I'm trying to set up a core plot that looks somewhat like the AAPLot example on the core-plot wiki. I have set up my plot like this:
- (void)initGraph:(CPXYGraph*)graph forDays:(NSUInteger)numDays {
self.cplhView.hostedLayer = graph;
graph.paddingLeft = 30.0;
graph.paddingTop = 20.0;
graph.paddingRight = 30.0;
Well i tried to manage this issue passing the NSTimeInterval(double) values. But let say
X: May 01 2010 01:03:55 PM Y:32
X: May 05 2010 07:02:55 PM Y:20
Now, if try to display the day wise its shows the accurate results. My code snippet is
xRange=[CPPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPDecimalFromFloat(min) length:CPDecimal...
I am using the Core Plot framework, and attempting to work through the example applications. Are there any tutorials for using this framework?
Specifically, how do you provide labels for X and Y axes in a chart?
Is there some sample code or a tutorial out there about how to draw a line chart using the Core Plot framework? I can't find anything using Google.
Hey all,
i know this is probably not an easy question to answer, as it's hard to describe on my hand.
I have an app that runs without problems on the device in Debug Configuration (also multiple times).
Once I put it into Release Configuration (which I need before publishing?), the app starts without problems and I can proceed to the n...
I try to draw bar chart!!
numberForPlot is not good work, only CPBarPlotFieldBarLength set.
-(NSNumber *)numberForPlot: (CPPlot *)plot field:(NSUInteger)fieldEnum recordIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
NSDecimalNumber *num = nil;
NSString *key = (fieldEnum == CPScatterPlotFieldX) ? @"x" : @"y";
if ( [plot isKindOfClass:[C...
Hey everyone,
I really don't know a solution or even an idea to get around the
following failure. It only happens in Release Configuration on the
Device - Simulator and Debug Configuration work fine. It also only
appears on the second launch. So if I have the phone connected to my
mac, build the application and run it, everything wo...
I downloaded the core-plot framework and tried using it after installing snow leopard.
I ran one of the examples but it failed to build - 101 errors - most of them something to do with a stray error in a file named CorePlotProbes.h.
Any clues?
I wish to plot a line graph where the x-axis is defined as a number of days between two dates and the y-axis is a value that varies on each of the days.
I can plot the y values as an NSNumber but I have no idea how to set the ranges and the markup on the x-axis. I have looked at the date example in the "examples" directory of the core-p...
I have available an array of dictionary that contains NSDate and NSNumber values. I wanted to plot date on X axis.
for plotting I need to supply xRanges to plot with some decimal values.I don't understand how can i supply NSdate values to xRange (low and length).
And what should be there in this method:
-(NSNumber *)numberForPlot:(CPP...
I need to use core plot in my iphone app. Where do I get it and can someone tell me in plain English in detail how to get it up and running onmy machine?
Here is a copy of the ReadMe file sent with the SDK:
1. Copy the CorePlotSDK directory to ~/Library/SDKs/ (WHERE IS THIS FOLDER LOCATED??)
2. Add to your project's .PCH file:
I am drawing a ScatterPlot using core-plot framework. My x coordinates are hours starting from 0 AM to 12 PM . How i can set these as my x coordinates ? please help me .. thanks in advance .
How to create a curve shaped scatterplot using core plot ? Now am getting linear shaped Scatterplot. All the examples showing here are in a linear shape. How to do it in curved shape ?
Please help me..
I am following the tutorial here about core plot here....
I am getting errors with the following lines of code
axisSet.xAxis.majorIntervalLength = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString...
I would like to add some buttons on CPLayerHostingView. I have tried the same by creating some an object of UIButton and adding it as subview on my CPLayerHostingView but it didn't worked as expected. Please help me to do the same.
Hi guys, im trying to put a Coreplot graph in a UIView.
Some questions, should i do it in XIB? or should i do it programmically ?
If so how should i write the codes? etc.
I actually have two Classes. one called GraphView which is supposed to hold the Coreplot graph.
Another called CorePlotViewController.
Thx for looking guys.
I'm very new to iPhone programming, and I'm currently following tutos to understand the whole thing. I've been able to do what I needed (retrive data from a JSON http server, parse them with YAJL and plot the data in core plot). I have done this in a "simple" view where I have added a UILayerHostingView as requested by core-plot....
I'm building a graph with core plot, that works fine except that I do not see any labels on the x and y axis. I can only see major and minor ticks but no value next to them. There must be something I'm missing but I do not know what. Also, is it possible to add a label for each axis, for instance: x (hours), y (value).
The graph...
I'm almost done with a core-plot graph I've been working on for a couple of day now.
There is something I am still not able to do (and I cannot find documentation on this), is to change the x axis labels to what I need.
Today, I have an x axis with integer label beeing displayed every 5 values: "5 10 15...", I need to have labels...
I just upgraded core-plot to the latest version in an application that was already running successful plots. I followed the fairly simple instructions to the letter, however I'm getting 20 syntax errors in UIView.h. It seems that I'm not alone, but nobody has of yet posted a solution to the issue.
An example:
This code from UIView.h