
How to automate a websphere 6.1 headless ant build using cruise control

I am building/creating a build box in which I want to automate the build process using cruise control. I have install ClearCase and cruise control. My target application server is WebSphere 6.1. For this box, do I need to do a full install of WAS 6.1 or can I just copy over parts from another box to this box so that the build will w...

Cruise Control.NET File Merge NUnit File - Getting XmlException

I am new to Cruise Control. I'm running a project where I use an MSBuild file to build my project. I'm using the NUNit task in the MSBuild Community Tasks project to run all of my unit tests and output an xml file with the test results with this command: <NUnit Assemblies="@(OutputFiles)" WorkingDirectory="$(UnitTestResultsLocation)" ...

MS Build & Cruise Control - replacing a reference in a project from a 32bit version to 64bit version

Hi Guys, I have a solution which contains a project with a reference to a library that creates PDF files. The PDF library has a 32 bit version and a 64 bit version. During development, the project references the 32 bit version. I am developing on a 32 bit machine. I have Cruise Control triggering a build every time I check something...

Integrating mks with cruise control

Im trying to get continuous integration for my builds using Cruise Control and I use MKS as my repository.Im unable to make the necessary config file to integrate MKS with cruise control. ...

How can I stop a Cruise Control build or change the config to cause long running builds to time out?

Is there any way to stop an active Cruise Control build short of stopping and restarting Cruise Control? I'm running Cruise Control Dashboard version 2.7.2. If there is no way to stop an active build, how can I cause long running builds to timeout? Is this something I should configure in Cruise Control or in Ant? Background It looks l...

How to report TODOs etc. with CruiseConrol?

In one project the use of //TODO, //XXX and //FIXME tags is very common. The problem is that nobody has an overview of all TODO lines. Only Eclipse shows all tasks in one view. I would like to display all TODOs with its filename in our daily build report created by CruiseControl. How can this achieved easily? ...

Spurious ^G (BELL) characters in JUnit log making CruiseControl barf

I have a CruiseControl build server running a large number of projects. On one of them I have recently noticed that only one of the two test suites are present in the build report (but failures in the other one still cause the build to fail). Further investigation showed that the XML output file of JUnit generated by ant's xmlformatter ...

Using jabber as a cruisecontrol publisher

I have set up the following publisher in CruiseControl: <jabber host="" port="5222" username="cruisecontrol" password="cruisecontrol" recipient="[email protected]" chatroom="true" buildresultsurl="" /> If I set chatroom to FALSE and ente...

Cruisecontrol hangs when checking SVN for modifications

Since migrating a Cruisecontrol build server to a new machine, it sometimes hangs during the "modificationset" stage of the build cycle (it is configured to check for modifications every 15 minutes). Cruisecontrol itself stays responsive, only the build does not progress. There is no significant load on the CPU when this happens, and I...

Cruisecontrol:how to view the build results

Hello, when thte build is completed i received an email with the link to see the results. Is it possible to configure the config.xml file to see the result in format text directly within the email received? Which is the way to do it? For do it, is it necessary to merge the log??? Please help me! Thnaks a lot for your support Costanza ...

Cruisecontrol, build failed exec returned: 255 after compiled phpunit tests?

here is my build.xml code: <target name="checkout"> <exec executable="svn" dir="${basedir}/source"> <arg line="up" /> </exec> </target> <target name="php-documentor"> <exec executable="phpdoc" dir="${basedir}/source" logerror="on"> <arg line="-ct type -ue on -t ${basedir}/build/api -tb...

CruiseControl JUnit test results show all zeroes

I've got JUnit hooked up with CruiseControl and unit tests are being executed & logs imported, but CruiseControl shows the following output: Tests: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Duration: 0.0 Tests: 0, ...

Publish CruiseControl LATEST build artifacts to a static URL

I have a Java multi-module maven project that I want to build a mvn site and javadocs and have CruiseControl publish the latest daily builds to a configured static location. The trouble is the CruiseControl artifactPublisher allows you to specify a dest directory but it is timestamped with the latest time of the last build. I want to be...

How to redirect stdout stderr in an ant script?

Hi, I am triggering an ant script (via cruise control), and would like to be able to dump the std out and std err for a particular ant target to a plain text file. Yes, I am aware that cruise control already does maintain an XML log file containing this information (among many other things), but for portability reasons, I need this to ...

Execute goal on parent after children complete

I have a multi-module maven project (several levels of nesting). Normally, when I execute a maven build (like mvn install or whatever), maven will run all the goals for the parent project before proceeding with the children. I want to be able to define a goal that runs on the parent, but not until all of the children have been processe...

Cruisecontrol is having trouble parsing a line that ant is just fine with

I'm having trouble getting my cruisecontrol script to do something. I want to call grep on the files in my project to search for a few preprocessor defines, and place them into a list, which I can use later. This snippet works fine when I toss it into an ant buildfile, but returns an error when used in cruisecontrol... <target name="gen...

CruiseControl.Net API through C#

I'm currently trying to create a tool that uses the cruise control api for builds. I've managed to create a real time log of builds, however i'm struggling with adding a new project to the server through the use of the api. I'm trying to use something along these lines: RemoteCruiseManagerFactory factory = new RemoteCruiseManagerFacto...

HOW to Pass parameters to tomcat in ubuntu?

I am trying to configure cruisecontrol to use Tomcat rather then Jetty servlet engine. I am following a tutorial on this and I am stuck on where it says: Pass startup parameter to tomcat. -Ddashboard.config=/home/cruisecontrol/work/dashboard-config.xml Where do I put this in which file in tomact is it the in tomcat directo...

is there any way to change the location of .SER files in CruiseControl

How can I change the path where .SER files are located, in CruiseControl. Now they are stored in CC home dir and there are too many of them (we have 28 projects). Please help ...

Setting-Up CruiseControl under Tomcat6?

I have searched the net for good valid uptodate tutorials on installing tomcat6 to run cruisecontrol but I can't seem to find anything useful. ...