
How to create an options screen similar to Office 2007 in .NET

I think the options screen in Office 2007 is much preferrable to the "traditional" fixed-size options dialog with multiple tabbed pages. What would be the best way to create a similar options screen for my own .NET application? Is there an existing control I can buy (or use for free) to do this? Would it be easier to do this in WPF? ...

How to Let WPF Control Animation Complete before Removing from Visual Tree

I have a scenario where I would like to animate a WPF control right before it is removed from the visual/logical trees. The control is custom, and the control style, including animations would be supplied by a designer (i.e. I don't know the details of what they will be at the time of writing the control code). I would like to provide ...

MyProject.MyClass - vb.NET custom controls

In a Visual Basic project, I created a homemade TabControl in order to fix a visual bug. The control works properly, however whenever I modify the form using my tab, Visual Studio adds MyProject in front of the control in its declaration: Me.tabMenu = New MyProject.MyClass 'Gives a BC30002 compile error If I remove the MyProject., th...

GridView Checkbox Column

I used to have a class in 1.1 for the Datagrid that inherited from the DataGridColumn class. This allowed me to create a check box column with a client-side un/check-all box in the header. Then as I designed my grid I would just add my custom column. I am currently on a project where I need similar functionality for the grid view, howev...

"Autocomplete off" not working in IE - ASP.Net

Question: Is there any reason Autocomplete=off on a ASP:Textbox would not be working in IE 7? In case this is the best term for it, the IE Autocomplete feature is that drop down list like thing that drops down from textboxes and shows you past things you have typed in. I need the IE Autocomplete feature to not work at this point for a ...

Accessing control, ajax,

Hi. I have one aspx page with some controls. Also i have one DIV which is dynamically populated from AJAX call. This AJAX call return couple of controls, for example HtmlInputText1 and HtmlInputText2. When page is submitted, I can get values from this controls through Request.Form. If possible access to the attributes of this control ...

Can you disable an ASP validation on an event click before it postbacks and performs the validation?

(ASP with c#) -Can you disable an ASP validation on an event click before it postbacks and performs the validation? I would like to load some details into a bunch of text-boxes with field validators on them, However I need to Disable the validation of these text-boxes in order to actually fill them as the validation seems to occur at p...

Decimal Textbox in Windows Forms

Hi, I am doing an Financial Winforms application and am having some trouble with the controls. My customer needs to insert decimal values all over the place (Prices, Discounts etc) and I'd like to avoid some of the repeating validation. So I immediately tried the MaskedTextBox that would fit my needs (with a Mask like "€ 00000.00"), i...

List View C# stay selected

Hello , I have a list view that after a double click, a record opens a new form to show the details, but the record in the list view lost the "selection".... How do I know which record was clicked ??? Thanks Maria João ... (desktop) context menu assigned to multiple controls owner problem

I have two different grid controls on the same form. They share the same context menu. I am having trouble determining which control is the owner when I select the context menu item. ...

How do you access the content of a ASP.NET control?

I was wondering if it is possible to do something like this: <uc1:TestControl ID="TestControl1" runat="server"> <div>More random HTML, etc...</div> </uc1:TestControl> I got an error of "Type 'System.Web.UI.UserControl' does not have a public property named 'div'.". Doing a little research, I found I could add the foll...

Detect when JavaScript is disabled in ASP.NET

In the Render method of an ASP.NET web-control, I need to alter the output of the Html based on whether JavaScript is enabled or disabled on the clients browser, Does anyone know the right incantation to figure that out? ...

Design Question - Control Array

Ok, I know how to do this, but I want to know if this is the BEST way. I have a table called "Topics" which has a list of topics(obv). I have a page with about 20 (+/-10) check boxes with all the different topics a user can subscribe to. I figured the best way to do this is to make a control array of check boxes and populate it on page...

Ax controls in VS 2008( and VS 2005) .NET Web Application

I am trying to add my Ax controls to a .NET Web form. But, the controls are grayed out in the Toolbox ( after I add them using "Choose Items" and selecting from the COM tab). So, I started thinking may be this Ax cotrol can be added onto a WinForms app and not a Web form. But, what confuses me is that I was able to do it using VS 2003. I...

MFC: Capturing Resizes

Just wondering where is best to put functionality in an MFC application that is triggered when the whole window is resized. I was thinking mainfrm but I couldn't seem to capture any OnSize messages... Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? ...

Winforms ComboBox SelectedValueChange event

How do I prevent code from executing in the SelectedValueChange event of a combobox when the combobox is being loaded for the first time? I need the code to execute when the user has selected a new value. ...

Hiding and showing content in ASP.Net based on value

I am looking for an elegant solution for removing content from an ASP.Net page if no data has been set. Let me explain this a little more. I have some blocks of data on a page that contain some sub-sections with individual values in them. If no data has been set for one of the values I need to hide it (so it does not take up space). Als...

Can you add data to a datagrid with no data source?

I have a DataGrid with 5 template columns, However when I try and add some dynamically created controls into the grid, it fails, as there are no rows. -Can i add a blank row in and use that? and how? -Or any other way? ...

Am I supposed to be able to alter other controls from an ASP.NET page event handler?

Hi, I'm trying to disable a label control from the CheckedChanged event handler of a checkbox. Should I be able to do this? At the moment if I set Enabled to false nothing changes when the page reloads. If I do the same thing in Page_Load then I see the change. To clarify: This doesn't work: protected void chkNeverExpires_CheckedChan...

CMFCToolTipCtrl or CTooltipManager examples?

Has anyone tried using these new VS2008 MFC classes yet? I can't seem to find any examples anywhere. Even the VS2008 samples(1) don't mention these classes. (They use CToolTip.) (1) Update: My mistake. I had downloaded the non-SP1 samples. I see that the SP1 samples have samples specifically for the 2008 Feature Pack, including the DlgT...