
Flex : error while connecting to database with XML

Hello, i'm new to flex, and i've an exam on it next week. I'm following how to build an application in 1 day tutorial from adobe. I'm stuck on how to recieve data from database. First, i choose to use AMF to connect with data : my PHP class to access my database doesn't work (got an error like: is zend correctly installed,include ....

How to "parameterize" JPA database instance in persistence.xml?

I have a Java web application leveraging JPA. The database instance is specified in the persistence.xml file using the jta-data-source tag. I would like to deploy a second copy of the web application on the same (glassfish) server, but pointed at a different database instance. What is the best way to achieve this? I think ideally, I'...

Ways to get past the Inner-platform effect while still building highly customized web apps?

Feel free to answer the question in the title as generally as I posed it, I offer some more details and specifics below. Currently I develop and maintain a somewhat legacy business app (ASP/SQL) that is highly customizable allowing for moderate to full customization on: custom fields, forms, views, reports, actions, events, workflows, e...

best way to take Backup of code and DB ?

So what can be best way to have a Backup of code and DB is it downloading Locally via http ? But i fear it is security risk as some hacker might get access to it . I am looking into compress then encrypt the compressed file. But i dunno what encryption i should use and if linux CLI tool available for password protected encryption ? T...

cakephp database not found

I have project developed using cakephp which is getting data from different DBs, but if one of theses database some pages not open and give me the following error : Database table tablenae for model moedlname was not found. ..and I have in this page other data displayed from the other database which work probably. how i can deter...

joining programming projects for free

Hi All Not sure if this is an appropriate question for the forum. I an experienced software developer with over 15 years in design and development of systems -mostly using Oracle software and ERP solutions using Oracle Apps. But due to some personal reasons I had to stay away from work for a period of 5 years.Now I am finding it hard t...

doing some voluntary programming work in Oracle,SQlServer,C#,ASP.NET

Hi All Not sure if this is an appropriate question for the forum. I an experienced software developer with over 15 years in design and development of systems -mostly Oracle development and ERP solutions using Oracle Apps. But due to some personal reasons I had to stay away from work for a period of 5 years.Now I am finding it hard to g...

What is the best practice to cache images on Android?

Hi guys, In my application I use SoftReference to cache images, it is working fine with active internet connection. And now I need to cache images, so I could use it in offline mode. What is the best way to implement it? Use complex solution with SoftReference and database? or maybe SoftReference and local storage (sdcard)? I would ...

Database design grouping contacts by lists and companies

Hi, I'm wondering what would be the best way to group contacts by their company. Right now a user can group their contacts by custom created lists but I'd like to be able to group contacts by their company as well as store the contact's position (i.e. Project Manager of XYZ company). Database wise this is what I have for grouping cont...

Any way to make this PostgreSQL count query any faster?

I'm running a case-insensitive search on a table with 7.2 million rows, and I was wondering if there was any way to make this query any faster? Currently, it takes approx 11.6 seconds to execute, with just one search parameter, and I'm worried that as soon as I add more than one, this query will become massively slow. SELECT count(*) ...

Detect Database Currently in Use with Java

Is there a way to detect the ODBC database currently being connected to with Java? For example, I would like to know whether an application is currently connected to Oracle 10g or SQL Server 2005. Thanks in advance. ...

Is there a DBA certification that can help me obtain a better job?

I'm a programmer with a little experience in databases. Is there an online DBA certification that can help me to get better job? ...

SQL Server 2005 to 2008 Bak file help please!

I have a SQl Server 2005 database backup that I want to transfer to SQL Server 2008 on my server. I spent 3 days transferring the .bak file from my own machine to my server. I then tried to restore the bak file and I got an error. I then read online a completely different method for adding a SQL server 2005 Database to SQL server 2008 wh...

Rolling back database changes

Hi, I work in team which uses Work flow management tool. I was presented with a challenge where the user should be able to roll back the changes made anytime during the flow to a certain point in the past. Surely the toll can handle it but the additional database calls that may have made during these activities have to be manually rol...

Best practices to store CreditCard information into DataBase

In my country the online payments are not an old thing, the first time i saw a web application taking payments directly to a local bank account was last year. So, Im a newbie coding web payment system. My question is, what are the best practices to store creditcard information into the database... I have many ideas: encrypting the cre...

Android Proxy Cursor

I have a database with which I wish to expose data with a ContentProvider. However, it is important that all the colums are not exposed, and also they should be renamed. Is there any good way of doing this? I was thinking maybe some kind of proxy-cursor which takes a cursor and translates its columns to the desired ones, and calls to clo...

Search SQL Question Between Related Two Tables

Hi, I am writing some kind of search engine for my web application and i have a problem. I have 2 tables first of is projects table: PROJECTS TABLE id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment employer_id int(11) NO MUL NULL project_title varchar(100) NO MUL ...

PHP database class pattern questions/suggestions

I am developing my own class model for my database and I would like to know what you guys think of it. For each table in my database I have 2 classes. The first one, is a fetching class (I don't know how to call it..), this class has some static methods interacting with the database (fetchAll, fetchById etc..). The second class is the m...

Fluent nHibernate - How to map a non-key column on a junction table?

Taking an example that is provided on the Fluent nHibernate website, I need to extend it slightly: I need to add a 'Quantity' column to the StoreProduct table. How would I map this using nHibernate? An example mapping is provided for the given scenario above, but I'm not sure how I would get the Quantity column to map to a property o...

Looking for solutions to book exercises of: "Transactional Information Systems"

Hello, I'm trying to learn more about transactions. I bought the following book: "Transactional Information Systems: Theory, Algorithms, and the Practice of Concurrency Control and Recovery" von Gerhard Weikum und Gottfried Vossen, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001. Unfortunately there are no solutions to the exercises in the book. I ...