
How do i convert hdb file? ... believed to be from act! source

Any ideas ? I think the original source was a goldmine database, looking around it appears that the file was likely built using an application called ACT which I gather is a huge product I don't really want to be deploying for a one off file total size less than 5 meg. So ... Anyone know of a simple tool that I can run this file throu...

How can you convert RTF text to Markdown-syntaxed plain text in Cocoa?

I need to be able to convert RTF or HTML to Markdown-syntaxed plain text for uploading to my server. I need to achieve this in Cocoa/Obj-C 2.0. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks so much —» Alex. Edited Thu 4:53 PM Umm. In answer to Yuji's comment, I'm trying to make an NSStatusItem droplet that accepts text. It doesn't matter ...

perl code to python code

can you convert this perl code to python code : $list = $ARGV[0]; open (PASSFILE, "$list") || die "[-] Can't open the List of password file !"; @strings = <PASSFILE>; close PASSFILE; Thanks ...

Black-box generating Flash/SWF Files (possibly using Flex or openlazlo?)

I have used tools to convert HTML documents to image and PDF. Are there tools to convert documents into Flash documents. For example, I wish there was some black box way to generate to generate charts where users can zoom in and out. ...

How to convert an int to a binary number to a string in C++

I have an int that I want to first convert to a binary number. Then I want to store that binary number in a string. How can this be done? ...

Visual Studio Conversion Suite

I have this as my conversion program for the "Length", how can I do it the simpliest way instead of keeping the if, elseif, else too much, i do not have much experience and trying to improve my programming skills on visual studio 2008. Basically, I get annoyed with the formulas because I don't know if it is right, I use google but doesn...

How can I convert a byte array into a double and back?

For converting a byte array to a double I found this: //convert 8 byte array to double int start=0;//??? int i = 0; int len = 8; int cnt = 0; byte[] tmp = new byte[len]; for (i = start; i < (start + len); i++) { tmp[cnt] = arr[i]; //System.out.println(java.lang.Byte.toString(arr[i]) + " " + i); cn... MVC - Update Model on complex models

Hi there, I'm struggling myself trying to get the contents of a form which is a complex model and then update the model with that complex model. My account model has many individuals [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult OpenAnAccount(string area,[Bind(Exclude = "Id")]Account account, [Bind(Prefix="Account.Individuals")] En...

How do I cast <T> to varbinary and be still be able to perform a CONVERT on the sql side? Implications?

Hello, I'm writing this application that will allow a user to define custom quizzes and then allow another user to respond to the questions. Each question of the quiz has a corresponding datatype. All the responses to all the questions are stored vertically in my [Response] table. I currently use 2 fields to store the response. //Res...

How To Convert Arabic Number Ascii Code to String in ROR ?

I want to convert my English Numbers Pager to an Arabic one, I had something like <% @engnum = "0123456789" %> <% @arabnum = "٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩" %> <%= (@pagenumber).to_s.gsub(/./) {|s| @arabnum[@engnum.index(s)]} %> But this shows the ascii number not the actual number i need Any idea how to show the actual string (Number) Remember that...

Enable clipboard functions in swf generated by pdf2swf.

I am using pdf2swf ( to convert PDF's to .swf. I have written a flex application that loads the swf generated by pdf2swf. I want to enable select , copy and paste functions on the loaded swf. Is there a way to do this. Please note I am able to extract the text from the loaded swf using textSnapshot, which means ...

How do I turn a PDF email attachment to an image (jpg) in a PHP page?

Hi guys. Long time viewer, first time question asker. I'm trying to have my personal website parse through my mail box for attachments from a certain subscription list, and then be able to view the PDF attachments as images, preferably jpg. With the help of this: I'm currently...

How to convert string to any type

Hi there I want to convert a string to a generic type I have this: string inputValue = myTxtBox.Text; PropertyInfo propInfo = typeof(MyClass).GetProperty(myPropertyName); Type propType = propInfo.PropertyType; object propValue = ????? I want to convert 'inputString' to the type of that property, to check if it's compatible how...

How to convert DATETIME to FILETIME value in T-SQL?

I need to convert a SQL Server DATETIME value to FILETIME in a T-SQL SELECT statement (on SQL Server 2000). Is there a built-in function to do this? If not, can someone help me figure out how to implement this conversion routine as a UDF (or just plain Transact-SQL)? Here is what I know: FILETIME is 64-bit value representing the numbe...

How to convert gp4 file to pdf

There is any opensource convertor available or java api for converting gp4 file to pdf Thanks in advance ...

how to convert from timestamp to data in QT ?

hello all i have unix timestamp and i need to convert it to Human readable data + time how can it be done in QT ? ...

Desktop VB.NET <> C# converter

I've been using the Developer Fusion's tool for converting code snippets, and now I'm looking for a quality tool to convert entire projects between those languages, with minimum errors. Is there any good one available? ...

How to convert Xml files to Text Files

Hi all, I have around 8000 xml files that needs to be converted into text files. The text file must contain title, description and keywords of the xml file without the tags and removing other elements and attributes as well. In other words, i need to create 8000 text files containing the title,description and keywords of the xml file. I ...

How to convert Xml files to Text Files 2

Hi all, I have around 8000 xml files that needs to be converted into text files. The text file must contain title, description and keywords of the xml file without the tags and removing other elements and attributes as well. In other words, i need to create 8000 text files containing the title,description and keywords of the xml file. I ...

jQuery - field entry - how to duplicate and convert to seo friendly url

I have two HTML input fields article and url. How to duplicate field 'article' entry to field 'url' to SEO friendly link!? url allowed symbols a-z (capital letters converted to lowercase), url space symbol replace with dash -, url other symbols ignored. required typing just in field article <input type="text" name="article"> ur...