
Have labels fill axis - Core-plot

Hi, I am attempting to write an application with core-plot that will scale the y-axis values between the smallest value and the largest value. This part works well, however when these values are drawn on the y-axis line, the values do not take up the entire length of the y axis. Statement to set up y-range: plotSpace.yRange = [CPPlotR...

in core-plot, how do I get my axes to float?

I've tried setting isFloatingAxis to YES, but it just makes my axis disappear. My axis is set up as follows: CPXYAxisSet *axisSetKin = (CPXYAxisSet *)kinematicsGraph.axisSet; CPXYAxis *xKin = axisSetKin.xAxis; [xKin setIsFloatingAxis:YES]; xKin.labelingPolicy = CPAxisLabelingPolicyAutomatic; xKin.orthogonalCoordinateDecimal = CPDecimal...

CorePlot inside detail view of Split View

I'm attempting to load a CPXYGraph into the detail view of a split view controller. I'm getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS when it attempts to display the plot data. I create a new project based on "Split View-based application". After adding the CorePlot framework I make the following modifications: 1- add a GraphController (.m, .h and .xib)....

Is rendering views to UIImages the correct way to go about animations in the iPhone SDK?

Hey all, I've been using Core Plot to draw some charts for an iOS app I've been developing. While core plot is excellent as a charting application, it's a performance hog when it comes to any kind of user interaction. To get around this, I started doing a lot of the following: UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(view.bounds.size); [vie...

CorePlot accuracy

Hej folks, currently I'm trying to write kind of a mathematical app. Reaching for my goal I'm still trying to display the graphs of mathematical functions given by the user. I calculated all the data successfully and now I want to draw the matching graph using CorePlot. But it seems the accurracy isn't quite high so how to change this? ...

Is it possible to plot multi columns stacked bar graph?

I want to plot a two columns stacked bar graph, the data looks like as below, is it possible? 10/09 0.00% -36.94% 528.2502 0.0000 0.0000 333.0924 0.0000 16.1814 178.9764 10/08 0.00% -40.19% 527.7252 0.0000 3.4708 310.5550 1.6321 0.0000 212.0673 10/07 0.00% -38.09% 527.4240 0.0000 0.0000 326.5490 0.0000 8.5167 192.3583 10/06 0...

How to scale graph to fit to visible space

Hi, I'm using core-plot (and the barcharts) to display financial information. My problem is that whenever I use negative values, it seems that the scale of the shown graph is wrong. I'd like the entire graph to be visible, but often only a part of the graph is shown, leaving the bars cut off and sometimes not even the x-axis visible (...

How do I animate a CorePlot plot space using UIScrollView?

I know that one can turn on scrolling in a coreplot plot space as follows: plotSpace.allowsUserInteraction = YES; but this only activates one-to-one finger to graph motion. Is it currently possible to use coreplot with a UIScrollView to achieve the elasticity effects (inertia, deceleration, bounce)? ...

Core Plot, custom labels and tick marks

I am using Core Plot alpha release 0.2 and generating a plot with custom labels. The labels are appearing in the correct location but I have no tick marks. I have tried every combination of these settings: x.majorIntervalLength = [[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"5"] decimalValue]; x.minorTicksPerInterval = 0; x.majorTickLineS...

core-plot is not getting called its datasource method in device(3.2 version)

I created an application having multiple plots in a single graph(Line graph),which is in 3.2 version.In simulator it is working fine,but while Iam trying to run in my device,datasource methods of core-plot is not getting called. -(NSUInteger)numberOfRecordsForPlot:(CPPlot *)plot could anyone help me,What is the problem here? ...

Core Plot Stacked Bars

Who has working example of Stacked Bars? -(void)setupBars { // Add plot space for horizontal bar charts CPXYPlotSpace *barPlotSpace = [[CPXYPlotSpace alloc] init]; barPlotSpace.xRange = [CPPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPDecimalFromFloat(-180.0f) length:CPDecimalFromFloat(360)]; barPlotSpace.yRange = [CPPlotRange plot...

how to restrict scrolling for +ve part in cpxygraph

hi all, I am new to core plot SDK, implemented core plot in my app. i need to restrict -ve part of graph. i.e always i will have +ve values for graph((1,1),(10,15),(20,15)).i need horizontal , vertical scrolling for +ve part only.So i want to restrict remaining 3 parts of graph. I tried in all ways help less, so posted here. if any one a...

how to restrict scrolling for cpxygraph

hi all, I am new to core plot SDK, implemented core plot in my app. i need to restrict -ve part of graph. i.e always i will have +ve values for graph((1,1),(10,15),(20,15)).i need horizontal , vertical scrolling for +ve part only.So i want to restrict remaining 3 parts of graph. I tried in all ways help less, so posted here. if any one a...