
Cast or Convert?

I have am getting an error when I try and alter a date column: Arithmetic overflow error for type varchar, value = 20100601.000000. I would like it to go from float to the datetime format of 20100601. Since Alter doesn't work, how can I use cast or convert to change the datatype for every entry in the table? ...

declare or convert a string to array format PHP

How to convert a string format into an array format? I have a string, $string = 'abcde' I want to convert it to a 1 element array $string[0] = 'abcde' Is there a built in function for this task? Or the shortest way is to $string = 'abcde'; $array[0] = $string; $string = $array; TIA ...

How can I display a full designer file in c#?

So I just got a C# program from someone that compiles and gives me a fully functional application. However, when I want to see the .cs{Design] file it gives me the following error: .ErrorStyle { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11 pt; .... How can I convert this to an actual Design file? I am working on Visual Studio C#. Thank you ve...

Generating 8000 text files from xml files

Hi all, i need to generate the same number of text files as the xml files i have. Within the text files, i need the title and maybe some other tags of it. I can generate text files with the elements i wanted but not all xml files can be generated. Only some of them are generated. Something might be wrong with my parser so help out please...

Reading a Windows 'binary' float into a ASP jscript variable

I need to read files produced by a legacy Windows app that stores real numbers (the 8-byte "double" type) in binary - i.e. as a packed array of 8 bytes. I can read the 8 byte group OK but how can I present it to my ASP JScript code such I can get the real number back again. Or to put it another way: Say a file was produced by a Window...

WPF Textblock Convert Issue

am usina text block in usercontrol, but am sending value to textblock from other form, when i pass some value it viewed in textblock, but i need to convert the number to text. so i used converter in textblock. but its not working <TextBlock Height="21" Name="txtStatus" Width="65" Background="Bisque" TextAlignment="Center" Text="{Bindin...

How to make a valid string for XML in JavaScript?

I'm looking for a function to convert a string to the xml string with xml entities where needed. Something like htmlentities in PHP but for XML and in Javascript. Thank you for any help! ...

Converting into FLV using Java

hello everybody... does anybody know how to convert any kind of video format into flv using java, i have been searching for a java api for converting video but it seems that there is no such thing but there might be a way to do it, i mean to make something like youtube service does converting the videos, but using java, i need a web appl...

IPv6 parsing in C

I wanted to know how i can parse an IPv6 address in 'C' and convert it to a 128 bit value? So a hex address like 1:22:333:aaaa:b:c:d:e:f needs to be converted to its 128 bit equivalent binary. The problem is the IP address could be of the type ::2 and its variant since they are valid IPv6 address. The input is from the keyboard and henc...

FFMPEG FLV to 3GP more then 176x144 size

Hi all I am converting my.flv to my.gp3 with this command ffmpeg -i my.flv -acodec libamr_nb -s 176x144 -ar 8000 -b 120000 -vcodec h263 -ab 10.2k -ac 1 my.3gp but size of my flv is 320x240 and I am trying change 176x144 to 320x240 but getting 3gp file with 0kb , how can I do that and get my.3gp file with same size like my.flv And one...

How to convert a String to a Hex Byte Array ?

Possible Duplicate: How do you convert Byte Array to Hexadecimal String, and vice versa, in C#? For testing my encryption algorithm I have being provided keys, plain text and their resulting cipher text. The keys and plaintext are in strings How do i convert it to a hex byte array?? Something like this : E8E9EAEBEDEEEFF0F2...

Read binary data from a MDB-file running under LAMP

I need to be able to connect to an MDB-file in a LAMP-environment (running on Linux) and ultimately insert converted data into a Mysql db. The data I need to access is stored as a BLOB (Long Binary Data according to Access) in the MDB file. I have not yet been able to actually have a look at the data but I have been told that the BLOB ...

GUID to ByteArray

I just wrote this code to convert a GUID into a byte array. Can anyone shoot any holes in it or suggest something better? public static byte[] getGuidAsByteArray(){ UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); long longOne = uuid.getMostSignificantBits(); long longTwo = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(); return new byte[] { (byte)(longOne ...

prototype to jquery, help please

Hello, I would ask for any user who knows how to program in jquery and prototype of a help to me in the following code in this prototype. function showPanelAds(){ $('ads').style.visibility="visible" } and function blog(id){ var ActionAjax = new Ajax.Updater( {success:'blogphere'}, '/inc/assistidos.asp', { met...

Convert from Price

Im attempting to Convert a Price (from an API (code below)). public class Price { public Price(); public Price(double data); public Price(double data, int decimalPadding); } What I would like to do is compare the price from this API to a Double. Simply trying to convert to Double isnt working as I would have hoped. Double...

How to convert elements of NSMutableArray to NSString

I have 1 NSMutableArray and I want to convert whatever data in array will be in NSString. tell me code for that. Array is nothing but object of NSMutableArray class. ...

Convert string to decimal retaining the exact input format

Hi All, I'm sure this is a piece of cake but I'm really struggling with something that seems trivial. I need to check the inputted text of a textbox on the form submit and check to see if it's within a desired range (I've tried a Range Validator but it doesn't work for some reason so I'm trying to do this server-side). What I want to ...

How can I implicitly convert another struct to my Type ?

Hello, As it is MyClass x = 120;, is it possible to create such a custom class? If so, how can I do that? ...

How can I implicitly convert my class to another type ?

For example implicitly MyClass myClass = new MyClass(); int i = myClass; ...

Opencv: Converting hue image to RGB image

I am trying to show the hue component of the image from my webcam. I have split apart the image into the hue component but I can't figure out how to show the hue component as the pure colors. For example if one pixel of the image was B=189 G=60 R=60 then in HSV, H=0. I don't want the draw image to be the the gray values of hue but the...