
How can the Maven unique version string be customized?

I'd like to know what options exist to customize the timestamp string used in Maven artifact deploys when <uniqueVersion>true</uniqueVersion> is set. Ideally, we'd like to include the changelist number from source control instead of a timestamp as it's a more dependable means of determining what features and bug fixes are in a given bu...

Is it possible to pre-create a virtualenv for use in hudson builds?

I'm following the outline of the hudson/python/virtualenv CI solution described at but one step of this is really chafing, and that's the part where the virtualenv, created just for the CI run, is configured: pip install -q -E ./ve -r requirements.pip pip install -q -E ./ve -r requirements-test.pip This takes an inordinate ...

CruiseControl.Net: How Do I setup auto-deployment when an SVN Tag is created

Hello! I am using CruiseControl.Net for continuous integration and I know how to have CruiseControl.Net automatically deploy a project when an SVN commit is made. This works well on development and staging servers, but definitely not for production servers. We are tagging our production releases and so I want to have CruiseControl.Net...

Database Unit-Testing. What is the best database testing approach for enterprise solution running CI, having branches and heavy databases?

So situation is following: We have some very old product, that has dozen of solutions. Many of them run different unit tests, some MSTest, some NUnit. There are lot of tests that test database, also some depend on data. In other words they execute code to check if customer Andriy has orders with products A and B. I know that this is wron...

How can I include database changes (DDL patches, one-time data inserts, etc) in my build process?

I run my build script and then I have to remember which of the database SQL and PL/SQL scripts to run each time I deploy my application. How can I include these patches in my build script? Or does everybody just run them manually? Currently I number my patches so I know the order to run them, but sometimes I have to check SVN history ...

How to build and deploy to Windows Azure using Powershell and Hudson?

Hi I am looking at getting a continuous integration/continuous deployment environment set up for my windows azure project and I was wondering if anyone had managed to (can point me in the right direction to) build and deploy a windows azure cloud service using powershell and Hudson and perhaps has sample scripts. I can get the projec...

How to build Silverlight 4 applications without Visual Studio?

Hi, We're setting up a TeamCity build server for continuous integration. To keep things clean, we don't want to install Visual Studio on the build server. I'm wondering how we can build Silverlight 4 apps without it? I'd expect there to be a Silverlight 4 SDK which installs separately from VS - but so far I haven't found one. There's ...

Is there any way to run a cruisecontrol project in some specific days at an specific time?

Hi, i know you can configure a project to be run at any time of the day, but is there the possibility to configure it to run only some specific days at any specific time? Thanks in advance --Victor ...

Determine which Unit Tests to Run Based on Diffs

Does anyone know of a tool that can help determine which unit tests should be run based on the diffs from a commit? For example, assume a developer commits something that only changes one line of code. Now, assume that I have 1000 unit tests, with code coverage data for each unit test (or maybe just for each test suite). It is unlikel... statistics tutorial.

The statistics module of CC.Net is very interesting. But the documentation about it is very poor. I did some internet research to figure out how to include a new counter (ex: LOC, compiler warnings, etc.) or other graphics to show but found nothing structured. Does anyone know where I could find a tutorial or something? ...

Lightweight Continuous Integration for a centrally Haskell/Darcs toolchain?

I want some simple CI for a small dev setup. Two motivations -- a full build takes some time, and an anticipated testsuite will also take some time. I really would rather not dive headfirst into one of the big players that require a java application container or whatever to show fancy graphs with multiple colors and etc. I'd be intereste...

What build systems exist for purely front-end code?

I'm looking to implement a build system that will run unit tests and JSLint on the Javascript, generate documentation and compress JavaScript and CSS into minified packages. I might also add an integration step, which automatically uploads the code to a server on each build. I feel overwhelmed by all the choices in build systems - some...

Separate Building from Deployment with Hudson

Hi All, We have started using Hudson, and the current workflow is: checkout locally > code > run tests > update > run tests > commit Rather that polling, Hudson simply sits there until we instantiate a build. It then: checkout locally > run Phing script The Phing script then: svn export latest revision > run tests (if successful) ...

TFS 2010 Automated Build Server

Hi There! I'm looking to create an automatic build server which runs either when the developer check in changes to a solution or a certain time frame is reached (say 24 hours). I've looked around, and from what I understand - VS2010 has a different CI to older version, and as such, I can't find much information regarding such a process...

Compile Delphi 2010 Project with MSBuild

Hi Everybody, I am trying to compile a Delpho 2010 project using the msbuild tool. Unfortunately when firing the command msbuild Delphi.dproj it returns the error code MSB4040, which means that there is no target in the project. So far a RAD Delphi 2010 environment is still installed on the machine. Does anybody know which files do ...

Is there any automated metrics collector for my Java project?

I'm trying to collect software code metrics in my Java project on every cycle of continuous integration. I'm interested mostly in size-related metrics like number of classes, number of methods, function points, lines of code, etc. I would like to get a summary report with these metrics in some XML file. Later I will use it in project rep...

Exception Error when I try to initialize hudson.war

Hi there, I have installed hudson on Ubuntu server and then run java -jar hudson.war, giving me this exception error message: Status Code: 500 Exception: The error below occurred during context initialisation, so no further requests can be processed: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at java.lang.Class.initiali...

Verify that a Silverlight app loads without unhandled errors?

I'm involved with developing a Silverlight application together with a few developers. We use Hudson to build and deploy the application to a test server, the process is roughly like this: Developer checks in changes. Hudson detects changes, checks them out and builds the solution. If the build is successful, the new application is dep...

Continous integration tool for symfony project

I have to set up continous integration for php. My CI server should be able to build the project, run the unit tests and create a report with the result. What would be the best continuos integration tool for a symfony project? I can't decide between phpUnderControl + CruiseCotrol, Xinc, or Hudson. ...

TeamCity: Failed to detect target in MSBuild project

Hi Everybody, I have some problems with the TeamCity MSBuild replacement I think. I've tried to compile a Delphi 2010 Project (MSBuild compliant) with NAnt using the MSBuild task (NAnt Contrib). Everything works fine, if I do it without TeamCity on the console. If I try it with TeamCity, I get the following error message: Failed to ...