
VBScript - image to binary

Hi to all, i'm not a VB programmer but i need a vbscript that convert image file (from local disk) to be converted to binary data and the passed to webservice. I realize how to pass data to webservice but i can't find how to convert the image file to binary data. I spend a lot of time to find some kind of solution but with no luck. Can ...

How to programmically get the height/width of an image?

On my PHP application, I allow users to upload images. I then process the images to resize it to a manageable size. Within my PHP script, I run the following UNIX command (ImageMagick): convert -size 320x240 This limits/constrains the height/width to be no larger than 320 by 240. However, I don't know actually what size "convert" r...

Convert SQL - LINQ - Problem with using both Min/Max

Hello all, Is there a online system which converts SQL - LINQ or can anyone else help convert the SQL - LINQ below? SELECT MIN(startTime) As startTime, MAX(endTime) As endTime FROM tblRA LEFT JOIN tblA ON tblRA.asID = tblA.asID WHERE 'xxxxxx' BETWEEN tblRA.startDate AND tblRA.endDate AND tblA.availabilityDayOfWeek = 7 The main area I...

Date conversion from db to display

I'm reading a datetime field from mysql db. I'd like to convert it in PHP: from: 2009-05-23 14:46:23 to 05/23/2009 02:46 pm Notice the am/pm conversion. Thanks in advance.. ...

Converting 3D positions to 2D?

Say I have a 3D object's position, and the camera's location and rotation matrix. How, would I go about converting this to a 2 Dimensional position on the screen? So that I could draw over the 3D object? You see, I'm using an engine that only allows 3D Env + 2D Gui, so I can't do my normal approach of drawing in 3D, but scaled up. I n...

Convert C# statement body lambda to VB

It appears that VB in VS8 doesn't support/convert lambda expressions with a statement body. I'm using them in my C# application, but now must convert it to VB. I'm creating a whole bunch of controls dynamically, and I want to be able to give them event handlers on the fly. This is so I can build a dynamic user interface from a databas...

How can i convert a file from avi to flv with php?

It's possible? I don't need the complete solution, just an hint on how to do. Everything is appreciated, thanx. ...

convert exponential to decimal in python

I have an array in python that contains a set of values, some of them are 2.32313e+07 2.1155e+07 1.923e+07 11856 112.32 How do I convert the exponential formats to the decimal format Additional: Is there a way I can convert the exponent directly to decimal when printing out in UNIX with awk? ...

How to convert an ASCII value into a character in .NET

There are a million posts on here on how to convert a character to its ASCII value. Well I want the complete opposite. I have an ASCII value stored as an int and I want to display its ASCII character representation in a string. i.e. please display the code to convert the int 65 to A. What I have currently is String::Format("You typed '...

MFC: How to i convert DWORD and BYTE to LPCTSTR in order to display in MessageBox

I'm using VS2005 with "using Unicode Character Set" option typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned long DWORD; BYTE m_bGeraet[0xFF]; DWORD m_dwAdresse[0xFF]; How do i make the code work? MessageBox (m_bGeraet[0], _T("Display Content")); MessageBox (m_dwAdresse[0], _T("Display Content")); ...

How to get a enum value from string in C# ?

Hi, I have an enum: public enum baseKey : uint { HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = 0x80000000, HKEY_CURRENT_USER = 0x80000001, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002, HKEY_USERS = 0x80000003, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = 0x80000005 } How can i, given the string "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", get a value 0x80000002 based on the enum ? Thanks Luiz C...

How to convert to m4v

by script or programmatically ? I have a bunch of files that need to be converted wondering if there's a better way than go through the prompts one at a time OS windows Vista/XP ...

Conversion of a decimal to double number in C# results in a difference

Summary of the problem: For some decimal values, when we convert the type from decimal to double, a small fraction is added to the result. What makes it worse, is that there can be two "equal" decimal values that result in different double values when converted. Code sample: decimal dcm = 8224055000.0000000000m; // dcm = 8224055000 ...

Convert Bitmap Files into JPEG using the GD library in PHP

I have been trying to figure out a way to convert bitmap files into a JPEG using the GD library in PHP. I have tried numerous implementations but nothing seems to work. I have tried to tell my client that they should not use Bitmap files but he insists and quite frankly does not comprehend enough about computers to convert them to JPG ...

sstream not working...(STILL)

I am trying to get a double to be a string through stringstream, but it is not working. std::string MatlabPlotter::getTimeVector( unsigned int xvector_size, double ts ){ std::string tv; ostringstream ss; ss << "0:" << ts << ":" << xvector_size; std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl; return ss.str(); } It outputs only...

Convert string to DateTime in c#

Hi, can someone please tell me the easiest way to convert the following date created using.. dateTime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) into a proper DateTime object? 20090530123001 thanks. NB: I have tried Convert.ToDateTime(...) but got a FormatException. ...

Convert a string with a hex representation of an IEEE-754 double into JavaScript numeric variable

Suppose I have a hex number "4072508200000000" and I want the floating point number that it represents (293.03173828125000) in IEEE-754 double format to be put into a JavaScript variable. I can think of a way that uses some masking and a call to pow(), but is there a simpler solution? A client-side solution is needed. This may help. I...

Convert UTC string to TDatetime in Delphi

eg. var tm : string; dt : tdatetime; tm := '2009-08-21T09:11:21Z'; dt := ? I know I can parse it manually but I wonder if there is built-in function or win32 api function to do this ? Any help would be appreciated. ...

Rewriting C# code in F#

Just messing about with F# and I was trying to create a basic Lagrange Interpolation function based on this C# version (copied from a C++ wiki entry): double Lagrange(double[] pos, double[] val, double desiredPos) { double retVal = 0; for (int i = 0; i < val.Length; ++i) { double weight = 1; ...

Convert a HashSet<T> to an array in .NET

How do I convert a HashSet<T> to an array in .NET? ...