
Can you determine hasLayout in IE8's developer toolbar?

There was a lot of talk that IE8 was supposed to fix/remove hasLayout. Doesn't seem to have happened, though it's not usually an issue. The problem is that when it does crop up there doesn't seem to be a way for IE8's developer toolbar to tell you hasLayout is being applied, as it used to do in IE7's developer toolbar. Does anyone have...

Design Web Templates

Hi, I am a PHP, VB.NET programmer and i like to build websites. I am good at coding but have never done website designing. Please suggest me some good study resource on Photoshop and flash website design. I have recently made few templates on photoshop but don't know how to code them for valid HTML-CSS. Please let me know which is th...

Why do browser vendors make their own css properties?

Why do browser vendors make their own css properties, even they know these properties will not pass the w3c validation before approved and added by w3c? What is the purpose? Is for their own testing, or for web developers, or to demonstrate browser capabilities to the world and to the W3C organizations and to CSS development team of W3C...

font-variant:small-caps; vs text-transform:capitalize;

in css what is the difference between font-variant:small-caps; and text-transform:capitalize; ...

Are all css font-weight property's values useful?

font-weight:normal font-weight:bold font-weight:bolder font-weight:lighter font-weight:100 font-weight:200 font-weight:300 font-weight:400 font-weight:500 font-weight:600 font-weight:700 font-weight:800 font-weight:900 I've only used font-weight:bold and sometime font-weight:normal to override bold so far? What are usages of others? I...

CSS: Stopping div pushing content

Hi all, I'm trying to implement a CSS menu and am having a problem with the menu pushing the other content/divs down when the menu expands. http://bit.ly/bAcS56 Can anyone tell me what CSS I need to stop the main body content being pushed when the menu expands? Thanks ...

Use Margin Auto and Center to center Float Left Div

I know this question had been asked many times. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1740587/float-a-div-to-center However, I follow their suggestion : <center> <div style="margin : auto; text-align: center"> <a href="#" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;">Menu Item 1</a> <a href="#" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px...

How to use vertical-align: middle; properly?

I want to have my list (nav) align to the center of an image (logo). I tried using vertical-align: middle;, but I couldn't get it to work when I floated the images left and right. Here's my code: HTML: <div id="head"> <img id="logo" src="logo.png" /> <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li> <li><a href="#"...

Whats wrong with my CSS?

I'm trying to get my name and trip input fields to line, but they're all over the place. http://prime.programming-designs.com/test_forum/viewboard.php?board=0 #formdiv{ margin: auto; text-align: left; width: 30%; } .fielddiv1{ background-color: #222222; border: 2px solid #333333; vertical-align: middle; wid...

Text Aligned Next To Photo in CSS

Hi Everyone: I am wondering if there is some way to align text on the right of a photo, and keep the text in that same "box" even after the image ends using HTML and CSS. A quick "diagram" of what I am attempting to accomplish is below: ------- -------- ------- -------- -Image- - Text - ------- -------- ------- -------- ------...

Can I join 2+ styles together into a superstyle?

Hi I was looking to join 2 styles together to make a super style for easy use and customisation of my page. Is it possible to define something like this? (if so how) .bold { font-weight: bold;} .color1 {color: white;} .boldColor {.bold; .color1;} where .boldColor is effectively .boldColor {font-weight:bold; color:white;} I want t...

ASP.net and css styles

can some on help me on how i can reference images i have all my images stored in an image folder which is located in the root folder (..\images) in my css class i have the the following #image { background-position: left; background-repeat: no-repeat;} .background { background-image: url(..\images\image.gif); } and in my .cs f...

Floating not right in ie ?

Hi, i want to do like the following format: So this is what i did : <style> .toptitle{ font-size:14px; } .toprating{ background:yellow; float:left; font-size:12px; } .topcontainer{ border-bottom:1px #CCCCCC solid; } </style> <div class="topcontainer"> <div class="toprating">256</div> <div class="toptitle">Lorem Ipsum...</div> </div...

How to remove focus from submit button

How can I remove focus from submit button? I don't know why it is there in the first plate, and it looks really ugly here is a screenshot : And here is how it should look like, it regains its appearance after I click beside it and hover it. ...

JQuery: Problem in getting element's width in Chrome

Hello, Suppose I have this image: <img src="images/01.jpg" border="0" rel="shadow" /> Then with JQuery, I get its width using: $('[rel="shadow"]').width(); Firefox and IE report correct dimensions of the image eg 140px while Chrome reports 0. How to solve this problem? Note: I don't want to set explicit width for images eg: <i...

Anyone know about a good general way to fix IE 7 CSS issues?

Just made a site using great standards compliant semantic HTML and CSS. It looks great in Gecko, Web Kit, but IE7 mangles it (of course). Any progress yet on this front, or do I have to go through a tonne of hacks as is standard with IE. ...

HTML/CSS Firefox problem

have a look at the top menu on these two pages on Firefox: http://outsidemma.com/2010/100031-bj-penn-the-prodigy-jay-dee.php http://outsidemma.com/index.php On the first page for some reason there is some extra spacing above it. This only happens on Firefox. I am using Firefox 3.6. ...

Block Hover Effect - Why doesn't it work correctly in FF3.6?

Why doesn't following code work correctly in FireFox 3.6? I have tested in IE7, IE8, and Chrome with out any issues. Issue: The first block hover link (the table's 3rd row) doesn't apply the same style/effect as the following below it. Notes: I am trying to create my own table framework. This project is something I am doing to learn ...

attaching div to a specific element for showing with javascript

Clicking on the image should show div near it (.show() in jQuery). But how can i attach div to that image? Is it done with pure css, or javascript? I tried several "position:absolute", but can't attach it near image. How it should be done? ...

How to set child unordered list position?

Hi folks. I have a nav bar with children unordered lists nested under the main navbar items. My problem is on the inner list, when I position absolute, the inner list is centered to the page, and when I position relative, it is positioning inline with the parent list. I'm trying to get the first child item to line up directly under i...