
How to create jaiku-style add icon?

Any ideas how to create a jaiku style add icon to your presence ...

Different CSS Styles

/* Style 1 */ .myclass { background:#ff0; border:1px solid #ff0 } #myid { width:80px; height:80px; } /* Style 2 */ .myclass { background:#ff0; border:1px solid #ff0 } #myid { width:80px; height:80px; } I'm sure there must be more styles for writing CSS, I'd like to know what are they. Is there an article already written...

CSS styled <li> mouseover that won't change on hover

I have a simple ul list. the li's contain simple a href's. I have a background and all that on the li and I want to change the li's border when the a href is mouseover... Is that possible? <ul> <li><a href="#" class="admin_button">Button 1</a></li> </ul> anyway, I need the li border to change on mouseover... thi...

Html dynamically repeated border-image

I have a table which border I want to have a sort of zig-zag shape. I want the table to have an automatic size; resizing depending on how big the browser is. But rrathe than just having an image that gets stretched I want a seamless image that gets repeat instead. I found out this can be done with CSS3's Border-image but by looking and B...

Jquery Dropdown queue buildup problem

Hello, I have created a drop down with JQuery that can be seen here by clicking the Preview button on top: http://jsbin.com/ubire3/edit It works fine except for one problem. When i hover over the main hover links (blue ones) quickly eg going horizontally quickly hovering each top menu, the some submenus don't close. How do i make it s...

How to Convert Table design to Div design keeping same cross browser compatible layout?

Is there any guidelines to convert Table design to Div design keeping same cross browser compatible layout? ...

Applying Wrapper class to <div>..

hi, here is my UI design <div> <ul> <li> <a></a> </li> </ul> </div> text for anchor will be set on run time..can be of any length and I dnt want text to be get wrap..any idea how can I solve this..actaully I am creating a menu... ...

Jquery with call back functions

Hi, i have one problem with the Jquery callback functions, here is the link: http://saveenergy.metropolia.fi/views/pihkapuisto/ as you can see, the first page works fine. but all the others are not fine. they always right side and the size is too small. anyone knows how to change the position and size, make it looks like the first one? t...

Quick question regarding CSS sprites and memory usage

Well, it's more to do with images and memory in general. If I use the same image multiple times on a page, will each image be consolidated in memory? Or will each image use a separate amount of memory? I'm concerned about this because I'm building a skinning system for a Windows Desktop Gadget, and I'm looking at spriting the images i...

Is there a "best" way to edit CSS?

Is there a "best" way to edit CSS? I'm looking for a designer tool. It has to "visual"... less code. Visual studio does a good job but it seems to be lacking when it comes to the actual design stage. ...

CSS - How to create a table cell with a two-colour background?

Hi, I'm trying to create an HTML table cell with a two-tone background; so I have normal text on a background which is yellow on the left, and green on the right. The closest I've got so far is as follows. The background is correctly half-and-half, but the content text is displaced below it. <html> <head> <style type='text/css'...

Is it really necessary to have a competely validated Mark Up and css for SEO purposes

Hi , While validating my CSS on http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ I am getting following errors: 1.Property zoom doesn't exist : 1 1. 2.Property -webkit-transition doesn't exist : all 200ms ease-in all 200ms ease-in 3.Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 4.Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist 5.Property -webkit-b...

Chrome messes up the website layout, FF and IE is good

I am working on a website: http://www.bbp.nl/luuk-test/wac It displays really well on FF and IE. I went to test it in Chrome and it is totally messed up. Somehow Chrome displays all the divs underneath each other. I really don't know where to look since it also validates well in the W3C validator. Also googled it, but could not find any...

why my code doesn't change the cursor ..using jquery.

this is my code: $('body').css('cursor','url(http://5211.91.tc/imcur/020.cur),auto'); thanks ...

Make div with absolute position expand and fill the rest of the page

I have a div with absolute positioning, which serves as a kind of horizontal line, with a background image with x-repition. I want its width to fill up the whole page, but its x-position isn't 0 so I can't just give it width 100%. How do I do it? ...

IE6 Overflow Issue

<div style="float:left; width:50%;"> div 1 <div style="position:absolute; width:105%">nested element</div> </div> <div style="float:left; width:50%;"> div 2 </div If an element exceeds the width of its floated parent element, the next element is pushed down unless I apply overflow:hidden on both floated elements, which defe...

Calling JavaScript from function from CSS

Is there any way that I can call my JavaScript function from css? For ex here is style: .first-nav li a:hover, .first-nav li.hover a { margin:-3px 0 -1px; height:30px; position:relative; background:url(../images/nav-hover.jpg) no-repeat; } and I want to call a JS function on anchor hover. ...

Firefox conditional comments CSS

Hi, I'm trying to position a button. I want it to be above the "Gå Videre" button on the page, it works in Safari and Chrome but not IE or FF. #cartUpdate { position:absolute; width:160px; height:30px; left:580px; bottom:50px; } And {capture assign="cartUpdate"} <div id="cartUpdate"><!--<input type="...

CSS Equivalent of the "if" statement

Is there any way to use conditional operators in CSS? ...

Setting width for display: table

Hi, I'm trying to create a layout with display: table and alike, but it seems that display: table-row and others do not respect width property. Is there a way to over come with this? ...