
How to escalate database user permissions to create new databases?

I created new cPanel account, using this account created new database, new database user and connected user to database, simple stuff. Now, I want this particular user to be able to create new databases, how can I escalate this database user's permissions to allow creating new databases? I still want these databases to be associated with...

Storing millions of URLs in a database for fast pattern matching

I am developing a web analytics kind of system which needs to log referring URL, landing page URL and search keywords for every visitor on the website. What I want to do with this collected data is to allow end-user to query the data such as "Show me all visitors who came from searching for phrase that contains 'red shoes'" or "...

backing up user data

in my app the user saves data in archive using core data and sqllite. 1. is there a way letting him the option to back up his data and restoring it in the future? 2. does the user info is backed up with the iphone regular back up? thanks shani ...

MapReduce in the cloud

Except for Amazon MapReduce, what other options do I have to process a large amount of data? Thank you! ...

Drupal - How to display N nodes of a type X?

How to display N nodes of a type X? ...

Database Memory :: MySql Innodb how much storage memory allocation for empty field vs not empty field - varchar or text

Hi, I new in database, and dont know how and when mysql allocate memory space. In MySql Innodb how much storage memory allocation for empty field (no string inserted) vs not empty field? Other form of my question: When memory allocated space In MySql Innodb for varchar/text field in time of table creation or when data inserted ins...

MySql, InnoDB & Null Values

Formerly I was using MyISAM storage engine for MySql and I had defined the combination of three fields to be unique. Now I have switched to InnoDB, which I assume caused this problem, and now NULL != NULL. So for the following table: ID (Auto) | Field_A | Field_B | Field_C I can insert (Field_A,Field_B,Field_C) Values(1,2,NULL) ...

data structure book recommendation

Hi, Are there books you know that covers data structure? how data should be properly structured (eg, in array or database). thanks! ...

Problems and solution for Developing a connected web and desktop application?

hi, I am trying to develop a web application(Using ASP.NET and c#) that uses a specific database hosted on web server. I will have another desktop application that will use a local database. Both databases have same structure and data at start up. Then databases will change when users add data to web application and an employee adds dat...

Rails: Auto-Detecting Database Adapter

The new version of the ar-extensions gem requires that you load the appropriate adapter yourself. On my development side I use mysql, however Heroku uses PostgreSQL. For example, on my development side I need to do this: require 'ar-extensions/adapters/mysql' require 'ar-extensions/import/mysql' How can I audo-detect which adapter to...

Do you know a database written in Perl with DBI interface?

Hi, Do you know a database written purely in Perl with DBI interface? Or what can be used if there is no MySql or Postgresql installed and I want to use Perl only? Thank you. Ok, I just wanted something that can be used with Catalyst. ...

Rails: translations for table's column.

In rails application I have two models: Food and Drink. Both food and drink have a name, which has to be stored in two languages. How do I better realize translations for theese tables? First solution I realized was to replace name column with name_en and name_ru. Another solution is to encode with YAML hash like { :en => 'eng', :ru => ...

technology for new webproject?

Hi there, i am planing to set up a new webproject which has to use a database and a model which can be presented in a browser. I looked at a lot of technologies (JSF, PHP, ..) but i could not find a free and easy framework/technology for me (in the end i prefered, but this is not free). What can you recommend me for a new webp...

How to configure database for exe.file

Recently I had created a Java Desktop Application, I wish to share it with my friends. I was thinking to convert it into exe file using exe4j, but as for the database part I not sure how to configure it so that the application can run on my friends desktop without re-configure the database again. I am using Microsoft Access, anyone can g...

Codeigniter: Combining activeRecord with manual queries?

Hi everybody, I've though a bit about the activerecord vs. manual queries in Codeigniter. ActiveRecord is awesome when it's all about standard queries and holds development time really low. However, when there's a need to add some complexity to the queries, the ActiveRecord gets quite complicated to work with. Sub queries or complex j...

Why would you want a case sensitive database?

What are some reasons for choosing a case sensitive collation over a case insensitive one? I can see perhaps a modest performance gain for the DB engine in doing string comparisons. Is that it? If your data is set to all lower or uppercase then case sensitive could be reasonable but it's a disaster if you store mixed case data and then...

I need a sql db that has all the stock symbols on the US market. ANYONE?

That is pretty much it. I need a .sql file with all the stock symbols and company names matched up for an autocomplete function I'm writing. ANYONE? ...

SSIS package randomly hangs during execution

Hi Guys, I am having an ongoing and painful problem with an SSIS package. The package runs every 5 minutes as an SQL Agent Job and every 2-10 days the package will start running and never stop (thus preventing further executions). If I stop the hung job manually it will begin working perfectly again in the next 5 minute interval. The S...

Methods for ensuring security between users in multi-user applications

I'm writing a multiuser application (.NET - C#) in which each user's data is separated from the others and there is no data that's common between users. It's critical to ensure that no user has access to another user's data. What are some approaches for implementing security at the database level and/or in the application architecture ...

deriving activity diagram-based GUIs and CRUD them with a DB?

i received a big book full of processes. i was thinking about the end user (they will be lawyers) and decided the best GUI would be showing activity diagrams or business processes. It reminded me Quickbooks and how non-accountants can successfully use it and understand accounting processes. i began doing research before sending my proje...