I am building an extensible window control in JavaScript and intend to use two boxes as follows:
<div id="outer">
<div id="inner">
content goes here...
The CSS for this would be as follows:
#outer {
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
left: 20px;
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
#inner {
Ok, I'm trying to take several divs and all their content, and stack them on top of each other and make the containing div (#stack) appear in the normal flow of things via the following method:
#stack div
<div id="stack">
I have a list of categories called Taxons:
The Rails code is here:
<div id="taxonomies" class="sidebar-item">
<% @taxonomies.each do |taxonomy| %>
<ul class="navigation-list">
<% taxonomy.root.children.each do |taxon| %>
<li<%= ' class="current"' if @taxon and ([@taxon] + @taxon.ancestors).include?(taxon) %>><%= link_...
I want to display some floating boxes (divs containing thumbnails) and the number of thumbnails depends on the current page width. For example:
<div class="container">
<div class="box1" style="float:left;width:120px;height:120px;margin-right:10px;">Thumbnail image here</div>
<div class="box2" style="float:left;width:120px;height:120...
I am trying to make a horizontally scrolling Web Page. This template uses J Query and CSS to control width, but the User still has to drag the scroll bar across the bottom - how would I add arrows or something that the User could just click on and it would go over to the next section? Thanks in advance for your help!
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Best reference sites for HTML and JavaScript programming
What is the best online javascript/css/html/xhtml/dom reference?
What english-language online resources do you use as a reference on HTML rules, tags and elements, and real-life compatibility information (IE 6 on Mac renders tag X only if the doctype...
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For ex: Section and category almost same .. and so on .. ma...
In the page layout I am creating, for some reason, the scrollbars never seem to show and rather the content tries to rearrange itself. Is there a way to lock in a set width and height for the whole page so that if the window is scaled it shows scrollbars?
The page: http://thetalkingcloud.com/clipit.com/
Specifically, if you make t...
im a pure backend programmer and i find it so difficult to position divs and add css styles.
what are your advices to make this as simple as possible for me?
use dreamweaver? what can it help me with exactly.
i have no idea how to add style to my prototype or handling positionings of divs and elements. some guides? tools? softwares? o...
I have a div (with class triggers) with the images and that div is in a div with id container. the positioning for the container div is set to relative which causes the overlay to appear in the bottom right corner and when the image is larger it will go outside the screen.
how can I fix this?
I read this one but that would not be a goo...
Have a look at this page:
It looks alright in Firefox, but IE messes it up. How come?
I want to achieve the following:
"Main" div and sidebar "div" should have same height, with minimum height (maybe browser's screen height or 700px) maximum height is not limited - according to the contents.
The "content" div should wrap them(same height and width of both of them)
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&...
I am trying to create a full width background image that aligns vertically with a centered div. Should I create a wrapper around all the content, or is there another way to do this (without absolute positioning)? Thanks.
EDIT: Sorry if I didn't explain this very well. I've changed the image.
Concerning this post, I'd like to add css,images and js to my codeigniter application. My question is after you add path to your header file href="<?php echo base_url();?>css/moorainbow.css" , where do you actually put your files, is it in system, application, view or controller? I found like 10 articles so far explaining the same proced...
How many Pseudo-classes are there in CSS? What are they?
I am creating an address control which would use some address validation APIs( google/bing etc) to validate the user entered address. I would also like to validate the fields in the client side (like required fields, Zip format etc) with asp.net validation controls. I am trying to build this with CSS and am using float to align the text...
I need to parse CSS files in Java, and have tried using the Batik and CSSParser libs with success. The issue I am having is that when I run into IE hacks, I loose the formatting; it appears to me that the DOM used by org.w3c.css.sac won't accommodate the IE Hacks.
/* The '\' isn't retained */
someselector {
I created a layout were eveything is centered (with the "margin="0 auto" technique). I also wanted the header and footer to be black and expand to both sides when the browser enlarge to the sides. If I center everything the black background will center too and it wont expand indefinably. The only solution I found was to apply the backgro...
Hi guys,
I tried a new web designer for one of my projects. After many tries he build a really nice design for my webpage and sent me the files. Now I wondered a much, because he only slice it in Photoshop - 20 images (very very bad sliced, e.g. borders with content in one image) and all complete 1 table structure HTML file.
When I ask...
I want to put 100% height and 100% width Flash in an html page. I've done it. Now I want to put in that page also HTML Footer which would stick to the bottom of the page.
Numerous solutions. Googling. Asking friends. Failed