
Why can't DMBSes rely on the OS buffer pool?

Stonebraker's paper (Operating System Support for Database Management) explains that, "the overhead to fetch a block from the buffer pool manager usually includes that of a system call and a core-to-core move." Forget about the buffer-replacement strategy, etc. The only point I question is the quoted. My understanding is that when a DBM...

Is it possible to maintain the DB cache multiple locations with single DB?

I have DB with table in INDIA, for that table I am maintains the table cache here..but i am interested to maintain the cache in UK with the same table (I am not interested to create the same table in the UK).. it is possible? what requirements to be required for this one/ Thanks, Murali ...

Whats the best feature of the ORM framework you use

Hi all, I'm wondering what the best feature(s) of the orm framework you use and what features you find yourself using most? What is the reason you chose the framework you use? I'm just trying to compare them and wondered if any offers advantages over the other. (it's all very well googling this but you can't beat first hand user exper...

OperationalError: database is locked

I have made some repetitive operations in my application (testing it), and suddenly i'm getting a very weired error: OperationalError: database is locked i've restarded the server, but the error persists... What can it be all about?? Thanks! ...

0 , NULL, empty string, Default values - MySql Questions

Does bool value false == 0 and true == 1 Does Null value in varchar, int, date fields == 0? When by default in mysql values == 0 or NULL or empty string? ...

How to validate a database against an entity model?

I allow users to specify the data source and connection details. When this is complete, I set the Entity connection string. How do I validate the database they have chosen against the entity model right away? I don't want to get further in the program to have it fail. ...

Generating reports, such as income/loss etc

I have 2 tables, purchases and sales with each having a date field and a cost field. I want to generate reports of a few different types, for example I want to show profit and loss over each month or year, or to show how often a particular item sold for a given arbitrary time period ( probably based on user input) Is it terribly comple...

Python MySQLDB SSL Connection

I set my database to require ssl. I've confirmed I can connect to the db via command line by passing the public key [and have confirmed I can't connect if I do not pass public key] I get the same error in my django app as when I do not pass a key. It seems I've not setup my correctly to pass the path to the public key. Wha...

Active Record Design Pattern???

Hi all, I've been looking into various ORM frameworks lately (mostly .net) and see that the Active Record design pattern is commonly used to persist data. I just wondered what everyone's take on the active record pattern is? Personally I think it puts too much responsibility on the data object, be it just a data container or an entity...

database size would exceed your licensed limit of 4096 MB per database

Hi, We are using sharepoint server 2007 and if i create any files and folders the sharepoint site is throwing some error "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040E14" and i checked event also some error showing " CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE failed because the resulting cumulative database size would exceed your licensed limi...

Using the SMO DependencyWalker to load TreeView

In a windows forms application, using C# I want to programmtically pass the SMO DependencyWalker a single object ( table, View, etc ), discover the dependencies related to that object and then load a WinForms TreeView with the results where the TreeView looks exactly like the TreeView within the SQL Server 2008 Management Studio "View De...

how to include db config file in respective php files

hey guys one of my main problems in coding is including config.php and db class where i need to connect to databse consider i have a mysql.php and config.php file in root of my files now if im in this path : Root/Sub/portal/modules/Gallery.php and i need to fetch config.php vars such as $dbhost = "localhost"; $dbuname ...

advantages of storing data as an object instead of database columss

What is the advantage in storing data as an object instead of storing them in separate table columns For example: storing an item details as Blob instead of storing the attributes separately in an items table (SKU, Name, Price etc) ...

how to install DB.php ?

I have use DB::Connect in my program for accessing the database. I ran my php program this shows the error DB.php file is not their. require_once 'DB.php'; PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_DIE); Then I copy the DB.php file and PEAR.php file from another machine to my machine after that If I ran from command line it didn't...

Any good method to work with large amount of data?

I have almost 100.000 records in the database and I need to compare them to each-other with the Longest Common Subsequence algorithm, and I need to do that with 1000 new records every day. My application is written in c# .Net, and the problem is that this comparing is working slow on the application level, for comparing of 1000 records a...

how do I delay or control queries??

I planning to release an Api for public. what I am looking into is since it is free I need to control the usage. there are couple of options in my mind. one is delay number of queries per second. second one is fix queries to certain number per day. but second option seems to do more work on scripting which I am planning to avoid now. so...

Good Data Tier Dev & Design: What are the common bad practises in data tier development?

I am currently researching the best practises (at a reasonably high level) for application design for highly maintainable systems which result in minimal friction to change. By "Data Tier" I mean database design, Object Relation Mappers (ORMs) and general data access technologies. From your experiences, what have you found to be the com...

Any freeware or open source tool to populate database with some dummy values

I have somewhere around 30 tables used in my web application. I need to populate those tables with some dummy values during development. Later once the application is ready we will have the real data. Are there any tools to populate database tables in MySQL with dummy values? ...

Non-technical question: Knowledge > experience or experience > knowledge?

So I apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong place but I thought asking the coding crowd would be best. So I'm building a website with 3 developers. One dev is on front-end, one on PHP back-end and one on the database design. The core application of the website is actually much more complicated than i/we (the devs here) originally im...

How to integrate schema changes to existing databse with NHibernate?

Hi, these are the rules for the game: 0) You have to use NHibernate; 1) You have a working database with data which must stay "alive" after the update; 2) If you have 3 versions of the database schema (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0) you should be able to update low->high version. (high->low is optional); I know about the methods schema.Create()/U...