
Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.

Created a stored procedure in SQL 9 (2005) and have since upgraded to SQL 10 (2008). Since then, the following stored procedure has stopped working and thrown up the above error: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetModifiedPages] @vPortalUID nvarchar(32) = '' AS BEGIN -- Convert GUID to UI DECLARE @nPortalUID AS uniqueidentifier ...

convert pdf, doc, docx, xls, etc. to rtf in .NET

I need to allow user to store his documents on a USB flash drive so that they can be opened on any computer. the idea is to convert common formats (pdf, doc, xls, etc.) to rtf and just show rtf (since that is always available and doesn't require any software to be installed on the pc). are there any components that can do that? I don't...

How convert an String to an specific DateTime format in c#?

Hi, How to convert the string "28/09/2009" to DateTime in an specific format? Ex: I want to convert "2009-09-28 17:30:40" to DateTime. I want to convert "28/09/2009 17:30:40" to DateTime. I want to convert "20090928 17:30:40" to DateTime. There is multiples possible formats. I try this: string[] formats = new string[] {"yyyymmdd","y...

Convert Maven Site Software Documentation to PDF

I am currently working on a project written in Java and I am using Maven and the maven-site-plugin to generate a website containing all the relevant JavaDoc, reports, etc. I am needing at the same time to be able to convert the same documentation into a readable, book-like format. Are there any scripts or tools out there designed to ta...

How can I improve this convert(int,myColumn) query?

SQL Server 2000 Background I've got a table that stores miscellaneous meta data about a specific course in my course table. The table is defined: create table course_prefs { id int identity not null, crs_nbr int references course (crs_nbr) not null, fiscal_yr int not null, group_name varchar(50) not null, item_name varchar(50) null, ...

How to convert vector from 1-row table in R

In R, I have a 1-row table. How do I convert that to a vector? Specifically, the table is this: 0 1 2 3 4 21 35 46 62 36 I've tried bracket notation but to no avail! ...

How to convert a JavaScript array of doubles to a .NET array of doubles?

What is the best way to convert a JavaScript array of doubles return [2.145, 1.111, 7.893]; into a .NET array of doubles, when the Javascript array is returned from a webbrowser controls document object object o = Document.InvokeScript("getMapPanelRegion"); without using strings and parsing? The object returned is of type __ComObj...

how to detect and fix character encoding in a mysql database via php?

I have received this database full of people names and data in French, which means, using characters such as é,è,ö,û, etc. Around 3000 entries. Apparently, the data inside has been encoded sometimes using utf8_encode(), and sometimes not. This result in a messed up output: at some places the characters show up fine, at others they don't...

php function convert curly quotes and em dashes into " and -

Has anyone got a function to convert convert curly quotes and em dashes into " and -? I've tried writing one but it fails when copying stuff from MS word into a textarea. Thanks ...

Convert a-z to print out abcdef....z?

I want to be able to have a user input a-z or c-z or c-p or whatever and have it return the actual letters between those two. I figured I would have to use ASCII numbering so I could use these steps: 1) Look for '-', if true 2) Look at first char that was input(char a in a-z), find ASCII # 3) Look at last char that was input (char z ...

Converting Decimal to ASCII Character

I am trying to convert an decimal number to it's character equivalent. For example: int j = 65 // The character equivalent would be 'A'. Sorry, forgot to specify the language. I thought I did. I am using the Cocoa/Object-C. It is really frustrating. I have tried the following but it is still not converting correctly. char_num1 ...

Converting an object defined in ASP.NET code to an object created in C#?

I have this: <cc1:UpdatePanelAnimationExtender ID="UpdatePanelAnimationExtender1" TargetControlID="pnlUpdatePeriodDetails" runat="server"> <Animations> <OnUpdating> <Parallel duration="0"> <ScriptAction Script="onUpdating('divLoadingImage', 'divDetailsCon...

get code from silverlight publish?

Is there any way to get the code from a silverlight publish? My laptop has completely crashed, the only thing if have left from my application, is the published website. Is there a tool or something to get the code from my app? ...

TinyMce - Copy/paste changes url of image

Hi, On my site I use url rewrite mode and probably that's causing troubles... I use my own image insertion and it works fine (I enter image abolute url and using button it is converted to html tag). Problem occurs only when, in editor, I copy (or cut) picture (which has absolute url) and then paste it again to text. Pasted version of ur...

Parsing font info and converting it to System.Drawing.Font

hello all, i have a text file that contains font information like this: Arial, 12.5 ...and I need to read that info into label.Font like this: label.Font = new Font(fontNameFields[0], Single.Parse(fontNameFields[1])); ... but I always get the following error: Index was outside the bounds of the Array. Can somebody please help me w...

Has C#/.NET builtin conversion routines for length units?

Has C#/the .NET library builtin routines or constants for converting e. g. millimetres to inches? If so, where can I find them? (I just do not want to produce duplicate code again and again.) ...

Json to XML tool?

Hi all, I have one json file but an application that I use imports data only from xml files. So does somebody know of a tool that converts json files to xml? I've been looking for such tool for a few hours and could only find tools that create json files from xml. Thanks! ...

Faster version of Convert.ChangeType

Hi all. In an application that I have, I am doing quite frequent calls to Convert.ChangeType in order to convert a value to a dynamically loaded type. However, after profiling with ANTS, I've found that this Convert.ChangeType seems to take a significant portion of time (due to being called quite often). Does anyone have a faster al...

ASP .NET C# - Put round SqlDataSource into square DataTable hole?

Using the GiosPDF Library in a ASP .NET 3.5 web application. The library examples use a datatable to populate a PDF table. All my data is in various SQLDataSources. How do I convert/cast the SqlDataSource into a Datatable? I tried this: DataView sdsLateRoutesDV = new DataView(); DataTable sdsLateRoutesDT = new DataTable(); sdsLat...

How to edit scanned pdf?

I want to edit text and delete some pictures and background in pdf. How can I do this without downloading any software? ...