
CSS Frameworks like 960 and Blueprint?

This is at the framework level, not dealing directly with CSS, so posting to SO. I just learned about the existence of CSS frameworks. 960 Grid System seems pretty awesome, then I found Blueprint, which seems to do the same thing and more. Is there a better word than "framework" to categorize this? Are there any other products in this...

960 GridSystem, three grid_4 inside one grid_12

I've created a 16 column layout with 960gs with a div class="grid_12" (main) and after that grid_4 (right) (12+4...) Inside that grid_12 I wanted a three column style (3 pcs. grid_4). But the grid_4 boxes don't fit inside the grid_12, the last box drop into a second row. Shouldn't the 960gs framework be able to do this layout for me, ha...

Is there a CDN for CSS frameworks like 960GS?

i wonder if there is a CDN for CSS frameworks like 960GS. since i think many ppl use it. ...

What CSS frameworks have you found useful?

My extreme frustration with CSS is its inability to work nicely across different browsers (and different versions of browsers--yes, I'm talking about you IE). What CSS frameworks have people come across and what are some of their specific benefits? I heard today about the Object Oriented CSS framework, but I haven't yet had time to look...

Is there any common CSS library?

I'm looking for CSS library that hold all common css best practices. For example block centering style: .block-center { margin-left : auto; margin-right : auto; } <div class="myClass block-center" /> I want such library to be distributed as separate css file which I can add and use in my projects. ...

less.js, lessframework & CSS grids ala Blueprint or 960.gs

Ok, so Less.js has come along, and it seems that my dreams of creating a CSS framework (especially a 'grid' system), with an 'abstracted' CSS language might be about to come true. That is, 960 and Blueprint are great and all... but it so irked me to put style information in HTML markup, such as: class="article grid_4 pull_2" or whate...

What’s the best grid framework to use with LESS css?

Hi, I'd like to use a grid framework (e.g. blueprint/960.gs/...) with LESS(.js) but it looks there's some issues when you decide to go that way: For example with blueprint: The ie hacks stylesheet prevents to use the container/span-X classes as mixins given that the mixed-in classes will not appear in the html elements. for example pu...


For a rails CSS framework for an existing app, which one do you prefer - LESS or COMPASS? ...