
How can I learn to make realistic assumptions about database performance?

I'm primarily a Java developer who works with Hibernate, and in some of my use cases I have queries which perform very slowly compared to what I expect. I've talked to the local DBAs and in many cases they claim the performance can't be improved because of the nature of the query. However, I'm somewhat hesitant to take them at their ...

SQL Function Help

I am trying to archive a datagrid into a datatable so I can find it in the table by the archive date. I am using an INSERT SQL statement as follows: INSERT INTO [VendorArchive] ([Booth], [Deposit], [Rent], [Electric], [Security], [AmountPaid], [DatePaid], [PeriodPaid], [TotalDue], [Notes], [ArchiveDate], [BalanceDue], GETDATE()); SEL...

Android SharedPreferences limitations?

I developed a game on Android. I am currently saving most of the game stats in a Database. However the app does not utilize more than a single row in the DB. I am now interested in introducing some new stats but this will cause my DB to re-install and thus clear out everyone's progress. In order to avoid this in the future I am consideri...

This is wrong: a column can references primary keys in different tables depends on value of another column?

One of my colleague designed a table schema, and in one of the tables a column can references primary keys in different tables depends on value of another column. I know it is differently wrong, but can not find theory to support me. His schema like this: table video: (id, name, ...) table audio:(id, name, ...) table review_item( item_t...

Database procedure for locations

Hi, I'm trying to store a database of GPS locations and run queries which find the points within a given radius and also the closest points. I'm using mysql and have been looking at the spatial extensions. I am not sure if i see how to actually use the spatial extensions to do what I'm looking for in the location radius queries. So h...

What am i missing in my code?

Hi, i would like to show my database on a listview in android, but the data is not showing. package one.two; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; impo...

MySQL - convert phone number data?

I have a MySQL InnoDB database. I have a 'phone_number' field. My data is dirtly in the sense that sometimes my data is: (111) 222-3333 111-222-3333 111.222.3333 (111) 222 3333 How can I strip all spaces and parenthesis from my 'phone_number' field to only store my phone_number in the following format '1112223333'? What would the S...

Which databases support encryption

I use MySQL extensively, but it doesn't support database-level encryption without some external library. What databases come with db-level support built-in, and if you know MySQL enough to compare, how close is its syntax to MySQL. I'd obviously prefer not to re-learn everything. I also use PDO extensively to handle sql injections, s...

MySQL - how to front pad zip code with "0" ?

In my MySQL InnoDB database, I have dirty zip code data that I want to clean up. The clean zip code data is when I have all 5 digits for a zip code (e.g. "90210"). But for some reason, I noticed in my database that for zipcodes that start with a "0", the 0 has been dropped. So "Holtsville, New York" with zipcode "00544" is stored in m...

Discrepancy in Number of Tables in Database of each Magento Installation of same Version

I am currently using Magento version For different clients, when I install this same version of Magento, I get different number of tables in database of each of the clients. I think the normal total number of tables is 267, but this prediction may be incorrect. Please correct my statement or mention, regarding the default num...

What willl be the fast method for a domain store in MySQL??

I want to store domain names( - without "http://" and "www")in MySQL as primary key+Index. so when I call a domain through PHP I should get the result according to that domain faster. Right now I am inserting domain in plain text. is it right way to do it?? or do I need to hash it?? your Ideas please ...

Database connection, check data, login page

Hi, I'm doing Major Project on my final year and I'm very new to Android plus I;m not good at codings. I need help with my login page. I've created something like a database connection java file which is this: package one.two; import java.util.List; import; import android.content.Context; import android.d...

SQL Server / TSQL Updating a table with a unique constraint

Hi, If I have two tables, say: Clients ( ClientID int primary key, ClientName varchar(50) not null ) and Addresses ( AddressID int primary key, AddressLine1 varchar(50), etc.. ClientID int not null, IsPrimaryAddress bit not null ) with a unique constraint across (ClientID, IsPrimaryAddress), how can up date those tab...

Android Login page, database connection and checking of username and password. Edit text set to dots?

I've modified my previous code for login. package log1.log2; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; public class Login exte...

Import/Export XML data into SQL Server Compact Edition ?

Does it exist a Microsoft tool or a sql query for import/export XML data into SQL Server Compact Edition ? Like this for SQL Server : ...

SharePoint site collection: relation with DB WSS_Content

Hello all, What's relationship between DB WSS_Content and SharePoint site collection? Is separated DB created per each site collection or a single DB can contain multiple collections? Regards, ...

What is the correct strategy to normalize a database with articles and tags for the articles?

I am building a system that stores articles and tags that categorize the article. Standard stuff, similar to how this website does it. Now my question is whether I should store the tags on a separate table that just contains tags and article ids or store the tags on an extra column in the articles table. My first instinct would be to nor...

Which NoSQL backend to store trace data from webpage

Hi, In our web application we need to trace what users click, what they write into search box, etc. Lots of data will be sent by AJAX. Generally functionality is a bit similar to google analytics, but we need to customize it in different ways. Data will be collected and once per day aggregated and exported to PostgreSQL, so backend sh...

Need help deciding on a database scheme for a reporting project (PHP)

Update: I'm not looking for someone to come up with a schema for me. I guess I'm looking for input on whether some normalized DB design would work, when I can't clearly define all the relationships of the entities I'm working with, or if something more along the lines of a data warehouse would be something I wanted to ...

Is it true that columns number does not affect database performance but rows number does?

As in title. I'm considering to use separate tables with JOIN or use single table, basically I'm worried about the performance. Thank you. ...