
Need help in converting String to Date format in Sybase

Hi, I am trying to convert two types of string into date format, however not able to do either of them. The problematic input strings with expected output are as follows: Input 1: 20100614191522 Expected output 1: 6/14/2010 7:15:22 PM Input 2: 2010/12 Expected output 2: 12/1/2010 12:00:00 AM I tried like , select convert(d...

[Blackberry] Convert a .jar file into a .cod file using bb-ant

Hello, I'm working on a Blackberry application (JDE 4.6.1) on a Windows system. I need to convert a .jar file in a .cod file using bb-ant-tools. Does anybody know how to do it? I'm using: <target name="convert"> <rapc import="source.jar" destdir="${path}\bin\" output="source" jdehome="${testing.jde}" generatesourcelist="true">...

How do I convert a int to an array of byte's and then back?

I need to send an integer through a NetworkStream. The problem is that I only can send bytes. Thats why I need to split the integer in four byte's and send those and at the other end convert it back to a int. For now I need this only in C#. But for the final project I will need to convert the four bytes to an int in Lua. [EDIT] How abo...

Converting folder copies to branches in TFS 2010

Hi, TFS 2010 introduced the ability to convert basic folders into branches. The documentation also speaks of "reparenting a branch" (which does not appear in source control explorer context menu but is accessible only through File>Source Control> Branching & Merging ... hard to find ...) Let's say I have folders A and A2 under source co...

Convert C# CUSTOM getSHA512 function into Ruby

hello, I was wondering if someone could help me to get this method converted to ruby, is this possible at all? public static string getSHA512(string str){ UnicodeEncoding UE = new UnicodeEncoding(); byte[] HashValue = null; byte[] MessageBytes = UE.GetBytes(str); System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed SHhash = new Sy...

Objective C ==> unichar[] to NSString ????

I have an array of unichars i need to convert it to nsstring. How can i do this? ...

How to convert coded to WORKING c# code ?

Hi I want to convert the code at Webcam using DirectShow.NET to C#. It works perfectly in I tried converting using an online converter, however I got about 30 errors, Any suggestions to what I must do next: This is the converter that I used : 1) Convert VB.NET to C# ...

Convert Excel 95 to Excel 97 Or Later

So we're using a third-party component for opening up and doing some work on excel sheets. However the tool cannot handle Excel 95 files. Does anyone know of a tool that can convert a Excel 95 file to a later format? It could point to an outside application...something command-line based would be best. Also: We cannot use Excel COM Inte...

How to create an exe file in java

Hi I want to create an exe file for my java app. I tried with some third party softwares JEXECreator, successfully created the exe file and its working fine in my system, when I tried with another machine, it’s not working. I got the following error * The error occurred while running the application. The exit code is 0x10000223. ...

Convert Cell Values On The Fly To Compare With Int Parameters

I'm working on a simple SQL View which has a field called DispatchNote of type varchar. Here is what I needed to do: Filter this view so that we only have rows in which the value of DispatchNote is convertible to int. Afterwords, I need to query this view again and filter it using a between clause, like so: SELECT * FROM ViewDispatchNot...

Can anyone convert this 60-bit value to geographic coordinates?!

I have a (DB2) database table containing location information, one column of which is a CHARACTER(16) and contains a single hexadecimal number. I have a program that displays these as points on a map, but no access to its source. Changing the numbers moves the points on the map — I just don't know the algorithm. Some examples (edited ...

convert breaks and paragraph breaks into new line in java

Basically I have an HTML fragment with <br> and <p></p> inside. I was able to remove all the HTML tags but doing so leaves the text in a bad format. I want something like nl2br() in PHP except reverse the input and output and also takes into account <p> tags. is there a library for it in Java? ...

Mercurial convert with filemap to separate subfolders creates empty repository

I have a large Hg repository (2+GB) that was converted from an svn repository. It has a number of websites in it, and we want to separate those out into separate Hg repos. The repositories are on a Windows 2008 Server and we're using the hg that comes with TortoiseHg. We've been trying to use the convert method with a filemap to create ...

SQL Converting string MMM.YY to date

Hi, how do i convert/cast a column contains strings e.g. Jan.08,Feb.08.. into date format so that i can sort them? Greatest Thanks! ...

How to convert date saved in String format to Date format

Hi, I am trying to convert string to date, but getting error. I am getting date using : URL xmlUrl = new URL(path); URLConnection urlconn = xmlUrl.openConnection(); Date = new Date(urlconn.getLastModified()); and then I ma saving this date in a file , which saves in the following format : Mon Jun 21 16:31:24 Asia/Karachi 2010 a...

How can I convert an OpenOffice Writer document (.odt) to multiple HTML files with navigation?

I have an OpenOffice Writer document (.odt) with a table of contents, sections, subsections, etc. Is there a quick way to convert (export) this into multiple HTML files with a navigation sidebar, converting the sections into links? ...

How do I convert an unsigned long array to byte in C++?

How do I convert an unsigned long array to byte in C++? I'm developing using VS2008 C++. Edit: I need to evaluate the size of this converted number,I want to divide this long array to a 29byte array. for example we have long array = 12345; it should convert to byte and then I need its length to divide to 29 and see how many packet is...

Slow to convert Oracle 11g XMLType into Java String or Document

After retrieving a result set from an Oracle 11g database, it takes roughly 75 seconds to convert the XMLType (this is a structured XML Storage, registered with an xsd) into either a java String or Document. I'm using Java 1.6, have the xdb.jar and xmlparserv2.jar This xsd is <100 lines and the xml document is also <100 lines. Sample c...

rails -- parse military time into AM/PM, using chronic?

Hello, I've been using Chronic, the natural language parser and its awesome. The problem I'm running into now is I cant parse the military time its give me back in to some form of AM/PM time that would be normal for a user to see. <%= Chronic.parse("next monday") %> yields => Mon Jul 05 12:00:00 -0500 2010 Is there a way to go b...

Convert VB to C#

I need a little help converting some VB.NET code to C#. I have tried several "code converters" but none of them are giving me back a workable response. Here's the code: If Me.OrdersDataGridView.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then Dim editForm As New Order(Me.NorthwindDataSet, _ Me.NorthwindDataSet.Orders.Rows.IndexOf_ (CType(CType(Me....