
Silverlight 4.0 + MVVM Pattern + Copy Paste a name in AutocompleteBox

Hi, I am using a Autocomplete textbox for "like" search text from Database using KeyDown Event. One of the scenario is COPY-PASTE textname to Autocompletebox where data is already available in Database. I was unable to complete this scenario because when I try to paste the text, "Ctrl" is getting fired instead of "Ctrl+V" from keyboar...

tinyMCE Removing MS Word tags

Hello, I am using tinymce Version: 3.3.7 and when I go to paste "as plain text" from tinymce, I still get mso tags. Is it possible to have these removed by some setting in tinyMCE or do I need to strip the tags with php? ...

Disabling paste in console application

Hi there, So, here's a weird question: Is there a way for me to disable the menu you get when pressing the "C:\" button at the top left of the console? I am making a game, for fun, but it would take away alot of the fun if players were able to paste words into the command-line. I haven't found any topics about it, so I was wondering i...

PyQT4 and Ctrl C

I have a programs that runs several threads (on a while loop until Ctrl C is pressed). The app also has a GUI that I developed in PyQt. However, I am facing the following problem: If I press Ctrl C on the console, and then close the GUI, the program exits fine. However, if I close the GUI first, the other threads won't stop and the prog...

Do you copy & paste a code?

Do you copy & paste a code from books, articles, msdn whatever or are you always trying to come up with your own solution or implementation (the book etc. is just an inspiration - there are always 2 or more ways how to do it)? Or do you make difference between your noncommercial and commercial code, i.e. if you are writing a noncommercia...

Handle Copy & Paste (Clipboard) in MVVM

If I want to access the clipboard with MVVM how can I do it? ...

Copy table in Outlook body to the clipboard and paste in Excel VBA

I need to copy table in Outlook body to the clipboard and paste in Excel using VBA. I need to preserve the data in the cells, but I do not know how to do that. The data looks likes this, but when copied and pasted into excel it would be in four cells. -339 -339 5 5 Thanks ...

Set selected text in GWT (in order to make copy paste easier)

In GWT apparently you have to use some Flash-component to alter the clipboard. Since I don't want to use Flash, but I do want to copy and paste text from my application, I would like to set text selected if someone clicks on it. The only thing the user has to do is to type Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V to copy and paste (in Windows). Is this possible? H...

Managing Cut, Copy Paste button availability .NET WinForms

Hi ! I'm working on a WinForms solution in VB.NET. It's been a while since I'm mostly a web developper. So what I need to do is to replicate the behavior of Microsoft Office product for the Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo menus and toolbar. Which meens, I need to enable Cut and Copy when and only when there's some selected text on the Form. T...

Is it possible to put strings in the copy buffer?

Preferentially using the standard libraries. ...

GWT pasting event

Hi, I want to handle events when user pastes some text in TextBox. Which event is fired in this situation? I tried ValueChange and Change handlers, but they didn't work. ...

Copyright consideration: Using parts of a third-party javascript from a webpage.

When i like a certain Javascript (for menu highlighting or so) used by some website, it would be pretty easy to copy this script from that site's source-code and use it in mine. I would consider doing so as unauthorized use of intellectual property, since I have been granted the right to use this javascript in my browser, but certainly ...

Grab Clipboard data on page load

Im trying to create a script that will grab the users clipboard data on pageload, and show up in a textbox where they can press Submit. Ive looked all over google and can not find the solution. I was wondering if this is possible? ...