
jquery cycle plugin -- IE problem with centering slides..

pls compare this pg in FF and IE.. I had thought it was a z-index problem with IE, but it's not.. if I comment out all this code.. $(document).ready(function() { $('#photos').cycle({ fx: 'none', timeout: 0, next: '#next', prev: '#prev', af...

How can I optimise this jquery (using Cycle plugin) code?

I'm a novice jquery developer and I wrote this code to create nested cycling divs using the JQuery Cycle plugin. I want to optimize this code because to be honest? It's working, but it's bad! real bad! Thank you! Note: Anyone can use this code if he finds the need to and modify it in any way. CSS: .divCycle1 { float: left; ...

Using jQuery Cycle, how can I change transitions on click?

I'm using the jQuery cycle plugin, and it works quite well. The only issue is that if using the fx transition "scrollHoriz" you can't dictate which direction the slides initially go. How can I assign a different direction? ...

jQuery Cycle/Photostack Plugin HELP

I am trying to create a photo stack like this, but I don't want that transition from side to side or top to bottom. Instead, I would like to fade each image while leaving that stacked look. I don't want to use a background image of the photos being stacked. But rather would like to dissolve e...

loop through returned json using jquery

I am getting image and hyperlink information returned in the JSON. I'd like to use the cycle plugin if possible. Example: [["1.jpg","http:\/\/\/"],["2.jpg","http:\/\/\/"],["3.jpg","http:\/\/"]] When my html page is first loaded it will already have this: <div id="container"><a id="changeLink" ...

how to cycle with whole arrays ruby on rails

Hi, I'm still new to ruby on rails and web development so please bear with me: I have two arrays a1 = [1,2,3,4] b1 = [7,6,5,4] I want to alternate which array i'm using; switching between a1[] and b1[]. I'm currently trying to use the cycle() command to accomplish this. <% @good_bad = [7,6,5,4,3,2,1] %> <% @bad_good = [1,2,3,4,5,6...

jQuery cycle slideshow resize problem

Sample Link On this page I have a splash screen in the middle which is 100% width and it rotates graphical images every 8 sec. I have 3 div inside this slideshow. Main div contains the slideshow , internal div has repeater background image and internal div inside that has gradient image. Problem 1. When you try to make the browser sm...

Help need to merge two functions for jquery cycle?

I have two functions I would like to use in my before callback with jquery cycle. One slides the pager over as the user cycles through, and other other centers the image horizontally and vertically inside the containing div. Both work great separately, yet I can seem to get them to work together both on the before callback. I have an exa...

jQuery Cycle - IE not loads the image at once (blinking occurs)

Hello, I'm having problem with jQuery Cycle plugin in IE8 (and other IEs as well) I have 3 slides which contains Title, Description + Image. The problem is that in IE8 the image is "blinking" / not loading at once (the bottom is cut off for a while is it displayed fully). Before I had problem with the white BG under the slider, but I...

Detecting mulitple cycles in a cyclic directed graph (python)

Hello, I have a directed cyclic graph with more than one cycle in it and I need a way to detect (and list) each cycle present in the digraph. The graph can be seen here: This is a dummy graph put together for the sake of debugging my python script. It contains the cycles: [n13, n14...

Cycle through remote javascripts to create multiple weather feeder

Hi guys, I'm using a weather feed to show weather on a page. I want to cycle through 2 or more weather locations at, say, 5 second intervals. I thought I could adapt something like this but haven't had any luck. The source code is as follows for 3 feeds that I woul...

Dynamically creating a json index won't let me access the data within

I'm trying to use jQuery to send an ajax request to a very simple PHP script to load images for the jQuery cycle plugin. I'm having an issue with obtaining the image source strings from my json object. I'll show my code, then go into more detail below: <!doctype html> <html lang="en-us"> <head> <title>jQuery Cycle test</ti...

Problems with jquery cycle pager function - page not showing up

Using cycle 2.7x i didn't have any problem with this however I had to upgrade to jquery cycle 2.88 because 2.7x doesn't support cleartypeNoBg. Below is the code I am using. As I say it worked before. $('#hero').cycle({ fx: 'scrollHorz', speed: 2000, timeout: 12000, next: '#next', ...

Using jQuery Cycle and ajax to dynamically create a slide show - images don't load immediately

I'm currently trying to make a cheap, simple slide show navigation box for a client (something along the lines of what, say, the Red Sox or Gamespot use on their sites, but far, far simpler). So far, it's actually coming along nicely, with one problem - the images don't appear upon a first visit. They only appear after the page is relo...

Inline Javascript causing jQuery Cycle plugin to stop

I am new to jquery and Javascript and I am running into a problem which I hope somebody here will be able to solve. I have setup a jquery Cycle plugin to display some content in a div. Now I also have certain links load some different content in another div. Upon load, the cycle works fine, but when I click any of the links and load the ...

Jquery Cycle plugin not working in IE

I am using cycle plugin to rotate banners on the homepage, it works fine with Firefox, Chorme. However does not with IE. I am just not able to find why. can anybody please help? ...

Javascript error in IE7 only (jQuery / Cycle.js

I'm using jQuery and cycle.js to fade through some images on this site. On the first and last slides, I've put a callback function to go to the next/prev pages, however in IE7 I'm receiving a runtime javascript error (not in any other browsers). Here's the link to my javascript file: The error I'm receiving in IE...

Cycle jQuery plugin, can the images slide both ways intuitively?

I'm using the jQuery cycle plugin found here: It works well. My client wants a list of <div>s that contain images and text, etc. to slide horizontally on the front page. But she also wants me to use the previous and next options to have arrows on either side that can control the sliding panels. Here is t...

Jquery Cycle Slider - Quick Clicks Break Slider

I've created somewhat of a complicated slider with jquery Cycle. You can see it running perfectly here However, when you click it a bunch of times (before the slide has finished its transition), it starts to go wacky and even hides the text.. Here is my code: $('#dmzSlideHolder').cycle({ fx: 'uncover', pager: '#slideN...

how to iterate subranges in a "cyclic array"?

I'm trying to write the following perl subroutine. Given are an array a of length n, an index i in the array (0<=i<n an upstream window length u and a downstream window length d. I want to iterate over the values in the upstream window and the downstream window to i. In the simplest case, this will iterating over the values in a[i-u..i...