
Jquery Cycle and Effects inside each Slide

I want to create a carousel using Cycle with the following effects: The slides fade in or slides when user clicks a prev/next button When the slide finishes loading, there are text and images in each slide that I want to animate as well with a slide in or fade in effect. Questions: 1. How could one do it so that the transitions are s...

Zend Cycle within Partials

Is there an alternative to using 'Cycle' when creating zebra tables in Zend. ( My version does not have Cycle helper and don't really want to have to upgrade. Using a partial loop and need each table to put out different bg color. However the partial loop doesnt seem to act as a standard loop with no repeat ...

Checking for odd cycles in an undirected graph

Hello, I'm back with another similar question. I am currently working on a Java program that will check if a graph is 2-colorable, i.e. if it contains no odd cycles (cycles of odd number length). The entire algorithm is supposed to run in O(V+E) time (V being all vertices and E being all edges in the graph). My current algorithm does a D...

Jquery Cycle Plugin: How do you pause a slideshow on load

I I want to load a Jquery Cycle slideshow and after loading pause until the user clicks the Play button. I am new to Jquery so could you give me a detailed explanation and possibly example code. You can see my slideshow @ Thank you ...

jQuery - Cycle Plugin - Image Positioning

I am using the jQuery Cycle plugin to rotate a series of images on this site. The images look nice in Safari but they are off about 4 pixels at the top in Firefox. Obviously with the intersecting line there it is rather critical to keep the positioning right. I would appreciate some help in positioning that element so that the cycle.js ...

jquery cycle - can't pause or stop with AJAX

hi there, I'm suing the jQuery cycle plug-in and it's awesome. However, there's one issue that I can't seem to get around. My pages are loading via Ajax, but if I refresh a page directly through the browser, it's as if the timeout is still based on the previous pageview. The slides themselves work properly, but the active slide on t...

revisiting nodes during DFS and controlling infinite cycles

I am implementing DFS on a weighted directed graph in the following way: public class DFSonWeightedDirectedGraph { private static final String START = "A"; private static final String END = "C"; private int pathLength = 0; private int stops = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { //this is a direc...

jquery cycle navigation anchor

Hi all, Am using following code to slide the images,I want previous & next to slide the previous and next image with the numbers ,Anyone can help to achieve this.Thanks in advance <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.cycle.all.2.73.js"></script> <script type="text/j...

How long does the stream of Random().Next() take util it repeats?

Consider the .NET Random stream: var r = new Random(); while (true) { r.Next(); } How long does it take to repeat? ...

jQuery Cycle Plugin - Change Pager Anchors to Weekdays

I want to create a menu that sorts by days. Everything works except the pager won't output weekdays. My code is as follows: var days = new Array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday" ); $('#main') .before('<div id="nav">') .cycle({ fx: 'toss', timeout: 0, pager: '#nav', option...

jQuery.Cycle showing small images at first load

Hello, I've got problem with jQuery.cycle plugin. At first load of page (when imgs arent cached) its showing small imgs, like thumbnails. You can see it at - just wait when the second img shows - it's small. Reload/refresh solves it, but it's not real solution, you know. Does anybody knows what's the solution of ...

Fading transparent image in IE7-8

Hello. I have been checking a lot of topics on this situation and still haven't found a solution to this problem. Is it even possible? I have a website ( which uses the cycle plug-in ( to fade the top cases. As you see on the first image when the fading occurs, it gets a black ...

Multiple Jquery Cycle Slideshows with their own Navs

Hello, I am using the Jquery cycle plugin ( on a blog listing page. There are multiple slideshows which work fine but I'd like each on the have their own previous and next. Because these are blog posts it is difficult to sign unique IDs or classes. I currently have:- $('.article .gallery').cycle({...

jquery cycle with previous and next previews

I have created a slideshow using the jquery cycle plugin with previous and next buttons. What i am trying to do is when the user hovers the previous or the next button to get a tooltip with a preview of the previous or the next image respectively. Any ideas on how to achive something like that? ...

Problem trying to do window resize with jquery cycle slideshow

Im trying to run a javascript window resize script on a page with a jquery cycle slideshow but im hitting some bugs I cant seem to work out. It resizes the first image fine on page load but then forgets the new height/width attributes for subsequent slides. I can set these again on before and after using jquery but the images always flas...

How to delete list elements while cycling the list itself without duplicate it

I lost a little bit of time in this Python for statement: class MyListContainer: def __init__(self): self.list = [] def purge(self): for object in self.list: if (object.my_cond()): self.list.remove(object) return self.list container = MyListContainer() # now suppose both obj...

Can I catch error in a list comprehensions to be sure to loop all the list items

I've got a list comprehensions which filter a list: l = [obj for obj in objlist if not obj.mycond()] but the object method mycond() can raise an Exception I must intercept. I need to collect all the errors at the end of the loop to show which object has created any problems and at the same time I want to be sure to loop all the list e...

jquery cycle.js pager graphics work in Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera but disappear in IE.

Hi, I finally got my site up and running. I am a graphic designer not a programmer so am a newby. Code-wise it may not be the prettiest but it works. If you go to the work section of my site,, the pager (I used a background gif for the a and active state) function works in Safari, Chrome, Firefox and O...

Algorithm for finding all cycles in a directed graph on C++ using Adjacency matrix

Given graph adjacency matrix (for ex. g[][]), graph is directed. Needs find count of all graph cycles (if exists) and print them. I tried to wrote this algorithm in Java, sometimes it works correctly. If graph has complex cycles, algorithm return crazy cycles. Please, look at my code and help to resolve this problem public static final...

Jquery Cycle next: function help

Hay Guys, I'm using the Cycle plugin for a gallery. The plugin has a function that can be run after an image has been show prevNextClick: function(isNext, zeroBasedSlideIndex, slideElement){ SlideIndex = zeroBasedSlideIndex + 1; $(".count .c").empty().append(SlideIndex); }, after: function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, opt...