
Copying and pasting between two separate programs using Automator in Mac OS X

Ok, so I have an excel spreadsheet that contains data that I would like to copy directly into an SQLite db using Menial Base, a db editor. I have tried a number of different methods such as trying to convert from .csv and .txt extensions, and nothing is working the way I need it to, so I am now resorting to Automator. From what I underst...

Excel 2007 pastes conditional formats out of order.

I've noticed that when I copy and paste some cell ranges, that sometimes the conditions get pasted out of order, essentially changing the formatting scheme. Every time I paste this range of cells, I have to open the conditional formatting dialog and move the top format back to the bottom. I would love to know why this is happening, and...

Prevent ID autogeneration on copy-paste in Visual Studio 2008 ASP.NET Web Form

If I have the following in an ASP.NET Web Form: and I copy and paste that line in the same page, I usually get the following: Obviously, nobody is going to name their controls in that way (if you don't want to name a textbox, simply don't asign an ID to it), and it's not nice having to change the ids of pasted controls. The same ha...

how do I make contents of html text fields, text areas and select boxes selectable using CTRL-A?

right now when I do CTRL A on my (fairly lame) webpages, the contents of textboxes and of listboxes/select-boxes is not selected and hence cannot be easily copied. Is there a way to fix this, either directly or by replacing these lame widgets with some similar ones that explicitly support this feature? ...

Editing clipboard data when copying/pasting from a website

I have seen a few sites now where if you highlight text of an article, copy it, and then paste in they can add more text to it. Try copying and pasting a section of text from an article at and you'll see what I mean - they add a link to the original article in the pasted text. How is this done? I'm assum...

How do I use a batch copy to update files?

Hello, I need help writing a batch file to update templates on a database. Basically, all our clients have their own folder, with multiple templates inside. Due to the computer illiteracy of my office (sigh), there's no real better way to fix this. However, I need a way to update those templates in a batch. For instance \\SERVER\New C...

Fmylife javascript copy-paste into link has a nifty feature that when you copy the text from a post, it actually copies a LINK (html) so that when you paste it into your email/facebook/instant messenger/twitter/whatever it automatically will link to the post, giving them more traffic and more page views and more ad revenue, etc. I looked into their javascript file...

How to prevent Firefox from copying numbers or #'s when copy and pasting on a Mac?

When I copy and paste from a website that formats their text using <*li>, I get numbers or #'s when I paste into any text editor on my Mac (running Snow Leopard). Is there anything I can get that is equivalent to Windows Notepad, that will NOT copy the formatting, and just give me the text? Example of a site that I copy/paste from that g...

Programmatically trigger a copy or paste in c#

I have a program that I'm working on that register global hotkeys I would like to use that ability to trigger highlighted text or data to be copied to the clipboard and then read from the clipboard into a variable in my program which i will later use in reverse to paste it back out. (example ctrl+1 copys to quque #1 and alt+1 pasts w...

MS Word paste into tinymce - retain tabulators

Hi, I have a 5 year old web application which runs tinymce In this version it is possible - in IE 6,7,8 only to paste from MS Word and retain the tab characters. What we have done is to add a callback: paste_insert_word_content_callback : "findtabs" function findtabs(type, content) { if (type == "before"){ content ...

Why is "copy and paste" of code dangerous?

Sometimes, my boss will complain to us: Why do we need such a long time to implement a feature? Actually, the feature has been implemented in another application before, you just need to copy and paste codes from there. The cost should be low. It's really a hard question, because copy and paste codes is not such a simple thi...

WPF copy paste custom control

I have a custom Hyperlink control. When this control is copied and pasted the pasted content has been converted to a plain old WPF Hyperlink, losing my custom control. Is there a way to specify custom assemblies to be used when the content is serialized to the clipboard during a Copy operation? ...

UITableViewCell with selectable/copyable text that also detects URLs on the iPhone

Hi guys, I have a problem. Part of my app requires text to be shown in a table. The text needs to be selectable/copyable (but not editable) and any URLs within the text need to be highlighted and and when tapped allow me to take that URL and open my embedded browser. I have seen a couple of solutions that solve one of either of these p...

C#: send ctrl+c to console program started with Process.Start()?

I can't figure out how to simulate sending Ctrl+C to an external program. When I run the program manually through CMD, when I press ctrl+c it will abort and ask me if I want to save before it shuts down completely. I'm trying to simulate this through C# but it doesn't seem to work. This is what I am doing now: // Create new pro...

How to send a signal SIGINT from script to script ? BASH

I want to trap a signal send from to so in i use the command (Send SIGINT to kill -2 $ And in i catch the signal and call function Clean trap 'Clean' 2 It does not work, instead the is killed right away without per...

How to propagate a signal through an arborescence of scripts ? Bash

I have an arborescence of scripts which are controlled by a main one I want to trap the signal ctrl-c in the main script and propagate it to the others The other scripts should trap this signal as well ( from the main script ) and do some clean-up ... I have tried to send kill -s SIGINT to the children, but they seem they are unable ...

Bash: how to interrupt this script when there's a CTRL-C?

I wrote a tiny Bash script to find all the Mercurial changesets (starting from the tip) that contains the string passed in argument: #!/bin/bash CNT=$(hg tip | awk '{ print $2 }' | head -c 3) while [ $CNT -gt 0 ] do echo rev $CNT hg log -v -r$CNT | grep $1 let CNT=CNT-1 done If I interrupt it by hitting ctrl-c, mor...

Use SendMessage in C# to perform a CTRL-C operation on a given handle

Hello everyone, In Google Chrome you can retrieve the text of a JavaScript alert/dialog by simply having the dialog open and doing CTRL-C on the dialog. This will put the text in the dialog into the clipboard. I'm trying to use SendMessage to send CTRL-C to perform a copy on the text of a JavaScript dialog. I've already managed to do t...

Control - C exception in Java

I need to catch that exception but I can't figure out which one it is. The IDE i'm using right now doesn't allow for a program interrupt that way. I know how to user try/catch, but I don't actually know what I'm trying to catch.. Can anyone help me with this? ...

Are any of the scripts from Hotscripts and similar websites useful?

Sites like offer tons of scripts you can download for free or a fee. Are those scripts useful for programmers? For example, you can implement such a script into your program and modify it to your needs. But some of the scripts seems kind of shaddy.. ...