
jQuery ".cycle is not a function" error - follow-up from

So I am trying to implement the solution suggested to me in my previous question ( I want to use the Cycle library found here: to cycle through the contents of a DIV that I am populating with rows from a custom SharePoint list. The html I am creating appears to...

Why aren't jQuery and cycle working in Wordpress?

Hi! I am really struggeling with this problem.. I want to have a slideshow of my featured post via cycle in my wordpress index.php, but well.. wordpress wont. First I enqueued cycle and my script in the header: <?php wp_enqueue_script('jquery.cycle.all.min', '/wp-content/themes/black1/js/jquery.cycle.all.min.js', array('jquery'));...

Jquery Loading problem on first load / hard refresh

hey everyone, here is the site SEE BELOW I have a slight jquery problem and I cant seem to figure out how to debug it. the strip of thumbnails is supposed to scroll when you hover over it. When the page loads, or it loads on a hard refresh, they dont scroll. If I refresh the page (normally, not a hard refresh), it works fine. Any ide...

Example of CPU and I/O burst cycle?

Can somebody give me an example of CPU and I/O burst cycle? I know the CPU must do its calculation during the burst, but how about the I/O? What actually happens during the I/O time? ...

jQuery Cycle Plugin (zero element?)

I used AJAX to populate a div and then, cycle plugin it ! here is the page, and here is the code calling cycle: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#photoviewer").load("photo-list.shtml #ani"); alert ('photo loaded!'); $(document).ready(function() { $('#ani').cycle({ fx: 'turnD...

Using multiple pagers in jQuery cycle plugin

Is it possible to have multiple pager elements for a slideshow using the cycle plugin for jQuery? For example, in this project, I need to have a pager above and below the slideshow. The code below works fine, but when I try to "clone" the nav (prev, next, and pager) using jQuery's clone() function, the pager will not work (although both ...

Jquery Cycle Problem

Hey everyone, I'm not the best at Jquery debugging, so I was hoping someone could let me know what this means, and hopefully how to fix it. I am using jquery Cycle lite(hosted locally) & Jquery (hosted by google). My Code is pretty simple: <div id="slideshow1" class="slider" > <img src="/images/slider1.jpg" /> <img src="/imag...

What are cycles ? in relation to python

im using the fantastic eric4 ide to code python, it's got a tool built in called 'cyclops', which is apparently looking for cycles. After running it, it gives me a bunch of big bold red letters declaring there to be a multitude of cycles in my code. The problem is the output is nearly indecipherable, there's no way im gonna understand wh...

jQuery cycle plugin - Stopping

I have my page setup to start an automatic scroll of images (with the cycle plugin) when you hover over it's category link. That works fine. What I want now is to have the automatic cycling stop when you hover off the link and then to start the manual 'next/prev' slideshow. Basically, when you hover over the category link, cycle through...

PHP + MySQL Cycle Queue

I just accepted a similar question (, but I realized that it wasn't the correct question for my problem, but was the correct answer for my question :) I have a MySQL (MyISAM type) table of sites to be scraped by workers. CREATE TABLE `site` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increm...

How to get Fullsize & Cycle - JQuery - working together?

Hello all I have a problem implementing too JQuery tools; Cycle and Fullsize (together). I have uploaded an example over at: The problem is that only the first image pics up the Full size script, I have bene told by a friend to add the following into code into the cycle script: ?after: functi...

jQuery cycle plugin customizing

I'm using the jQuery Cycle plugin to start a slidshow of images when hovering over the initial image. This works fine. What I want after that is to have the slideshow stop when hovered off, and have a manual slideshow (next/prev buttons) start. This currently works, but the slideshow starts from the beginning each time it's initialized. ...

jQuery cycle page with links

I am using the cycle plugin with pager functionality like this : $j('#homebox') .cycle({ fx: 'fade', speed: 'fast', timeout: 9000, pager: '#home-thumbs', pagerEvent: 'mouseover', pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) { // return sel string for existing anchor ...

Enumerating All Minimal Directed Cycles Of A Directed Graph

Hello! I have a directed graph and my problem is to enumerate all the minimal (cycles that cannot be constructed as the union of other cycles) directed cycles of this graph. This is different from what the Tarjan algorithm outputs. For instance, for the directed graph at this wikipedia page, I would like to get c <-> d and d <-> h as tw...

finding cycle of 3 nodes ( or triangles) in a graph

hi all, i am working with complex networks. I want to find group of nodes which forms cycle of 3 nodes ( or triangles) in a given graph. As my graph contains about million edges, so the use simple iterative (multiple "for" loop) is not very efficient. If someone knows any algorithm which can be used for finding triangles in graphs, kind...

jQuery cycle plugin with transparency in IE

After much searching I managed to find these two Cycle plugin options to allow for transparency in Internet Explorer cleartype: true, cleartypeNoBg: true, The problem I'm getting now is a black block thing around the image that appears during the bounce transition than gets removed once the transition is complete and the image is sittin...

Cycle Pager auto advance with Pause/Play

hi guys i've managed to work out who to make a pager gallery using the cycle plugin WITH auto advance $(function() { $('#s4').before('<div id="nav" class="nav">').cycle({ fx: 'fade', speed: 'slow', timeout: 6000, pager: '#nav', before: function() { if (window.console) console.log(this.src); } }); }); howeve...

Jquery Cycle Plugin

I've been using the jquery cycle plugin ( and it's doing exactly as I want except that it doesn't seem to recognise the first slide as slide one. I'm using the onAfter function to to turn the next/prev links on and off as appropriate and to display page 1 of ? but the next link persists on its own on page 2 (when ...

How to cycle through xcode windows (or open 'help' within the bottom pane)?

Hi. I'm using a MBP... In Xcode 3.2 the help/reference pops up in a new window when I ALT, CMD, DOUBLECLICK on a class name**. In previous versions it looks like it used to open up in the bottom pane of the main Xcode window. Can I replicate that in 3.2+? The problem I'm having is that if either one of the Xcode windows (help or main) ...

PHP/SQL Cycle items every x minutes.

Hi all! I have a friend who runs an online auction website. He currently has a featured items section on the homepage that he wants to have cycle an item every X amount of minute. The site runs off a MySQL database which I haven't actually seen yet. The current code that he is using is a big, long messy Javascript code that is causing a...