
Data store appropriate for sensor data

Hi, What do you think is a data store appropriate for sensor data, such as temperature, humidity, velocity, etc. Users will have different sets of fields and they need to be able to run basic queries against data. Relational databases like MySQL is not flexible in terms of schema, so I was looking into NoSql approaches, but not sure ...

Keeping track of links or references to image files and deleting unused ones (PHP/Database)

I need a way to remove "unused" images from my filesystem, i.e. images that are never accessed from any point in my website (doesn't matter if I break external links. I might disable external hotlinking altogether). What's the best way of going about this? Regular users can add multiple attachments to topics/posts and content contributer...

open database with initfile

how to open a database local or remote with IniFile. something like the below. vBanco : String; IniFileName : TIniFile; begin IniFileName := TIniFile.Create(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+FileName); Try if FileExists (remote+'db\ado.mdb') then begin vBanco := Trim(IniFileName.ReadString('a...

Are there actually lag times to remove an email address from "the system"?

For example, you send an unsubscribe message to a legitimate company or a spam, they reply that they will remove you and it may take up to 72 hours to take effect. I find it hard to believe anything that simple could take more than 3/4 of a second to take effect system wide. Another example would be when you call the visa activation lin...

Android browse SQLite database on phone

How can I browse the SQLite database that I am creating in my app on my Android myTouch phone? When I log in through adb shell, sqlite3 gives me a permission denied. Is there another way to check if my database and tables are actually being created, and if rows are being inserted? I am not able to use the emulator, since it doesn't pla...

Why is this postgresql query so slow?

I'm no database expert, but I have enough knowledge to get myself into trouble, as is the case here. This query SELECT DISTINCT p.* FROM points p, areas a, contacts c WHERE ( p.latitude > 43.6511659465 AND p.latitude < 43.6711659465 AND p.longitude > -79.4677941889 AND p.longitude < -79.4477941889) ...

Add existing database schema to JasperServer Installation

I just installed Windows version of JasperServe and in the script it automatically created two databases (sugarcrm and foodmart) everything works fine. Now I would like to add my own database schema with existing tables and data. I tried to find example how to add existing database but had no luck so far. Is there any examples or tutoria...

How do I put static data into an SQLite database in Android?

If I have a bunch of data that is never going to change (eg. an English language dictionary or the rgb values of a couple hundred color names), how do I use an SQLite database to store it? I know a database is faster than loading everything into memory when the app starts, but how do I make the database either the first time the app runs...

Non-Linear Database Retrieval

I'm building an article system, and each article will have one more Tags associated with it (similar to the Tags on this site). The tables are set up something like this: Article_Table Article_ID | Title | Author_ID | Content | Date_Posted | IP ... Tag_Table Tag_ID | Name ... Tag_Intersect_Table Tag_ID | Article_ID Is it p...

Why does PostgreSQL have to be different (scheme does not exist)?

I'm not used to working with PostgreSQL, but am using Zend_Db_Select to create my queries. What does the error below mean? SQL error: ERROR: schema "il" does not exist In statement: SELECT il.count(*) AS "count" FROM "image_lite" AS "il" INNER JOIN "exif_parse" AS "ex" ON il.image_id = ex.image_id WHERE (ex.cam_make = 'apple') ...

Database schema publishing with SQL Server 2005/2008

Hi everybody, I've a question for you. We have built a software that has a single database for each customer. These databases are managed by SQL Server 2008. Now the problem is that when we build our software we, sometimes, need to change something on the schema (like adding table, modifying existing ones etc) and migrate these updates o...

how to convert server datetime to client machine datetime for the website.

I have datetime fieldI have datetime field into the database which stores the universal time i.e. UTC time. I want to show the datetime at the client machine in clients time zone and format. Example: Someone from US updated the database field for a site and it is stored into the UTC format. Someone from India goes and sees the site . Wh...

Login problem with php

I want to prevent multiple log in with same log in credentials simultaneously. So I made a column login_status and set it to 1 when some one logging in and change to 0 when logging out besides I set session after successful logged in. If user won't click on log out(in case of user close tab or because of some network problem) it doesn't ...

Determine used DAO version

Simple (?) question: how can I determine the used DAO version in VBA code? ...

What is a good DBMS for archiving?

I've been stuck in a MsSql/MySql world now for a few years, and I've decided to spread my wings a little further. At the moment I'm researching which DBMS is good at things needed when archiving data. Eg. lots of writes and low reads. I've seen the NoSQL crusade, but I have a very RDBMS mindset, so I'm a bit skeptical. Anyone have any ...

Statistical analysis for performance measurement on usage of bigger datatype wherever they were not required at all

If i takes larger datatype where i know i should have taken datatype that was sufficient for possible values that i will insert into a table will affect any performance in sql server in terms of speed or any other way. eg. IsActive (0,1,2,3) not more than 3 in any case. I know i must take tinyint but due to some reasons consider...

Application and service with one database

Hi. I have android application and service that runs in separate process. Application and service read and write to same database (and same table). What is the best way to work with database? How to prevent locks? ...

Is no horizontal scalability when it comes to writing a RDBMS defect? or does it happen to all DBMS'?

When you hit a roof on reading from a database, you have two choices, scale vertically by putting more hardware in the server, or scale horizontally by putting a second server to help offload the reads. Offloading reads to a second server, means that all writes will hit both servers, while read only hits one. Problem is when you hit a...

Connect Android application to remote data

Sheesh talk about limited information! I'm trying to get my Android application to connect to an online database to access information. There's quite a bit of info including geotags and these are going to be mapped on my app. The developer site has the very informative piece of information: You can use the network (when it's availabl...

I know the big picture but can't put it in place

Hi, I'm interested in web development and by that I mean the bigger projects like facebook or twitter. I know the basics of java, css, php and mysql. I know there is a lot more out there. I read about it. But I don't know what the purpose is and how to put in place. Things like: Scribe, thrift, casandra, Unix/Linux, shell/perl/python s...