
How do I programmatically cycle a router?

I have the need to be able to cycle my linksys router via a program, the reason I want to do this is complex, so let's just assume there is no better option. Is there anyway to do this? I think there is because when I install a firmware update to the router via the admin console, it cycles the router. ...

Any chances to imitate times() Ruby method in C#?

Every time I need to do something N times inside an algorithm using C# I write this code for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { ... } Studying Ruby I have learned about method times() which can be used with the same semantics like this N.times do ... end Code fragment in C# looks more complex and we should declare useless variable i...

jQuery - cycle help

I'm looking to get some help on using the cycle library for jQuery. I'm in the beginner demos, and I got the absolute first one completed. This is the second one on the page. <script src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="jquery.cycle.all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javasc...

WPF ListBox Can you make it cycle? IE not hit hard stops at top and bottom

I have a WPF ListBox bound to a data object. Inside the listbox are a series of images with text. It is layed out in a horizontal fashion, and mousing over the left or right sides of the box scroll the items left or right respectively. let's say there are 20 items in the listbox. I'm trying to figure out how when I hit position 19 item ...

How to determine if a linked list has a cycle using only two memory locations.

Does anyone know of an algorithm to find if a linked list loops on itself using only two variables to traverse the list. Say you have a linked list of objects, it doesn't matter what type of object. I have a pointer to the head of the linked list in one variable and I am only given one other variable to traverse the list with. So my...

jquery plugin or script to automatically cycle through accordion

Hi there everyone! Please could someone advise me regarding this. I am currently using the accordion plugin from working successfully when you hover over each item header to reveal each child content. I am using an unordered list for this (4 list items, each with 2 child items) This is fine, but the requirements now call...

Nested jQuery Cycle ?

Hi, I am trying to build a slide show with jQuery cycle plug in. In the slide show there are contents and inside the contents there is basic image gallery. Timeout of cycle which image gallery uses is fewer than the contents timeout. So content waits for 15 second and the image gallery will have 5 pics with 3 seconds timeout which make...

Javascript: Popup with movie from images in main window

Hi everyone, I'm a mostly-newbie Javascript'er and I'm trying it on a webpage which, upon pressing a button, pops up a window which shows a cyclic "movie" with the images from the main window. From what I've tried Googling around I can sense I'm pretty close, but something is eluding me. I know what follows results in two separate que...

how to find CPU cycle for an assembly instruction

Hello everyone, I heard there is Intel book online which describes the CPU cycles needed for a specific assembly instruction, but I can not find it out (after trying hard). Could anyone show me how to find CPU cycle please? Here is an example, in the below code, mov/lock is 1 CPU cycle, and xchg is 3 CPU cycles. // This part is Platfo...

Starting "Click-Once" published application keeps trying to install .NET Framework

The following dialog window keeps popping on my computrer when starting "Click-Once" published application from Internet URL: [Microsoft .NET Framework Setup] - Would you like to download and install the Microsoft .NET Framework? The content you are trying to access requires the Microsoft .NET Framework. Would you like to ...

How do I find the shortest path that covers all nodes in a directed cyclic graph?

I need an example of the shortest path of a directed cyclic graph from one node (it should reach to all nodes of the graph from a node that will be the input). Please if there is an example, I need it in C++, or the algorithm. Thanks very much......... ...

Fastest algorithm for detecting a loop in a graph

Given an undirected graph what is the best algorithm to detect if it contains a cycle or not? A breadth first or depth first search while keeping track of visited nodes is one method, but it's O(n^2). Is there anything faster? ...

jQuery Cycle plugin z-index float problem

When I try to place an element on top of my jQuery Cycle element, it doesn't work. The element is always behind the jQuery cycle element. I use float: right; to position the element, and set its z-index to 100000, to no avail. Firebug sees the Cycle element and its children as having low z-indexes, and shows the floating element to be ...

Problem using jQuery cycle plugin as image rotator and a pager

Hi all! I am trying to use jQuery in order to make a pager for tumbs and large images and I don't succeed. I am using this example from jQuery's site, I think I followed the direction but it doesn't seem to be worknig. I do see only the first image and not all of them, but no pager. Am I missing something? So here is my HTML: <!DOCTY...

CSS, JQuery Cycle and IE issue..

Hi all, I'm using a jQuery plugin called "Cycle" and I am having issues with the CSS for it in IE, it looks perfect in Opera, FF, Chrome and Safari, but IE is cracking the sads.. www[dot]photographicpassions[dot]com/home You will see the "latest work" on the right hand side and the thumbnails below the main image, in FF, Safari, Chrome...

Why does Java toString() loop infinitely on indirect cycles?

This is more a gotcha I wanted to share than a question: when printing with toString(), Java will detect direct cycles in a Collection (where the Collection refers to itself), but not indirect cycles (where a Collection refers to another Collection which refers to the first one - or with more steps). import java.util.*; public class Sh...

How to use the jquery.rotate and jquery.cycle plugins together

I have a series of photos (3 series actually) that need to cycle, which the jQuery cycle plugin does nicely for me. My problem is I also want to rotate them (rotate as in turn) by a few degrees each in varying directions on page load, to achieve a 'scattered' look. jQuery Rotate does this nicely too ... my problem is I can't get both r...

Survey: how are you using ID/IDREF? (or key/keyref)

I'm interested in how people use this feature: what domain, what relationships (apologies if survey questions aren't appropriate). XML represents trees naturally using containment; but it can also represent graphs, using IDREFs that refer to IDs: many elements can refer to the same element (multi-ref); and a nested element can refer to ...

jQuery Cycle Plugin with typewriter transition effect

Hey, Wondering if anyone knows how to achieve a typewriter effect with the jQuery Cycle plugin. See here for desired effect: Thanks. Dave ...

Cycle jQuery Plugin

Hey all, I'm not sure if you've noticed this, but it takes the first image of the cycle plugin way longer to change than the rest of the slides. I was thinking at first it was loading time, but it seems too significant. I'm wondering if there is a default option that I'm missing or a workaround. Thanks! Matt Mueller ...