
Menu floating to the right on IE and to the left in FF

I am working on a website that has a menu which behaves correctly on FF but not on IE (as usuall). On IE it floats to the right while it should float to the left, however if float is set to none it behaves almost correctly, attaching the onto the top of the container. Here's a live example. Here's the css: /* Navigation */ .navigatio...

Advanced CSS layout problem

Hi, I want to create a dialog with a title, borders (left, right, bottom) as well as the content. The current source code: <html> <body> <div style="background: #0ff; width: 152px; height: 112px; position: absolute; top: 24px; left: 128px; display: table"> <div style="display: table-row;"> <div style="background: #f00; width: 100%; dis...

How can I set opacity of the reflection when using -webkit-box-reflect?

I've been playing with the -webkit-box-reflect property in Chrome and can achieve a reflection that fades with the following code (it's example code from the Webkit blog): -webkit-box-reflect: below 5px -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, from(transparent), color-stop(0.5, transparent), to(white) ); Problem is...

Can you target Google Chrome? (Yes, you can)

Hi, I need to position this update button on www.euroworker.no/order (you'll have to add an item to the cart, use the Kjøp button to add and Handlevogn to view the cart). Works in FF and IE. (Although there is another alignment problems with IE) but not in Chrome or Safari. I had it working before, but the only thing I can think of to do...

Enabling overflow: scroll into table cell with 100% width

Hi, I'm trying to do the following: http://www.pastebin.org/113337 I'm wondering why the scrolling won't take place? It just stretches the table. Try running the code with and without white-space: nowrap and see how it differs. Whenever I apply nowrap my table gets stretched. How do I avoid this? ...

how can i achieve this 100% height effect with divs rather than tables in pure css?


Vertical Aligning some text in a block <a> tag

Hi guys. I need a css gunu out there to help me with this one. Right I have an a tag which is a block element fixed width and height. Within it is a background image and the images title. I'm trying to align the text to the bottom and I'm getting no where. I've tried doing display:table-cell; vertical-align:bottom; and all manner of di...

How Enable CSS 3 in Explorer 7?

i want to enable css 3 in ie7. it's work perfect in Firefox but in Ie not work. i download files from google code(IE8.js - DOMAssistantCompressed-2.7.4.js) to run css3 in ie but not work. any body have idea in this problem? Thank You ...

How to create such (see image below) effect using pure HTML JS and CSS?

How to create such (see image below) effect using pure HTML JS and CSS? For a site backgrownd (And I hoe that because of JS CSS and HTML it'll be able to change colors) ...

True or not: We should always use proper capitalization and never put whole sentences in all-uppercase.

True or not: We should always use proper capitalization and never put whole sentences in all-uppercase. If we must do so, we should use CSS for this task." Should we use the CSS property text-transform for other cases if we need them? (Note that I'm not talking about HTML tags, I’m talking about text content.) links to read : http:/...

Disappearing IE6 elements.

I don't know what could be causing this issue, but for some reason, elements on my page (list navigation items, specifically), are disappearing in IE6. That is, from IE developer toolbar, I can see that the elements are there, and the DOM/css is correct, but the elements just aren't visible. The odd thing is that if you set or toggle AN...

Where to draw the line between efficiency and practicality

I understand very well the need for websites' front ends to be coded and compressed as much as possible, however, I feel like I have more lax standards than others when it comes to practical applications. For instance, while I understand why some would, I don't see anything wrong with putting selectors in the <html> or <body> tags on a ...

100% height for multiple divs

I usually have my structure laid out something like this: <div id="all"> <div id="page"> <div id="header"></div> <div id="content"></div> <div id="footer"></div> </div> </div> Where the body will hold a background pattern, "all" will hold a dropshadow for the page going up and down, and "page" may often have a repeatin...

Filling a screen width

I'm really struggling to tidy up a web site I am building for someone. I've spent hours on trying to figure this out! I have limited knowledge so the code would be helpful. They want the section at the top (originally two images, now I'm trying background images and css) to fill the width of the browser- no matter what size it is. Does a...

How to rotate a div Html layer?

I have a Div layer like this ... <style type="text/css"> <!-- #newImg { position:absolute; left:180px; top:99px; width:704px; height:387px; z-index:1; background-image:url(../Pictures/repbg.png); background-repeat:repeat; } --> </style></head> <body> <div id="newImg" name="newImg" ></div> ... How to...

jQuery hover parent affect child

Hello I am curious to know, how you target a child, when hover on a parent? How I would do in CSS: parent:hover child { background-color: #FFFFFF; } How do you do this in jQuery? ".medarbejdere .info span.kontaktinfo" is my Parent. I would like $(this) to be my child. var navDuration = 150; //time in miliseconds var forstoer = "1...

Trying to get these list items to display inline

I have several unordered lists that I want to display like this: <ul> <li><img></li> <li><p></li> //inline </ul> //linebreak <ul> <li><img></li> <li><p></li> //inline </ul> ...etc I'm not able to get the li items to be inline with eachother. They are stacking vertically. I have stripped away most styling but still can't figur...

margin:0 auto IE6 problem

Can someone please tell me ehy in IE 6 div is not in center. I use margin: 0 auto; Problem is only in IE6! HTML <div id="center"> <div id="top_menu"> <a href="/Default.aspx">Domov</a> · <a href="/EnterSite.aspx">Vpišite stran</a> · <a href="/About.aspx">O nas</a> · <a href="/Help.aspx">Pomoč pri i...

How do I make a shrinkable scrollbar?

What I want: <div style="overflow:scroll;width:100%;height:50%;"> &nbsp; <div style="height:500px;width:400px;border:solid 3px red;"> </div> </div> <div style="overflow:scroll;width:100%;HEIGHT:50%;"> &nbsp; <div style="height:500px;width:400px;border:solid 3px red;"> </div> </div> Notice ...

Why is IE8 rendering superfish menu wrong?

I am useing the superfish jquery plugin If you view the superfish menu here: clicky the drop-downs show correctly (above the main content) in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE6, IE7 But for some reason they fall behind the main content in IE8. I already set the z-index for the superfish menu which IE7 wasnt working right until I did so, bu...