity? or is there any other option for the same? ...

iPhone - View like SMS Contacts view

I'm trying to implement a view similar to contacts view in iPhone Message (SMS) app. When composing a message on iPhone, there will be "+" button to add contacts. On click of "+", it will show list of contacts and just by selecting a contact, it will add the contact name in "To" text field. I found following code to show contacts. But o...

[android] access to contact data

Alas I have about 500 contacts in my phone book and for some reason after synch'ing them with thunderbird the display name is random last, first...first last. So I thought I would put a quick widget together to just re-do al my display names to last, first. The code I use is below, however I am not getting last / first values. The key...

Does froyo support AKASATANA and Yomigana based contact sorting?

Can anyone tell me about the Japanese phonebook sorting status in Android contacts? Does froyo support AKASATANA and Yomigana? ...

Update/insert in new Android contacts API

When adding a contact in the new android contacts API, can I use newAssertQuery() also for insert, or will it only update an existing entry. If so, what is the difference between newAssertQuery() and newUpdate()? More generally, do I need to check whether a raw contact or data exist first and then either insert or update, or is there a ...

Android: Detect when user chooses a number (he wishes to call) in the contacts list?

I'm trying to get an Android background service to be "notified" when the user chooses a phone number (he wishes to call) from the phone's contacts list. My goal with this is to prevent the system from placing the call and present a user with a choice dialog, then go from there... Need help. ...

Android Contact Picker Checklist

I'm trying to create a "select-multiple" contact list where I can allow a user to check more than one contact. What I'm looking for is effectively the same thing as the native activity that appears when composing a message to multiple contacts. Thanks! ...

Android Api - get mobile number from contacts

Hi, I tried so much tutorials, and read a lot here at SO, but i cant solve my problem: When a button is clicked, the user can choose the mobile number of a contact. Actual I can get the name of the selected contact, but i can't find a way, to get/chose the mobile number.. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onC...

Updating contact email address android

Hello, I'm trying to update email address of a contact from phonebook. But I'm not able to update and getting an empty values error on : updateValues.put(People.ContactMethods.KIND,android.provider.Contacts.KIND_EMAIL); updateValues.put(People.ContactMethods.DATA, newEmail); updateValues.put(People.ContactMethods.TYPE,ContactMethod...

Adding a note to an existing contract with known raw ID

Hi there. This is my (non working) code to add a note to an existing contact. Where is my bug? // ID is the ID, cr is the ContentResolver Uri rawContactUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI,String.format("%d",ID)); Uri noteUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(rawContactUri,ContactsContract.Contacts.Data.CO...

Google Contacts oAuth in /C#

I'm trying to use oAuth to access google contacts. I'm using the example source code used in I get an error saying the token is invalid right here: // exchange a request token for an access token IToken accessToken = session.ExchangeRequestTokenForAccessToken(requestToken); I already re...

Storing a record locator in the user's Address Book kABPersonInstantMessageProperty field

I have an app that uses the user's Address Book for contacts. I also have other information I wish to store on a per-user basis (per Address Book entry basis). I allow the user to import a single user, an Address Book group, or all of their contacts. Because I wish to continue to allow outside applications to change the users Address ...

Getting notifications on changes to the iPhone Address book

In my iPhone app, I have a collection of contacts from the iPhone address book, whose ABRecordIDs are stored via Core Data. I want to keep track of any changes made to them in and out of my app. Currently, on startup, I loop through all the ABRecordIDs I have, checking for any updates. This is horribly inefficient, of course. Is there a...

ACTION_PICK usage with contact book

I was able to use ACTION_PICK with People.CONTENT_URI with the following part of code Uri myPerson = People.CONTENT_URI; Intent contactPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,myPerson); startActivityForResult(contactPickerIntent, CONTACT_ACTIVITY_CODE); with this i was able to launch the native contact book and on sel...

Is there a service, api or script out there to make a find/invite friends feature like in facebook?

I need to create a form where I can add a an account (gmail, msn, yahoo, twitter, facebook, etc) and it will automatically pull all of the contacts to invite them to the site. is there something out there already made? thanks. ...

Populating AutoCompleteTextView with contacts

Hi , I want to populate the AutoCompleteTextView with contacts.I have tried the one present in ApI Demos but its not cumg.So,Plz help me out..Thnx in ADV.. ...

syncing facebook friends with Contacts - Android

Facebook and Twitter made a sync option to sync my contacts list with my friends, so when I click on one of my synced contacts from the regular phone app, I get to see their last status, pictures, etc. I would like to use this data from fb and twitter instead of building the sync process on my own, for both fb and twitter. because they ...

Adding new feature in address book in android

Hi is it possible to add new feature in existing address book?? What i am trying to do is i want to add my application shortcut just like there is a shortcut for sms into every contact, whenever user opens any contact he can see my application option there, he taps to it and my application will launch with that contact information is it...

how to implement contact like A to Z list items viewer

Hi, In android there is A to Z selector on right side of the contacts. one can just select on of the alphabet and only those contacts will be displayed which are starting with that selected alphabet. I want to implement such kind of list.. !! Any idea ?? ...