
Reporting against a CSV field in a SQL server 2005 DB

Ok so I am writing a report against a third party database which is in sql server 2005. For the most part its normalized except for one field in one table. They have a table of users (which includes groups.) This table has a UserID field (PK), a IsGroup field (bit) , a members field (text) this members field has a comma separated list...

Dynamically display a CSV file as an HTML table on a web page.

I'd like to take a CSV file living server-side and display it dynamically as an html table. E.g., this: Name, Age, Sex "Cantor, Georg", 163, M should become this: <html><body><table> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>Age</td> <td>Sex</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cantor, Georg</td> <td>163</td> <td>M</td> </td> </table></body></html> Solutions in any l...

Iterate through search results by column

Is there a way in Vim (or a plugin) to search for a term and iterate through the search results (as per n in Vim), by column, rather than row? So if my file was this: foo1 bar bar baz baz foo3 baz baz foo4 foo2 bar bar If I search for foo I want to iterate through the results in order 1,2,3,4. Normally n would move me ...

Opening semicolon delimited CSV file with VBA in Excel 2000

How does one open a semicolon delimited CSV file with VBA in Excel 2000? In Excel 2003 11.8231.8221 SP3 with VBA 6.5.1025, I can open a semicolon delimited file with the following VBA code: Workbooks.OpenText filename:=myFilename, _ DataType:=xlDelimited, Semicolon:=True, Local:=True However, when the same code is run in Excel 20...

How do I export to CSV file with table record value with comma in it properly?

I have a function that exports values into a CSV file, but the "comments" field has commas in it and it messes up the columns when you open it in a spreadsheet program. Is there a way around exporting it properly? //this exports only names and comments into a CSV file function exportNamesCommentsCSV($table, $columns) { $file = "vol...

In Access 2007 CSV Export: Disable Scientific Notation.

When exporting a CSV from Access 2007, it automatically converts decimals into scientific notation. Unfortunately the tool that receives them treats these fields as text, and displays them as is. The values being exported are from a query being run against some Excel linked tables, and they appear perfectly in the query view. Is there...

CSV vs MySQL performance

lets assume the same environments for php5 working with MySQL5 and CSV files. MySQL is on the same host as hosted scripts. Will the MySQL always faster than retriving/searching/changing/adding/deleting records to CSV ? Or is there some amount of data below which php+CSV performance is better than using database server ? ...

Can you encode CR/LF in into CSV files?

Is it possible/legal to somehow encode CR/LF characters into a CSV file? (as part of a CSV standard?) If so how should i encode CR/LF? ...

Does any one know of a faster method to do String.Split()?

I am reading each line of a CSV file and need to get the individual values in each column. So right now I am just using: values = line.Split(delimiter); where line is the a string that holds the values that are seperated by the delimiter. Measuring the performance of my ReadNextRow method I noticed that it spends 66% on String.Split,...

Need well formatted data for testing

Sometimes you need data for tests, like Adobe Thermo has prewritten "sets" of data, like 1-word strings, 3-word strings, etc for use in populating data controls. I need: Continuous text, no newlines CSV Numbers, Integers CSV Numbers, Decimals URL encoded strings Any ideas on how to get any of those? ...

How can I change a huge file into csv in python

I'm a beginner in python. I have a huge text file (hundreds of GB) and I want to convert the file into csv file. In my text file, I know the row delimiter is a string "<><><><><><><>". If a line contains that string, I want to replace it with ". Is there a way to do it without having to read the old file and rewriting a new file. Normal...

How do i remove the top line in a CSV file (the coloumn headers)?

I have put together a script which will upload a CSV file and then extract the data into an already made table. I want to make it so the first line(the column headers) will not be inserted into the table, but the rest of the data will be. $fp = fopen($_SESSION['filename'],"r"); while (($data = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {...

What are good ways to upload bulk .csv data into a webapp using Django/Python?

I have a very basic CSV file upload module working to bulk upload my user's data into my site. I process the CSV file in the backend with a python script that runs on crontab and then email the user the results of the bulk upload. This process works ok operationally, but my issue is with the format of the csv file. Are there good to...

Extending [^,]+, Regular Expression in C#

Duplicate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/585853/regex-for-variable-declaration-and-initialization-in-c I was looking for a Regular Expression to parse CSV values, and I came across this Regular Expression [^,]+ Which does my work by splitting the words on every occurance of a ",". What i want to know is say I have the string...

SQL on csv files (without a database)

Is there some kind of tool which lets me do SQL like queries (counting, aggregating, joining,etc) without using a full fledged database? Preferably it's some kind of commandline tool: sqlcommandline "select count(*) from file1.csv where bladebla" ...

python opens text file with a space between every character

Whenever I try to open a .csv file with the python command fread = open('input.csv', 'r') it always opens the file with spaces between every single character. I'm guessing it's something wrong with the text file because I can open other text files with the same command and they are loaded correctly. Does anyone know why a text file wou...

Use LINQ to concatenate multiple rows into single row (CSV property)

I'm looking for the LINQ equivalent to the Sybase's LIST() or MySQL's group_concat() It'll convert: User Hobby -------------- Bob Football Bob Golf Bob Tennis Sue Sleeping Sue Drinking To: User Hobby -------------- Bob Football, Golf, Tennis Sue Sleeping, Drinking ...

How can I parse quoted CSV in Perl with a regex?

I'm having some issues with parsing CSV data with quotes. My main problem is with quotes within a field. In the following example lines 1 - 4 work correctly but 5,6 and 7 don't. COLLOQ_TYPE,COLLOQ_NAME,COLLOQ_CODE,XDATA S,"BELT,FAN",003541547, S,"BELT V,FAN",000324244, S,SHROUD SPRING SCREW,000868265, S,"D" REL VALVE ASSY,000771881, S,"...

How do I spool to a CSV formatted file using SQLPLUS?

I want to extract some queries to a CSV output format. Unfortunately, I can't use any fancy SQL client or any language to do it. I must use SQLPLUS. How do I do it? ...

CSV file validation with Java

I'm reading a file line by line, like this: FileReader myFile = new FileReader(File file); BufferedReader InputFile = new BufferedReader(myFile); // Read the first line String currentRecord = InputFile.readLine(); while(currentRecord != null) { currentRecord = InputFile.readLine(); } But if other types of files are upload...