
Contacts / address book data feed import for MS Exchange

Hi I've got an intranet (PHP / Zend Framework) application that holds people's contact information (name, address, phone, email, skype etc) I'm looking for a way to (securely!) create a data feed that MS Exchange (preferably) or MS Outlook (second choice) can consume that will ensure our worldwide user base always has up to date contac...

how to delete a contact in android 2.1

I'm working at android 2.1 ContactContract, when I had not set account(for example: gmail account) to android emulator then , new a contact , but could not delete this contact at DB. ArrayList ops = new ArrayList(); String[] args = new String[] {id}; ops.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(Data.CONTENT_URI) ...

Reg. Contacts extracting

How to check a incoming number whether that is existing in blackberry contact list or not.. if it is there i want to display its contact name.. Thanks in advance.. ...

Looking up Contact from phone number - Old vs New URI: Old fails, New Succeeds?

I've read related several questions here and can't find the answer to this: I have an Android 2.1 device (HTC Incredible). My app, however, must be compatible with early (pre SDK 5) devices, so I am using the deprecated format of filter URI: Uri contactUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_FILTER_URL, Uri.encode(number)); C...

Android Intent Filters for VIEW/EDIT/INSERT Contact

Hi, I've been trying to find one or all of the right filters. Does anyone have them? Down at the bottom you can see the logging output of the intents. Perhaps they aren't public? Have tried the following in my code to no avail... <receiver android:name=".ContactsBroadcastReceiver" android:label="@string/broadcast_receiver_name" a...

Contact us Page configuration i want help regarding how to configure this contact page i would be very thankfull if someone would guide me through codes thanks in Advance mAs ...


Hi guys, I am trying to write a method that determines if a contact has at least one phone number, at the moment I have this: public boolean hasPhone() { Cursor phones = ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, null, ContactsContract.Contacts._ID + "=" + this.contactId, null, null ); bool...

How to display QuickContact card from widget

I have a widget that displays the picture of some of my contacts and I would like to display the QuickContact card when the user taps on one of the pictures. I know I should be using the method ContactsContract.QuickContact.showQuickContact(), but it requires a View or a Rect as one of the input parameters. My problem is that Widgets onl...

How do I get a user's email address (with permission) on iPhone?

Typing on iPhone is tedious; I'd like to prompt my users for their email address without requiring them to actually type it. Ideally they'd receive a dialog saying: "This app would like to use your email address. Don't Allow / Allow" If the user tapped "Allow," it would auto-fill their email address (the one they have configured in Ma...

Android popup menu

Hey, I am making a android app. I have a list of items displaying. I am looking to create a popup menu just like the one that pops up when you tap the avatar of a contact in the contact list. I have tried looking threw the android reference but can not find it. has anyone created one of these popup menus? A link to the reference or ...

How to get list of email addresses from Contacts for autocomplete field in Android ?

Ive read through the docs and searched on here, but Im not quite understanding how all the pieces fit together. Was wondering if anyone has a clear explanation of how to grab a single column of data from Contacts and have it populate an autocomplete box. ...

Delete Contact Group in Android 2.1

Hi, How can I programatically delete a contact group in Android 2.1? Thanks ...

Add a Google Contact using the .NET API

Hello, I had everything working great in but updated to and now I can't get the code to work for adding a contact to a Gmail account. Does anyone have sample .NET code or a link to an example of adding (creating) a contact entry and submitting it to Google (gmail)? Thank you. ...

how to forward a call to anther number in blackberry JDE

hi.. am developing an blackberry application.. In my cantact list there are two groups 1.) Personal 2.) Work....... each having some contacts.. If a call comes from the group:personal means i want to forward to another number(which am giving) and If a call comes from the group:Work means, i want to cut the call.. am new to this JDE, ...

Website invite system that works

Hi all, I created a social network and i wanna know if there is any free invite systems i can add on my website that works. It can be a widget etc as long as it works. I have been using openinviter but this has siezed working. Is there any out there that works for you. i dnt use wordpress or joomla. ...

How to launch an application from a contact in Android?

I would like to write an application which would be launched from the Contacts list in the phone. That is, you choose a contact using the normal contacts application, and where you can dial to the contact, send an Email or SMS, you can also launch my application with this contact's activity. How can this be done? ...

iPhone iOS4 - how to work with address book and calendar?

I need to know how I can access my calendar and contacts from my iPhone from my own App? Is it possible? I need it because I created a stats App and need to know how many contacts and calenders posts the phone has. ...

retrieve contact's nickname, part 2

Hello, A few weeks ago I asked exactly the same question here. At first, I thought the answers solved my problem, but they didn't. I just didn't notice that I wasn't able to solve my problem with those answers. However, what I've got now is: final Cursor phoneCursor = context.getContentResolver().query(Uri.withAppendedPath(PhoneLookup...

Android: Accessing Contacts from SIM card memory

I've been tryin to develop an app which requires to access contacts from SIM memory. Here is the code i've used but there is runtime exception. { Uri simUri = Uri.parse("content://icc/adn"); c=getContentResolver().query(simUri, null, null, null, null); startManagingCursor(c); getContacts(); } private void ge...

Editing a view in the iPhone like in Contacts app

In Contacts application when you click on "Edit" button on the right side of the navbar, view will dynamically change it self in order to allow user edit various stuff. Besides other cool animated stuff that is going on, what I am really interested in though is the bottom "Delete Contact" button which appears when in edit mode and disap...