
CruiseControl how to access the timestamp of current project within config file

hi, i want to access the timestamp of the current project being built within cruisecontrol config file itself - how do i do that ? my config file looks like this - <project name="myProject"> <modificationset /> //something <schedule> <ant propertyfile="myAnyfile.xml" /> </schedule> <publishers> <onsuccess> <artifactspublisher dir="a...

Why does vetoIfFailing crash cruise control?

Hi, I am having this weird issue with Cruise Control crashing, when I add the vetoIfFailing attribute to the buildstatus element. <cruisecontrol> <project> <modificationset> <buildstatus> This causes the entire machine to say stopped for all projects: <buildstatus logdir="/mycruisedir/logs/myproject" vetoIfFailing="true"...

Cruise Control - Parent / Child projects

Hi all, I am using cruise control to constantly check my projects and so far it appears to be working better than continuum except for some minor issues. If I have a project that depends on several other projects and I update one of those dependencies without updating its version number thus requiring no change in the parent pom, the p...

CruiseControl discrepancy between mail and project page

I have a problem with CruiseControl where it sends the correct number of passed unit tests in the mail notifications, but when I go to the project page it shows "No Tests Run". I checked the XML log file and it has all the unit tests reported. I tried looking through CC's XSL and JSP files but didn't get any indication from there. What s...

CruiseControl: How to read logs from exec task

I start an external groovy script via cruisecontrol, which basically works. My problem is that if the groovy script fails I only get the "error string found" in my cruise webapp and email; its even not in the log files. The groovy script writes it output to stdout and to a logfile. How it is possible to display the output of an external...

Can't get modificationset to work in CruiseControl on Linux

I am trying to setup cruisecontrol in a Linux environment. I have some experience with cc.NET, but this is the first time I have ever tried to use the 'nix version. This is what I have for my build.xml: When I run "ant project1", everything seems to work except that it tells me: /opt/cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.3/projects/portal/build.xml:...

cruisecontrol <buildargs> nant parameter not being passed

Hi, I've been trying to use the param in my cruisecontrol build config file to no avail. When checking the cruisecontrol log file, whatever buildargs I try to pass are NOT passed to the call to nAnt. Here's the nant task: <nant> <buildArgs>-D:CCFoo="Unknown" -D:foo="$(foo)"</buildArgs> <executable>C:\MCR\Trunk\BuildLibrary\NAnt...

Configuring security settings in CC.NET 1.5

Below is the ccnet.config file I am having, where I am using the new security features of CC.NET 1.5. Can anybody let me know what I am doing wrong. I have two groups in a DOMAIN and I want to let one group to only view and the other group Full Access. <cruisecontrol> <project> <name>Introvert</name> <!-- Security Settings -...

Any cruisecontrol plugins for Dimensions CM

Sources codes are managed with Dimension CM, and now I wanna setup the continuous integration environment with CruiseControl. But the problem is I cannot find any support for Dimensions CM. Do any guys know how can the CruiseControl be configured to know the repository changed or is there any other solutions? Thanks! ...

Running Xcode iPhone unit tests with Cruise Control

When using Cruise Control to build an iPhone XCode project with Unit Tests, an error of "Code Sign error: a valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier 'com.yourcompany.Calculator' could not be found" is generated. This isn't encountered when run through XCode? Is Cruise Control trying to launch the app rather than j...

Packaging of cruisecontrol on debian

Hi everybody ! To be quickly today we can find a cruisecontrol debian package released on 2.3.1 ( from 2005 ) For a personal opensource project based on phpUnderControl i need to update this package to the latest release ( 2.8.3 from january 2010 ) I have following all steps from the official ubuntu documentation about packaging ...

Git log error in PhpUnderControl continuous integration set up

So I have set up the following for my PHP project: A Git repository with all the code. An instance of Cruisecontrol with PhpUnderControl running on top of it. I created a new project in the cruisecontrol project directory and set up a poller to check changes on the git repo every 2 minutes. I have 2 projects running in this Cruisecon...

CruiseControl.rb PATH

I'm trying to get CruiseControl.rb to run rcov during a build. It's currently failing with the following error: sh: rcov: not found Since I can run rcov from the shell when I log in, I figure that this is a PATH problem. (Additionally, I can run both rake test:rcov and rake cruise from the shell without errors). I added a p 'echo $PA...

Cruise Control as PHPUnderControl vs. Hudson for PHP

I'm using PHPUnderControl (a Cruise Control plugin for PHP) as the CI server for PHP development. I use Ant to build my project. Main used features of PHPUC are PHPUnit test review PHPCS review Diagrams, PHP PMD, PHPCPD and some misc. thing. What are the pros of Hudson vs. PHPUC? I heard it's development is faster and more widely use...

PHP-CodeBrowser not following path in checkstyle.xml correctly

I've set up phpUnderControl and it's all working very well, except that for a few projects that I have aren't getting any output in the PHP-CodeBrowser tab. If I run the command manually I get: phpcb --log projects/devvo/build/logs --source projects/devvo/source --output projects/devvo/build/php-code-browser Generating PHP_CodeBrowser...

Alter the cruisecontrol log with XSLTLogPublisher

We build our project from CruiseControl. We have a ant script running some exec commands, and the output of this is placed in the CDATA part of that message, and its priority is set to "info". Now I have created an XSL that modifies this priority depending on the CDATA output, so it creates a new logfile that I want CruiseControl to use...

is there a cruise control style 'green light' taskbar monitor for tfs?

Hi, We used to have Cruise Control and have recently moved to TFS - I miss the green light letting me know everything was fine! I just missed a build failed email and got latest :( Is there a green light task bar app for TFS? I googled it but just found some USB light one - which does look good, but the lights are pricey. Cheers, A...

CruiseControl cannot get web interface to work

On a fresh installation of CruiseControl, every single time I start CruiseControl, I get the following two exceptions thrown: ontrollerAgent- Exception starting httpAdaptor Address already in use: JVM_Bind at Method) ontrollerAgent- Exception starting connecto...

CI on different database platforms

Hello I want to test my application (especially SQL statements) against different databases. Actually I'm using Cruise Control and Oracle. I want expand the tests with other databases. Any suggestions? ...

Excel Process Hangs when Run by MSTest from CruiseControl.NET

I'm using CruiseControl.NET with MSTest to build my Excel add-in. Some of my tests involve opening Excel, performing some operations and checking the results. This is all achieved through COM. If I run the tests from with Visual Studio 2008, they work perfectly. However, when the tests are started by CruiseControl, the Excel process ...