
how to reduce default gap between bullet and text in <li>?

how to reduce default gap between bullet and text in <li>? Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 I want to reduce gap between bullet an I ...

navbar hover issue in ie7

I'm having a problem with a child list not hovering correctly in IE7. Other browsers and IE7 seem to work fine. Here is the site: http://rattletree.com/index_1.php If you hover over the nav bars you'll see the sub-list come into view. You can see that the arrow image is not below the navbar in IE7 only. html: <div id="navbar2"> ...

how to loop through menu and remove class and then add class to current menu item

Hi all I have this menu structure that is used to navigate through content slider panels. <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#1" class="cross-link highlight">Bliss Fine Foods</a></li> <li><a href="#2" class="cross-link">Menus</a></li> <li><a href="#3" class="cross-link">Wines</a></li> <li><a href="#4" class="cross-l...

What is the benefit to add W3C logo in site?

http://www.w3.org/QA/Tools/Icons If my code is valid then Should i add logo to all my personal and client sites.? Should i add logo to client sites and tell to client these are good to have? If code is valid but semantically correct even can we use logo? What is benefit and purpose to add these logos for XHTML, CSS accessibility. And w...

IE6 PNG transparency fix with Backgroud positioned

So I am using this to fix PNG transparency on background images in IE6 ul li a { background-image: url('/NewSite/Content/Images/Sprite.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 0 -48px; background-image: none; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=/NewSite/Content/Images/Sprit...

changing css properties via javascript

I need a function to change the appearance of some elements in my html page "on the fly", but I am not able to do. The problem is that I cannot use a command like document.write ('body {background-color: #cccccc;}'); because I need to make the changes effective when the page is already loaded, using a link like <a onmouseclick="Cl...

Problems with textarea focus

My textarea is behaving very strange, when I click inside it .. the cursor appears there when I click, if I click on the middle of the textarea it appears there, and I'd like it to appear on the beginning wherever I click inside, like here on SO when asking question, wherever you click inside textarea it takes your cursor to the topmost ...

How to display a border-bottom only if table cells are not empty (CSS)

Hey there, I've got a Filemaker calculation that generates an HTML page with several tables. If the calculation results in values for certain fields the result would be <table> <tr><td>Example value 1</td></tr> <tr><td>Example value 2</td></tr> ... </table> If the calculation finds no values to be displayed, the result would simply b...

A text shows up smoothly when hovering thumbnails. Is this a jQuery plugin or just CSS?

I don't know the exact words to describe this behavior in the following pages: http://kyanmedia.com/ and http://www.jayhollywood.com.au/. When you hover the pictures (thumbnails). A text shows up smoothly. Is this a jquery plugin or just CSS? How to reproduce that behavior/effect? ...

css background images doesn't show in Web developer in toolbar > Edit css

I'm working on a xhtml css locally. Why css background images doesn't show in Web developer toolbar > Edit css option? Is there any workaround for it? Has anyone faced this issue or I should reinstall firefox and plugin? ...

How to change the CSS of entire page/website on click?

Is it possible to have 3-4 CSS on a page, and then on any event, say click, change the css for entire webpage. This way we can give our user the ability to change the theme. I know we can change the css of an element by: $("#myElementID").removeClass("class1").addClass("class2"); ...

Container div ignores height of floated elements

Ok, so this seems like a really silly problem but I can't get my container div to inherit the height of the floated elements inside of it. Since I need to center the container div, I can't use float to fix this problem. Here is my css: #container { margin: 0 auto; width: 1000px; border-left: 1px solid #f1f1f1; border-right: 1px solid #f...

Strange Rendering in Firefox

I've just noticed when loading my client's page (http://habbopfm.com/) in Firefox, that it renders what looks like a rectangle is pushed down a few pixels. It's difficult to describe, but imagine you took a screenshot of the page, opened it in Photoshop, selected a rectangle and moved it down a bit. IE and Safari don't appear to do thi...

HTML/CSS - Input [Text] How to disable the browser from offering suggestings in the Dropdown?

I'm building an autosuggest search, like apple's spotlight... and want to disable the browser from offering text suggestions under the input box. I can't remember if that's an html or css setting and can't find it. Anyone remember? ...

Black outline around map polygons (IE)

This only happens in some IE's. Here: http://animactions.ca/Animactions/volet_entreprise.php You may notice that when you click and drag on one of the circles, you will get something similar to this: http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/7578/errorra.png I cannot figure it out. Here is my image map: <p class="style2"> <map id="FPMap0" ...

Why isn't my submit button centered?

For some reason my submit button isn't centered. http://prime.programming-designs.com/test_forum/viewboard.php?board=0 #submitbutton{ margin: auto; border: 1px solid #DBFEF8; background-color: #DBFEF8; color: #000000; margin-top: 5px; width: 100px; height: 20px; } here's the html. <form method=post action=add_thread.php?board=<?...

CSS Compressor with @include support

Is there any CSS compressor that supports the @include directive? I have a bunch of css files that have one main file and are linked via those @include directives. Now that I want to compress the CSS files I'm looking for a compression tool that supports that. I'm not able to change the original files not to use includes because those ...

where can i find some android web page templates, css or html to use as a starter page

In searching the web I came across http://groupaware.mobi/iphone which has a sample iphone navigation site. Is there someplace I can find a similar thing for android? i.e. sample web pages with css, sample templates, navigation etc. If not, what suggestions would you have to offer to someone looking to build a web page for android? ...

how to set background image in submit button?

how to set background image in submit button? I have to use a image in place of regular submit button? which way would be best in xhtml/css? Button should look same in all main browsers including IE6,IE7 ...

Is there any free semantically correct HTML Form code (HTML+CSS) maker, generator?

Is there any free semantically correct HTML Form code (HTML+CSS) maker, generator? With HTML and CSS both. ...