
jquery cycle breaks fade functions for everything else in IE8/IE7

JQUERY 1.3.2 CYCLE PLUGIN ( IE8 IE7 (aka compatible view in IE8) I have a website with 2 tabs. The first tab contains a slideshow that uses cycle, the second tab contains text. When you click a tab, the current content div fades out and the correct content div fades in. This is the expected behavior and ...

adding return true to jquery cycle's next/previous buttons.

The jQuery code used: $('#contentspacer').cycle({fx:'fade',speed:2500,timeout:6000,next:'.next',prev:'.prev'}); $('.pause').click(function() {$('#contentspacer').cycle('pause'); return false;}); $('.play').click(function() {$('#contentspacer').cycle('resume'); return false;}); The html used for the "navigation": <div class="pnbtns"><...

jQuery Cycle Plugin - gaps between transitions in IE7

I am using the jQuery Cycle plugin and having trouble with gaps between the images when there should be smooth fade in/out transitions. This only happens in IE7. I have seen the earlier postings about nesting the images in other elements to mask the fact that they are png images. Is there a solution to make this transition smooth? Tha...

Jquery Cycle Questions: Pause on load + Hover Action

Hey Guys, building a site and I've got two questions for you. The site is hosted here for the time being: . I have two questions:1. Currently the slideshow rotates divs with the class of .slide that holds the image. inside it, a class of .cover overlays it with the data/ a semi-transparent backgro...

CSS background image disappears in IE (6, 7, 8) after running jQuery .cycle()

I have the following HTML: <div id="similar-products" class="box small"> <div class="product"> <h3><a href="#">Lorem ipsum 1</a></h3> <p class="figure"><img src="_img/thumb/blah.png" alt=""></p> <p class="price">€ 19,99</p> <p class="more-info"><a href="#more-info">More info</a></p> <p class="add-to-cart"><a href="#add">Add t...

[jQuery] Cycle plugin refuses to scroll, no idea why.

I"m trying to make a gallery piece for my website. I know there are ones out there that would do most of what I want automatically but I'm hoping to be able to build my own that way I know exactly what's gone into it. Problem is, it's not working. Sort of. The CSS works as it's supposed to. The jQuery Cycle plugin is providing the sexy...

What's a good topic for some real-life application?

Hi I was assigned a project in my software engineering class. This is a semester long project so I'm not looking for something really easy. It's also a three hour course and the project is considered 30% of the grade only. Here's the catch. The project has to be a real every day life application. i.e. ticketing system for airline. th...

How to break outer cycle in Ruby?

Hello. In Perl, there is an ability to break an outer cycle like this: AAA: for my $stuff (@otherstuff) { for my $foo (@bar) { last AAA if (somethingbad()); } } (syntax may be wrong), which uses a loop label to break the outer loop from inside the inner loop. Is there anything similar in Ruby? ...

Jquery cycle overflow problem.

In the jquery.cycle.js file, there is the following code: $.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollRight = function($cont, $slides, opts) { $cont.css('overflow','hidden'); opts.before.push($.fn.cycle.commonReset); var w = $cont.width(); opts.cssFirst = { left: 0 }; opts.cssBefore= { left: -w, top: 0 }; opts.animIn = { left: 0 };...

Is IE supports JQuery

hi i have a carousel code which is not working in all browsers not in IE (even IE+6). find the code mycarouselcode ...

jQuery Cycle pagerAnchorBuilder

Howdy, I'm using the Cycle plugin for use in a news-rotator. This means I'm using Div's to populate the slides instead of images. My ultimate goal is to make a pager where instead of the usual 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. - it instead returns the first H3 tag in the slide. I know this probably a minor selection issue, but here's what I'm using s...

What is No of hamiltonian cycles in a complete graph`

Please explain How to derive formula for number of hamiltonian cycles in a complete undirected graph. at wikipedia it is given that it is (n-1)!/2 but when I calculated K3 has only one cycle and K4 has 5. Or I am wrong. Please elaborate ...

What is dynamic programming algorithm for finding a Hamiltonian cycle?

What is dynamic programming algorithm for finding a Hamiltonian cycle in a undirected graph? I have seen somewhere that there exists a algorithm with O(n*2^n) time complextity ...

cycle plugin with sliding pager?

I have a working cycle script with 6 slides, with the pager fitting perfectly across. If I added more slides how do I get the pager to slide with the current slide, and use that for the arrows (prev/next)? Is this a feature of the jquery cycle plugin? Or do I need to combine it with another? ...

Removing active class and adding it to a sibling

Currently, I have a jQuery Cycle plugin that allows the image to scroll. With it's callback I am calling this function function onAfterVideoScroll() { $('').removeClass("active").next().addClass("active"); } This SHOULD be removing the current class from another set of links, and adding the class to the it's next sib...

Django: Problem with {% cycle %}

Hi This is taken directly from my Django template: {% for day in days %} <!-- {% cycle 'day' 'day' 'day last' as cls %} --> {% rounded "black" cls %} {# Custom tag giving me rounded borders. #} ... {% endrounded %} {% endfor %} I have commented out the {% cycle %} because I only use it to set "cls" to "day last" every third i...

jQuery cycle fade order change

$('.rotateme').cycle({fx:'fade',speed:2500,timeout:3000,next:'#arrowright',prev:'#arrowleft',sync:1,pause:1}); Hai dudes, the code above is what I am using for an image slider, where images fade in a cycle (that was obvious). Anyway, this is what happens: When it's cycling through the li elements, the previous button returns me to th...

Problem: Jquery Cycle - Image + Description rotator /w custom thumbnails

I'm attempting to build a custom Image + Description rotator /w custom thumbnails using Jquery Cycle. Something kind of like this example:, but using DIV (instead of images) and custom thumbnails from an alternate directory. From what I can understand this is how I'd build the sample above...

jQuery .cycle() is invisible in Webkit browsers [Safari / Chrome] on first load (after refresh everything works fine!)

I'm using jQuery cycle to implement a slideshow effect. You can click on any slideshow image to slide to the next one. This works fine in all browsers. Only in Safari, something really weird happens. Upon the first page load, no slideshow images are displayed at all! After reloading the page (either by refreshing or by hitting the 'Go'...

JQuery Cycle Plugin doesn't work in IE - Who can help?

Hi, I am currently developing a site for a client which uses the JQuery cycle plugin to move through a number of divs which contain pictures and info about wedding dresses. All works fine in Firefox, but when I test in IE6 + IE7 the divs are all stacked on top of each other vertically and they soan right down the screen for 1000's of p...