
Problems with ShapeArray and converting it to C#

I have converted a VB6 application to VB.NET, because eventually I want to convert it to C#. But I have problems in regard of ShapeArray that inherits BaseControlArray. These are my problems : I create a RectangleShapeArray class in the VB .Net solution. And then I converted to C#. But when calling RectangleShapeArray.Load(1), it says...

Mercurial from Subversion: moves, renames and tags

I have a subversion repo with the following layout: svnrepo/projectA/trunk svnrepo/projectA/tags svnrepo/projectA/branches svnrepo/projectB/trunk svnrepo/projectB/tags svnrepo/projectB/branches which I would like to move to a mercurial repo with a revised layout: hgrepo/projectA hgrepo/projectB What is the best way of doing this? S...

Extract first two digits of hex (UInt32 *) and convert to int

I have a bunch of hex values stored as UInt32* 2009-08-25 17:09:25.597 Particle[1211:20b] 68000000 2009-08-25 17:09:25.598 Particle[1211:20b] A9000000 2009-08-25 17:09:25.598 Particle[1211:20b] 99000000 When I convert to int as is, they're insane values when they should be from 0-255, I think. I think I just need to extract the firs...

Convert Access Database to 97 format

Is there a way of converting an Access Database into a 97 file format, using Access 2007. I know the GUI cant do it, and I have tried: Application.ConvertAccessProject _ SourceFilename:="C:\cCentre\Database\CommDBBad.mdb", _ DestinationFilename:="C:\cCentre\Database\CommDB97.mdb", _ DestinationFileFormat:=acFileFormatAccess9... Hexadecimal to 8-bit unsigned array

I have a hexadecimal value 07A5953EE7592CE8871EE287F9C0A5FBC2BB43695589D95E76A4A9D37019C8 which I want to convert to a byte array. Is there a built in function in .NET 3.5 that will get the job done or will I need to write a function to loop through each pair in the string and convert it to its 8-bit integer equivalent? ...

Can you convert a System.Windows.Control.Image to a System.Drawing.Icon?

The title of the question pretty much states the problem. Is it possible? ...

C# Convert a 2-dimensional array into a dataset / datatable

hi, does anyone know how to turn a 2-dimensional array into a dataset or datatable in c#? Source: a range of values from excel (interop) in an object[,] array. Thanks. ...

Convert Sqlite BigInt to Date

I have a Sqlite database that I am using as an job store for my scheduler jobs. In one table, a column called START_TIME is of type big int. Is there a way to cast or convert a bigint to a date value? I would like to be able to query the database to see which jobs are scheduled at what date/time and a value such as...

C#: How do I parse a string with a decimal point to a double?

I guess this is a very easy question, but I wasn't able to find a question with Google or the MSDN examples. I want to parse a string like "3.5" to a double. However, double.Parse("3.5") yields 35 and double.Parse("3.5", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint) (something I tried in my desperation ;) ) which compiles...

C# convert hex into ip

i have hex values in the format of 4a0e94ca etc, and i need to convert them into IP's, how can i do this in C# ? ...

The Simplest Steps to Converting TCL TK to a Stand Alone Application

Hello: After running into major compatitiblity problems with C#, ASP.NET, MS Access, Linux, and Mono, I've decided to program in a language that is cross-platform, open source, and compatible with embedded databases that are also compatible with many platforms. I narrowed my choice down to TCL. Before I began a sample application with...

MySQL to SQL Server 2005

How can I convert a database from MySQL to MS SQL Server 2005? ...

SQL Update varchar to date error

Hi I have a table with 5 million records of dates stored as char(10) with format yyyy/mm/dd. I need to convert these to datetime, so I use: UPDATE [Database].[dbo].[Table] SET [DoB]=convert(datetime,[DoBText],103) GO But I get the error: "The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range...

A bunch of logged exceptions in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

I have a large project where we have 2-3 dll projects that are converted from VB6 to VB.NET. We have fixed all the issues that caused compilation errors, and most of obvious issues in running, so now we have basically a program up and running. The exe is created from scratch in VB.NET, using a lot of functionality from the converted dll'...

Convert these lines from C# to VB.Net?

Hi, I'm wondering how this can be converted to VB.NET. private void RaiseStreamVolumeNotification() { if (StreamVolume != null) { StreamVolume(this, new StreamVolumeEventArgs() { MaxSampleValues = (float[])maxSamples.Clone() }); } } public class StreamVolumeEventArgs : EventArgs { public...

Convert XFDL files to HTML?

If I have some forms in Extensible Forms Description Language (XFDL) format, is there a good way render them as HTML? Someone hasn't been kind enough to create an free XSLT file for doing this transformation, have they? What might my other options me? ...

add two or more time strings in php

Hi, I have an array with times (string) e.g "2:23", "3:2:22" etc. $times = array("2:33", "4:2:22", "3:22") //loner I want to find the total sum of all array. Is there a way that I could add times like "2:33" and "3:33" ("i:s") thanks ...

function to take array of arbitrary type in c#

I've made a function that processes an array of objects, process(Object[]). It works on any type including integers and floats so long as you box each element first. I'd like the function to take unboxed elements aswell, if only to box it itself before processing. How do I do that? I could wrap with a few functions like process(int[]) a...

Convert an array of different value types to a byte array

This is what I've come up with so far, but it doesn't seem very optimal, any ideas on better approaches? public void ToBytes(object[] data, byte[] buffer) { byte[] obytes; int offset = 0; foreach (object obj in data) { if (obj is string) obytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(((string)obj)); ...

Convert pdf,doc,ppt,xls files to html using php

Hello friends, Actually I want all files view as html like gmail in view as html. I have used below code for doc view as html but here not displaying font style (bold,color,etc...) function parseWord($userDoc) { $fileHandle = fopen($userDoc, "r"); $line = @fread($fileHandle, filesize($userDoc)); $lines = explode(chr(0...