
Flex tooltip positioning incorrectly

Let's say I'm trying to place a tooltip on the left side of a component on my view. Layout may look similar to this: <mx:HBox> <mx:Button id="btnBack" label="Back" click="btnBack_click();" /> <mx:Button id="btnFirstLoadDemo" label="First Load Demo" click="btnFirs...

Tool which will generate x,y coordinates (from a simple drawing)

Following on from this question (thanks for all the help): What web technology to opt for to offer interactive colouring? I guess I need a tool (maybe online) which will generate x,y coordinates (representing polygons) from a simple line drawing. I have looked online but the result comes up most is VectorMagic. Which spits out a text ...

Texture coordinate mapping how to map coordinates of 4 triangles in a square to 4 triangles in a triangle

Given the image below 1. I have updated the image based on feedback from Steven_W so there are 4 triangles in the right hand diagram instead of 3 which makes more sense! 2. update image again to label sub triangles as A, B, C, D in grey What is the pseudo algorithm for mapping a coordinate (x,y) in the left hand square such that a c...

Raw Data Reverse Engineer

Hi all. Basically, i have two files. The first file is an image: ![Image][1] If you download the full sized image, you can see it clearer. The second file is a .bin of raw data Now the image is of a Motorstorm level. It...

Find start and end XY coords of perpendicular line calculated from start and end XY coords of baseline

Using the following start and end point coordinate values of a baseline: X1 = 5296823.36 Y1 = 2542131.23 X2 = 5311334.21 Y2 = 2548768.66 I would like to calculate the start and end coordinates of a pendicular line that intersects the baseline at the mid-point. This intersecting, perpendicular line should extend at a given distance ei...

Is it possible to get pixel coordinates of text and draw a rectangular border around it using Javascript?

Dear all, I am evaluating technology options for an upcoming project, and one of the requirements is to draw a rectangle around certain groups of words in a text field. Each time the text is evaluated and parsed, certain recognized parts of it must be boxed with a rectangle, which should also respond to mouse clicks. There is even a re...

How do I put coordinates from an object into a CLLocation? (Objective-C, iPhone)

Hello, I'm currently using the ARKit ported by the guys, looping through a fetched xml and plotting coordinates on the screen. However for some reason casting the object values: for(NSObject *locxml in xmlLocations) { tempLocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude: (int)[locxml valueF...

Looking for free web services APIs based on geolocation (latitude and longitude)?

Hello! I am developing a web project, which uses a database with many places worldwide and their geolocations (latitude and longitude). I am looking for any free web services and APIs, working with coordinates and returning any useful and interesting data in possible to parse format. I want to make my project more complete, useful and...

How to get mouse position in float or double with exact resolution?

I need to take the mouse click position in float or double, how can I do that?In mouse listener, I take the point like this, e.getPoint(); but Point object's x and y values are integer, I need position in float or double. Any help will be appreciated. Edit *I need exact resolution.* ...

convertPoint:toView: Doesn't seem to be working.

Hi All, I have a TableView with custom TableCellViews that has UILabels and UIButtons on it. when one of the buttons is taped I want to show a "tooltip" describing the text of the button. Most everything is working except for when I try to convert the center coordinates of the UIButton to the coordinates of the rootView which is a UIV...

draw an uiimage with in the user specified coordinates

i am new to this core graphics or cv . I need a little help here. Can you plz guide me how to draw an image using openGL ES with my own cordinates or any other idea... consider my points are topleft (40,160) topRight(80,160) bottomLeft(0,40) bottomRight(160,40) i want my image to be drawn with in these points..... Plz help me... i w...

Can hitTestPoint be used with local coordinates at all?

In AS3 I have a game where a vehicle rotates to the direction of the cursor, but when it "moves", its sprite stays stationary in the middle of the stage while the map layer below it actually moves, causing the illusion of movement of the vehicle on the map. There are obstacles on the map that the vehicle cannot pass. The obstacles are in...

PHP Find Coordinates between two points

Hi all, simple question here. Lets say I have two points: point 1 x = 0 y = 0 point 2 x = 10 y = 10 How would i find out all the coordinates inbetween that programmatically, assuming there is a strait line between two points... so the above example would return: 0,0 1,1 2,2 3,3 ... 8,8 9,9 10,10 Thanks :) ...

How to detect if device is headed towards a specific point direction

Hi, I have my current location from CLLocation, and I have another location- also an CLLocation. I would like to detect when my device is heading towards that other location. (I can calculate the distance in meters between this points- but can't workout the calculation of an accurate angle to compare with the device current headin...

Scale 2D coordinates and keep their relative euclidean distances intact?

I have a set of points like: pointA(3302.34,9392.32), pointB(34322.32,11102.03), etc. I need to scale these so each x- and y-coordinate is in the range (0.0 - 1.0). I tried doing this by first finding the largest x value in the data set (maximum_x_value), and the largest y value in the set (minimum_y_value). I then did the following: p...

Algorithm for 2D Interpolation

I have two shapes which are cross sections of a channel. I want to calculate the cross section of an intermediate point between the two defined points. What's the simplest (relatively simple?) algorithm to use in this situation? P.S.: I came across several algorithms like natural neighbor and poisson, which seemed complex. I'm looking f...

Get coordinates of Google Maps markers

I am creating a databse containing the names and coordinates of all bus stops in my local area. I have all the names stored in my database, and now I need to add the coordinates. I am trying to get these of a website that contains them all as placemarks on a Google Map. It seems to me like they are being generated from a local server, an...

OpenGL coordinates question

Hey, I have a simple OpenGL drawing. When the user changes the window's size, I want the drawing to maintain it's aspect ration. I accomplished that by setting the glViewport to the maximum rectangle with the appropriate aspect ration whenever the reshape method is called. My problem is that I want to draw a square that will always rem...

PHP Get Shape Coordinates From Points

Im sure if the title is exactly what I am trying to describe so sorry if it isnt. Ok here is what i am trying to do: What i want to do is create a function that you can enter unlimited ammount of coordinates ( the blue dots) and then it will create a shape like so and then return all coordinates the shape covers. Because this is for ...

iPhone SDK: Get GPS coordinates from Google Maps

In an iPhone application I'm developing I need to get GPS coordinates to perform some actions based on the values received. Users should have two possibilities of giving the location: automatically from iPhone build-in GPS by finding a specific point on a map (Google Maps) I know how to user CLLocationManager to get current position...