
What is the difference between Hudson and CruiseControl for Java projects?

I think the title sums it up. I just want to know why one or the other is better for continous integration builds of Java projects from Svn. ...

Continuous Integration stack on Windows with Mercurial + Mercurial Queues?

We've been using Mercurial with Mercurial Queues (+guards for patches) for source control of a number of Windows ASP.Net projects. I'm interested in setting up a Continuous Integration environment for this but am getting lost in conflicting reports of success with CC/Trac etc. I'm wondering who else out there is doing this and what...

How and why do I set up a C# build machine?

Hi all, I'm working with a small (4 person) development team on a C# project. I've proposed setting up a build machine which will do nightly builds and tests of the project, because I understand that this is a Good Thing. Trouble is, we don't have a whole lot of budget here, so I have to justify the expense to the powers that be. So ...

xHTML markup checker integrated in Selenium

Hello Recently, I thought about how can I improve the quality of the projects, by using Continuous checking of xHTML source at Continuous Integration machine. Look, we have a project - jTidy JTidy is a Java port of HTML Tidy, a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer. It can validate the xHTML thr...

PHP build/integration tools: Do you use them?

After reading the "Modern PHP workflow" article in the November 2008 edition of php|architect magazine which discussed unit testing (phpUnit), build tools (Phing) and continuous integration (Xinc), I'm inspired the learn more about some of the tooling available for PHP, especially Phing. In the past I've often handled deployment to a p...

Integrating Wix with MSBuild

Hi, we are looking to automate an MSI generation for a product we are developing. Currently we have MSBuild building out the source to a network location, this is fine for testing but when it comes to releasing the software we will need to wrap it in an MSI. The software is all .Net bar 1 COM component that will need registered on eac...

How do I determine which platform version is required?

This frequently comes up: I've built software, and possibly used some new language / platform / standard library features that are available on some version (say, Java 1.6.10 or PHP 5.2) upwards, but of course I can't exactly remember. I'm only sure that it runs at least on the version I'm using (which is typically the newest version ava...

WCF Automated Deployment

I am in the process of setting up some IIS hosted WCF projects for continuous integration and am stuck trying to find the best and simplest way to get deployment automated. Right now, I have the build and deploy working with CC.NET, MSBUILD and a batch file that copies the necessary files to the deployment folder, but I think there must...

Continuous build with .NET and Java projects on a single machine

Is it possible to set up continuous build of projects written in .NET and Java on single build server with single set of applications? I've seen CruiseControl has support for both world but as far as I know these are two separate applications. Should I go with a separate machine to build Java projects (a machine for .NET projects is alr...

Continuous integration / Cruisecontrol advice

Hi, I've been tasked with setting up a continuous integration server for our project and am weighing up the options. I would like to use cc.rb rather than cc for the simple fact that I'd rather be writing Ruby than XML. From what I can see cc is a more mature product and comes with more features out of the box. So I would like to know...

Pass a command line argument to Ant in Hudson

I'm trying to pass a -lib argument to ant as part of an automated build using Hudson but can't see a way to do this. I could add the relevant libraries to the ant/lib folder but that would then mean the same version of the library necessarily being shared by all builds on that machine. Any help much appreciated. ...

ASP.NET Application - Extract, Test, Compile, and Deploy

Assumption: I'm very new to the Continuous Integration space. What is the method I should use for Extracting, Testing, Compiling, Deploying an ASP.NET (.NET 3.5) application. Step 1) Sometimes I would like to pull the latest source from TFS, and sometimes Subversion. Step 2) Run all tests. (I am currently using MbUnit) Step 3) If al...

Have buildbot poll a git repository for new commits?

Is there a buildbot plugin that will poll a git repository for new commits, like the currently included changes.SVNPoller? The closest I have found is, but it works as a post-commit hook, so will not work with my setup (using Github, and buildbot on a machine that github's post-commit cannot reach) - simply polling the g...

Cruise Control .NET alternatives?

Any ideas as regards alternatives to Cruise Control .NET? ...

Continuous integration and handling project references

I have decided to start using Team City as my continuous integration software and I am having some problems how I should handle my project references as the assemblies my projects depends upon are located at different locations in my developer solutions and the solutions in team city (I am using the vs2008 solution files option for the b...

Perforce as integration and build server on w2k3x64?

Hi We are in the process of migrating from TFS 2005 to Perforce and moving to more Simple TDD type process for our software. Do you have any resources for setting Perforce up as an intergation and build server? Looked at this question wh...

Continuous Integration - How To Get Developers Bought-In To The Idea

I'm a freelance developer and have recently set up source control and automated builds (CI and nightly) for a software development team at a client which did not previously use these techniques. Whilst they are now using the source control (albeit somewhat begrudgingly), I just don't seem able to get them bought into the concept of cont...

Resources for setting up Flex projects with Hudson

I'm looking into setting up a CI environment for our flex projects. I have very little experience in setting up an environment like this, but have read a lot about it and think we could benefit a lot from this in our projects. I do have experience with ANT and we're currently using it for our building. I've been looking at Hudson for a w...

"Selling" trac/buildbot/etc to upper management

My team works mostly w/ Flex-based applications. That being said, there are nearly no conventions at all (even getting them to refactor is a miracle in itself) and the like. Coming from a .NET + CruiseControl.NET background, I've been aching to getting everyone to use some decent tracking software (we're using a todo list coded in PHP n...

Build Server Hardware Configuration

So I've seen this question, but I'm looking for some more general advice: How do you spec out a build server? Specifically what steps should I take to decide exactly what processor, HD, RAM, etc. to use for a new build server. What factors should I consider to decide whether to use virtualization? I'm looking for general steps I need to...