
how to copy rows from NSTableView

Hi All, I have one NSTableView, Which displays just the row of numbers. I just want to copy those numbers using (cmd+copy) or right click copy. How can I achieve this feature in NSTableViews. ...

Copy a HTML table via JavaScript without the headers?

Using the JavaScript sample found in this stack overflow post you can have a button that automatically selects a table. This selected table can then be copied to the clipboard. My users will be copying this data into an Excel template and do not need the header information (<th></th> or <thead></thead>). My table looks something l...

Copy textarea text to clipboard html / javascript

hey, i know there's lots of tutorials out there but none seem to be working for me. I have this : <textarea name="forum_link" type="text" style="width:630px; height:90px;"> [URL=;?=$_GET['id']?&gt;/&lt;?=$_GET['tag']?&gt;]&lt;?=$video-&gt;title?&gt;[/URL] [URL=;?=$_GET['id']?&g...

Eclipse PDT, how do I get the files on the server?

I am trying to learn how to use Eclipse Helios PDT, but I don't understand how one gets the files from their workspace to the server. The PDT documentation is painfully sparse. I have my workspace in /home/bob/workspace and my local dev webroot is /home/bob/public_html. If I set up a run configuration for my php project I see where I c...

How to copy a file in creation without destroying it in Unix/Linux

I have a file under creation in a long process. To my understanding copying that file to another file would kill the creation process. Is there away to overcome this problem? ...

Override file using IFileOperation Interface win7 - with no dialogs

Hi, I need to copy / move file and to be able deciding whether to override the target file (if exist), using IFileOperation interface, and without displaying the windows 7 confirmation dialog. I can see the IFileOperationProgressSink.PreCopyItem parameter is a dwFlags enum. But this is an input parameter – so it can not influence the o...

memory leak problem.

Hi friends, I am using kal calendar in my app. the things i have to show three different seprate calendar. When i run on instrument it puts lot of memory leaks on following codes. I am new to instruments and memory leaks. canbody suggest me what i have went wrong? Regards, sathish CalendarDetails.h @interface CalendarDetails : NSObje...

Java: library for simple source code re-creation / copying

I am looking for a library which would simplify the process of copying parts of the code from one project to another. Copying of certain parts of the code which belong to the same file is not required. I am aware that there exists some code generators which would enable me to build the generated code from scratch programatically, but I a...

Copy rows in excel to sheets if condition is . .

Hello First up I’m a novice when it comes to this and have been trying to find and adapt scripts unsuccessfully, hope someone can help. I'm trying to copy entire rows of the Sheet ‘All’ to another sheet according to the data in column D There are multiple values in column D (Homework/Advanced/Beginner) and the sheets these rows need to ...

Android: How to transfer a test fixture file to device from unit test application

I'm writing an Android JUnit test and want to copy/reset a test fixture file (it's an SQLite database file.) If I were within the main application, I know I could just place the file in the assets directory and use getResources().getAssets().open(sourceFile) However, this API appears to be unavailable from the ActivityInstrumentationTe...

How to make Deep Copy of NSManagedObject in Core Data

I am trying to make a duplicate of an existing NSManagedObject and related sub-objects in Core Data. I can't seem to find an easy way to do this. I have an NSArrayController that is populated from a Core Data database. I want to take the object at the selectionIndex and make a deep copy, keeping it related to the same parent object an...

Deep cloning of an object to a similar one in a different namespace in java

I have 2 web services declared in 2 different packages in java package com.HelloWorld @WebService(targetNamespace="") @SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = ParameterStyle.WRAPPED, style = Style.DOCUMENT, use = Use.LITERAL) { public class Hello { @WebMethod @WebResult(name="SayHelloResult", targetNamespace="h...

When doing DDD, are there any best practices in using copy on set or copy on get, or both?

Domain Driven Design (DDD) suggests using immutable objects or to copy object state when moving data around. I see both good reasons for copying when setting data and when getting data. Take the following interfaces and pretend they have implementations: interface Aggregate { function setEntity($e); function getEntity(); } in...

Copying contents of one file to another in C++

I am using the following program to try to copy the contents of a file, src, to another, dest, in C++. The simplified code is given below: #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { fstream src("c:\\tplat\test\\secClassMf19.txt", fstream::binary); ofstream dest("c:\\tplat\\test\\mf19b.txt", fstream::trunc|fstream::binary);...

Pythonic way of copying an iterable object

For a small project I'm working on I need to cycle through a list. For each element of this cycle I have to start another cycle through the same list, with the former element as first element of the new cycle. For example I'd like to be able to produce something like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, ... 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, ... 3,...

Java: why are iterators not copyable

I would think that Iterator.copy() would be quite a handy function. You could implement iterator filters in a much better way. For example, the only reason in Googles Java Collection for the filter (and similar) functions to use UnmodifiableIterator (which is just an Iterator without remove) is because you cannot implement such a filter...

What are the semantics of using retain vs. copy for a property of type NSMutableSet;

Hello, I have been using the most excellent Accessorizer to auto-magically generate setters/getters for my Obj-C code in Xcode. Recently a change was made in Accessorizer: old version of Accessorizer: @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableSet *setA; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableSet *setB; new version of Accessorizer: @pro...

copy all fields of a django model instance

Hello everybody, ok i think this is very basic, but since i'm new to django i don't know how to handle this.. I need to copy an instance of a django-model. As explained here, there is a problem with copying many2many relations. But the attachment "django-model-copying.diff" has that function i guess. So i don't know - does my django alr...

Not able to copy jar to an absolute path

I am trying to copy Demo.jar file (generated by an ant task) on my desktop(or any directory specified by it's absolute path on my XP machine). I am specifying absolute path in a properties file and reading it on the fly. The problem is I am not able to read this absolute path properly, where I want my Demo.jar to be copied. Absolute pa...

Downloading PHP content from another domain (safe way)?

So, if this question has been asked before, I'm sorry. I'm not exactly sure what to search for. Introduction: All the domains I maintain now are hosted on my server, so I have not ran into this problem yet. I have created a structure, similar to WordPress, for uploading and editing images. I regularly create changes in the functions...