
MySQL encryption library similar to SQLCipher

I'm working on encrypting some database fields. By encrypting of course I lose some search functionality. I found this library called SQLCipher which handles the encryption at the database level, but it's for SQLite. Is there something similar for MySQL? ...

Django how to make tags?

if i have a question and answer system, and i want to add a tag feature, as for every question i should have some tags, separated by comma (just in stackoverflow): 1.I want to have a separate class model for that, with a foreign key to a question the form, i want the user to be able to add many tags, separated by comma, and when th...

How to implement Auditing/versioning of Table Modifications on PostgreSQL

hi all, We're implementing a New system using Java/Spring/Hibernate on PostgreSQL. This system needs to make a copy of Every Record as soon as a modification/deletion is done on the record(s) in the Tables(s). Later, the Audit Table(s) will be queried by Reports to display the data to the users. I was planning to implement this auditin...

VS2010 Database Project to Drop Database before deploy?

Is it possible to get VS to drop the destination database before a deploy? I've tried adding a post deploy script to the project, but it always comes back with active connections. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

how to reach facebook database when none of the users is using the application?

Hi! I'm developing an FBML (not an iFrame) application on Facebook. Since i need lots of api calls, i get time-out when i try to get all the info only when the user is actually using the application. So, i guess i need to have a database that often updates itself even when users are offline. And i'll use the info from that database when ...

Application Registration into Database on Server

Hi All I am using (.NET Framework Support) for my hosting and need to be able to allow my users to login to their desktop application using their credentials that will be stored on the server. The users will register through the desktop application itself and the details will be sent to the server, and then I need a way to ...

Small/efficient PHP database options

Subjective question, I know, but I am counting outgoing clicks for a very specific part of a website, and I'm simply needing to keep a tally of outgoing clicks per link and per day. I know that I could use MySQL for this, but I am wondering if there is something smaller/more-efficient for this application. I manage my own server on sli...

Flash game data storage

I'm storing a variety of variables containing statistics, items weapons, etc in a flash based game. Currently I'm using PHP and AMFPHP as a backend, calling services to pull the data. This is fine for my own machine, even my own website, however if I want to deploy the game to a site such as Kongregate or ArmorGames, what storage metho...

database performance

Say there is a website with 100,000 users each has up to 1000 unique strings attached to them so that there are maximum 100,000,000 strings in total. Would it be better to have 1 table with each string being one record along with it's owner's id. So that you end up with 1 table with 100,000,000 records with 2 fields (text and user id). ...

Fetching remote database info from a client application.

What would be the preferred method of pulling content from a remote database? I don't think that I would want to pull directly from the database for a number of reasons. (Such as easily being able to change where it is fetching the info from and a current lack of access from outside the server.) I've been thinking of using HTTP as a pr...

Database Book to help me prove when I should hardcode a table vs. use a database

I am looking for a book or other undeniably authoritative source that gives reasons when you should choose a database vs. when you should choose other storage methods, most notably, a hardcoded table of values in a program. The rest of this message is just supporting info. Below are some unofficial lists of reasons to use one or the ...

How to enable HTML client-side SQL database in embedded webkit app (test app on github)

I've got a super simple little OS X app with a minimal embedded webkit view that needs client-side SQL database support enabled. I've put the test app up on github but just can't get the client-side storage working. I'm using Xcode v3.2.3 with the WebKit framework it provides, but have also tried using the webkit nightly without luck. ...

Joining one table multiple times with null FKs

In a situation where I have two tables: Games(id, player1Id, player2Id) Players(id, gender) And I would like to select all of the games and the player's gender, how would I get around null playerIds? From this explanation, I would think the answer would be: SELECT, p1.gender, p2.gender FROM Games JOIN Players p1 on player1...

Opencv store to database

Hi, Is there a way to save opencv objects to database (like oracle, mysql a.s.o) instead of xml file ? CvSave is like a blackbox. Thx ...

Is database encryption less safe than application encryption?

I receive data, and use aes or blowfish to encrypt it before saving it to the database, so the encryption is done at the application level. If someone steals the database, the data will be relatively safe unless they stole the application also (where the key is stored/accessed). I'm now looking into database encryption with libraries l...

How to Optimize Queries in a Database - The Basics

It seems that all questions regarding this topic are very specific, and while I value specific examples, I'm interested in the basics of SQL optimization. I am very comfortable working in SQL, and have a background in hardware/low level software. What I want is the tools both tangible software, and a method to look at the mysql databas...

MySQL Foreign Key in Table in Another Database?

Is it possible to reference (InnoDB) a foreign key in another database in MySQL? Is this bad practice? ...

What happens to my existing application database when I upgrade it to new version in Android

Suppose an application stores some user related or users favorite records in its local database. When I upgrade my application, what happens to the db? As an developer, how do I prevent loss of data? ...

Extensible DB editor

I'm using MySQL. In my DB there are several tables, containing fields with data, serialized in custom binary format. (Actually, these fields contain lists of fixed-format records, like a "sub-table".) I need a tool to be able to edit those fields by hand while my own fancy data administration UI is still in development. I wonder, if t...

MySQL for easy statistics

I'm planing to automatizate process of statisitcs collecting at work, and decided to use MySQL to store data. I'm working for tourist info-centre, so statistics (once a month) looks something like this: Date:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... Museum  5 3 12 34 1 ... Kremlin 5 1 43 12 9... So the first column is the list of the objects (diff...