
How to fill a the area between an upper and lower boundary curve on a scatter plot

I have a chart that has a single line that I would like to put a boundary cone on. I can plot the two lines for the upper and lower boundary values - but I'd like to shade the area between the two boundary lines. How can I do this? / Can I do this? ...

How to implement Zoom-in and Zoom-Out with Core-Plot line chart on iPhone?

Hi, Is it possible to implement Zoom-in and Zoom-Out with Core-Plot Chart component on iPhone? If so please suggest me how to do it? Thanks in advance. ...

How do I add a specific data label to CPScatterPlot?

I need to label the y-value of the starting point and the ending point on a Core-plot scatter chart. Can someone please help? Say, I have 6 data as a curve and would like to put a data label (y-value) a bit higher on the 1st and the 6th points. The library I use is the core-plot library... Thanks! ...

Core-plot Question : How to add a data Indicator

Hello Everybody, i want to add a data indicator line similar to the following image in core-plot. Any idea how i can achieve this using core-plot. I have just started to understand core-plot, so any tip will be very useful. Thanks Edit : For better understanding i have created a screencast to show what i mean : http://www.screen...

OBJ-C: Getting the minimum/maximum value in a NSMutableArray

I want to get the maximum and minimum values of a NSMutableArray so I can create a core-plot plotspace and graph based around those max and min values. My code is as follows: NSMutableArray *contentArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:100]; NSUInteger i; for (i=0; i<60; i++){ id x = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:i*0.05]; id y = [NSNum...

How can I make a core-plot graph on the phone that doesn't auto-expand to fill the whole superview

I'm pretty sure I saw an example where the graph wasn't filling the whole iPhone screen, but I can't get that to happen in my app, nor in the Core-Plot Test app from Switch On The Code. I've added a subview to the original CPLayerHostingView in the sample, then changed the classes – original back to UIView, new subview to CPLayerHosting...

OBJ-C: Core-Plot XY-Axis Fixing

I want to fix the axes so that they are always to the left hand side and bottom of my plot space. My current implementation is not enabling userInteraction so no need to worry about scrolling. // Setup plot space CPXYPlotSpace *plotSpace = (CPXYPlotSpace *)graph.defaultPlotSpace; plotSpace.allowsUserInteraction = NO; // Axes CPXYAxisSe...

Plot Title/Annotation

Hello, I want to add a title to my graph that gives a short description or name about the plot. For example, I have a table with a list of products and my graph shows how much those products cost. There should be a label/annotation superimposed on the graph that gives the name of the product. ...

real time plotting on iPhone using core plot?

I want to use core-plot for drawing line graph dynamically. data won't come at a time, we will be receiving point by point dynamically. Is it possible to draw the chart dynamically using core-plot i.e drawing point by point as on when we receive the (x,y) point? Please help me, Thanks. ...

OBJ-C: Call an instance of core-plot graph from separate view controller

I'm using a view controller i.e. ViewController:UIViewController and have another class GraphViewController:UIViewController . How do I call an instance of GraphViewController and place it into my ViewController? I am currently trying to call the plot within my ViewController directly, but I want to make the graph modular so I don't hav...

core data line labels

Hello, I have created a CPScatterPlot using Core Plot and have several lines on the graph: for(int i=0; i<nLines; ++i){ CPScatterPlot *xSquaredPlot = [[[CPScatterPlot alloc] initWithFrame:graph.frame] autorelease]; xSquaredPlot.identifier = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",i]; xSquaredPlot.dataLineStyle.lineWidth = 1.0f; xSqu...

Core-Plot: Unknown class CPLayerHostingView in Interface Builder file

Using core-plot does not seem to be an easy integration task. Header path are already setup. In Interface-Builder I create an CPLayerHostingView which belongs to a View Controller which is instantiated by Interface Builder. When the nib file is loaded I get the message: Unknown class CPLayerHostingView in Interface Builder file ...

CPScatterPlot - areaFill, how to split the chart with two colors ?

Hi, I have a line chart and I know to use the areaFill to fill the chart. Is there a way to give two colors for the chart like one half to be in red and other half in blue. I tried the fillWithGradient and it did work but had some issues. Since the gradient positions are relative to the plot space/area, on scrolling even the plot space ...

Problems using xcode in debug mode with Core Plot

I'm having a problem compiling an application which uses Core-Plot in debug mode. It works absolutely fine compiling in release mode, but when I compile in debug mode I get an error that the header file for Core-Plot can't be found. Any idea which of the many settings in x-cide might be causing this problem? ...

Plot Zoom In/Out

Hello All, I am doing dynamic plotting using core plot library and i have placed that plot on UIScrollView so that i can scroll the plot. Now i want to do Pinch Zooming on that, means when i m doing pinch zooming that that part where i have pinched will be zoomed,other part will also be zoomed but we can see certain par of the graph at ...

How do I include the static library for Core Plot?

According to the Core Plot Wiki: Core Plot is built as a static library for iPhone, so you'll need to drag the libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a static library from under the CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj group to your target's Link Binary With Libraries folder. I do not see the mentioned library, where might it be? ...

Core Plot: how to draw custom logic according to user touches?

I want to draw some additional lines and labels according to user touches. In CPTestAppScatterPlotController.m - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event and other similar methods not handled. Where I should add custom drawing logic accorfing to user touches? ...

Core Plot on iPad Runs with Debugger, not Standalone

Hey guys, Thanks to Ole Begemann, I spent yesterday digging around in Core Plot to explore adding graphing to an iPad application that I've been working on. I was fairly satisfied with it, and wanted to show it off to a friend of mine - so I stopped the debugger, took the device off the dock, handed it over to my friend and pushed the ...

Compile error in CorePlot-CocaTouch project

Hello, I'm having trouble compiling the current release. I was able to download a copy of the source distribution today using: hg clone core-plot I opened the "core-plot/framework". I then double clicked on CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj to launch Xcode. When I build the project I get the following ...

Core Plot scoping issue in numberForPlot function

My problem is this: I can't seem to access the variable todaysDate from the numberForPlot or numberOfRecordsForPlot functions (see below for numberForPlot), but I can from anywhere else in the file. The NSLog in the viewDidLoad works perfectly, the date is set correctly. If I access the variable from my own class functions, then that's...