
which iphone data model to choose?

i need to get some data somewhere to put in a timeline. the data strcture is like this: - Item - Name - Year - ShortInfo (mainly keywords and short texts) - LongInfo (much text with videos/audios (urls) a friend of mine told me i should you a plist and get all that stuff in there, but what about a sqlite database? any advice? ...

Data model for timesheet to task and/or timesheet to project?

Let's say I want to make a simple project tracking system. A manager can create a project. Then he can create tasks for that project. Team members can record the hours they work for each task or for the project as a whole. Is the following design for the t_timesheet table a good idea? timesheet_id - primary key, autoincrement proje...

Difference between has-a and composed-of?

In OOP modeling, is there any distinction between a "has-a" relationship and a "composed-of" relationship? ...

How to handle choice field with JPA 2, Hibernate 3.5

I have an entity with Integer attributes that looks like this in proto code: class MyEntity: String name @Choices({1, "BSD", 2, "Apache", 3, "GPL"} Integer frequency @ChoicesSegment({1000, 2000, 3000}, {"BSD", "Apache", "GPL"}) Integer type String getFrequency() return getChoice("frequency", frequen...

couchdb: one database per account vs all in one database w. a namespace / property

I'm modelling a document generation system in couchdb. It semi-automates the production of proposal and presentation documents from managable document fragments. Much like, say, Basecamp, it breaks down very simply into self-contained data per 'account'. Each account has multiple users, projects, documents, etc. However, nothing shou...

What enterprise architecture tools support DoDAF 2.0?

What tools best support the DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Version 2.0, including support for transfer of the architecture data in accordance with the DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) Physical Exchange Specification (PES)? My initial research found that MagicDraw and Casewise claim support for version 2.0; and several other tools have support...

Open Source - EER Modeling Tool

Is there a good open source or reasonably priced EER modeling tool for MySQL besides MySQL Workbench? I find the MySQL Workbench interface to be clunky. I would like to be able to manage my production schema beginning all design changes in the EER and propogating those out to my schema for created and altered tables. Is anyone use a to...

How to model my database when using entity framework 4?

Trying to wrap my head around the best approach in modelling a database when we are using Entity Framework 4 as the ORM layer. We are going to use mvc 2 for the application. Is it worth trying to model using the class diagram modeller that comes with Visual Studio 2010 where you graphically configure your models into the EDMX f...

Databases design - one link table or multiple link tables?

Hi there, I'm working on a front end for a database where each table essentially has a many to many relationship with all other tables. I'm not a DB admin, just a few basic DB courses. The typical solution in this case, as I understand it, would be multiple link tables to join each 'real' table. Here's what I'm proposing instead: one l...

Handling incremental Data Modeling Changes in Functional Programming

Most of the problems I have to solve in my job as a developer have to do with data modeling. For example in a OOP Web Application world I often have to change the data properties that are in a object to meet new requirements. If I'm lucky I don't even need to programmatically add new "behavior" code (functions,methods). Instead I can de...

Storing n-grams in database in < n number of tables.

If I was writing a piece of software that attempted to predict what word a user was going to type next using the two previous words the user had typed, I would create two tables. Like so: == 1-gram table == Token | NextWord | Frequency ------+----------+----------- "I" | "like" | 15 "I" | "hate" | 20 == 2-gram table == Token ...

How can I create XSD files from M documents?

Does anyone know of a nice way to: produce XSD documents from an SQL Server Modeling Framework model consume conformant XML documents using that model and add directly into the DB created from the model? I can't see any obvious way from the current documentation, but I'm a newcomer, so I may have missed something. Thanks. ...

Common one-to-many table for multiple entities

Suppose I have two tables, Customer and Vendor. I want to have a common address table for customer and vendor addresses. Customers and Vendors can both have one to many addresses. Option 1 Add columns for the AddressID to the Customer and Vendor tables. This just doesn't seem like a clean solution to me. Customer Vendor ...

Rails modeling for a user

When building a rails app that allows a User to login and create data, is it best to setup a belongs_to :user association on every single model? For example, let's say a user can create Favorites, Colors and Tags. And let's say Favorites has_many :tags and Colors also has_many :tags. Is it still important for Tags to belong_to :user ...

Got a table of people, who I want to link to each other, many-to-many, with the links being bidirectional

Imagine you live in very simplified example land - and imagine that you've got a table of people in your MySQL database: create table person ( person_id int, name text ) select * from person; +-------------------------------+ | person_id | name | +-------------------------------+ | 1 | Alice | ...

Do you use Styrofoam balls to model your systems?

[Objective-C] Do you still use Styrofoam balls to model your systems, where each ball represents a class? Tom Love: We do, actually. We've also done a 3D animation version of it, which we found to be nowhere near as useful as the Styrofoam balls. There's something about a physical, conspicuous structure hanging fro...

Variable Substitution with FetchRequests stored in a CoreData Model

Hello, I've always created my NSFetchRequests entirely in-code. Now I'm looking at the Xcode GUI for building a fetch request and storing it in the model. I'm following an example from the Xcode Documentation. I added a Fetch Request to my model, and the predicate that has been created through the Modelling GUI is: firstName LIKE[c]...

cakePHP data model with multiple foreign keys to same table

Based on cakePHP's data model conventions, to setup a foreign key I would specify a column with the source_table followed by an _id. I have an accounts and an account_messages table. Now the complication arises when I need 2 foreign key references to the same accounts table. Specifically I need to keep track of the account_id in the TO...

A good database modeling tool for PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL comes with the excellent pgAdmin-tool for managing the database but lacks GUI data-modeling utility? I found this list: but don't have time to evaluate them. Which one do YOU recommend? ...

Information Modeling

The sensor module in my project consists of a rotating camera, that collects noisy information about moving objects in the surrounding environment. The information consists of distance, angle and relative change of the moving objects.. The limiting view range of the camera makes it essential to rotate the camera periodically to update ...