
Update a table that has an identity column with SqlCommandBuilder

I have a DataGridView corresponding to a table which has an identity column and the primary key is also set to this column and a button (a SQL database). I've added the dataset of database to project. There is a empty table (DataGridView) in front of user and he/she can edit (update) this DataGridView; for example edit just one cell and...

storing database values in source control

We have a table in our our database that stores XSL's and XSD's that are applied to XML documents created in our application. This table is versioned in the sense that each time a change is made, a new row is created. I'm trying to propose that we store the XSL's and XSD's as files in our Source control system instead of relying on the...

How does database tiering work?

The only good reference that I can find on the internet is this whitepaper, which explains what database tiering is, but not how it works: The concept behind database tiering is the seamless co-existence of multiple (legacy and new) database technologies to best solve a business problem. But, how does it implemented? How does...

MySQL Indexes: Having multiple indexes vs. having one multi-field key?

When I manually create tables in MySQL, I add indexes one at a time for each field that I think I will use for queries. When I use phpMyAdmin to create tables for me, and I select my indexes in the create-table form, I see that phpMyAdmin combines my indexes into 1 (plus my primary). What's the difference? Is one better than the other?...

Postgres Table is foreign key to multiple tables

I have a situation and would appreciate some help. I have two tables - Error and Warning: Error : Err_no, pattern(pk=Error_no) Warning : War_no, pattern(pk=War_no) Based on these tables I have to decide on the resolution and I have a separate table doing this: Resolution : Code_no, resolution I want to keep Code_no as foreign key...

Kohanaphp v3 execute()

excecute() method always return an "informational" object after use current() method i get an array always. How can i obtain an object (with objects) to iterate like this, (no ORM): foreach($obj as $o) { echo $o->name; echo $o->email; } Instead of using current, next, etc. ...

Postgres STRING_TO_ARRAY alternative? Like STRING_TO_RECORD ?

I need to convert a comma separated text into a set of records. I created this function but I am not convinced that the best way: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION F_StringListToRecord(pStringList TEXT, pDelimiter VARCHAR(10)) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ DECLARE vIndex INT; arrSize INT; arrValue TEXT[]; BEGIN arrValue := STRING_TO_ARRAY...

Scalable, fast, text file backed database engine?

I am dealing with large amounts of scientific data that are stored in tab separated .tsv files. The typical operations to be performed are reading several large files, filtering out only certain columns/rows, joining with other sources of data, adding calculated values and writing the result as another .tsv. The plain text is used for i...

best way to have a central database and remote can be portable

Hi I´m trying to do a system that has a central database in the office and if necessary I work in a copy of the database out of the office and when i return i update the client(s) record. I have for each client a master table dataset client========>Local places of this client===> Equipment====>Report(variables). so when I return I have...

What would be the best solution for report storage?

I'm currently in the design stage of a reporting system which will create comparison reports of screens for a fleet of ATM's (being developed in Ruby on Rails). The data collected from each ATM is stored in XML which contain File Name, Date Modified, Size and Check-sum. These files are then compared with a Master file and report on extr...

How do I create same username and password at phpBB forum as the username and password already saved

Hi. I have a site where all users need to sign up with username and password. Today I added the phpBB forum to my site. The problem is that users need to sign up for my site and the phpBB form separately. Can I just add to the phpbb_users db with php at the same time as they register for my site? In that case I need to know what kind o...

Gmail URLs - How do you go from a database id to a URL String

Does anybody know how gmail goes from the id of an email in their database to a String URL? I dont really like the idea of putting the actual database id into the URL as this would tell people how many rows of data our in the database and other information. Is there a way of mapping from a database id to an alphanumeric String which is ...

MFC application: Embedded batabse on windows mobile 6 SDK return with an error while writing to DB

Hi all, I am implementing a database on wince platform in EDB. I have created and successfully tested all database operations in MFC simple dummy database application. But when I have integrated database API into my project it create problem. Scenario: I am able to create database using CeMountDBVol(...) API with EDB flag on. A tabl...

Database design for affiliate system

i am building an affiliate system and i have stacked with the design of the database in one part. I dont know how to keep track on that who recruited whom. Lets say we have something like this: Jon smith Alex Del Jim West Marko Polo Johny Bravo Pit Sampras Sara Mat Gabriella white Antonio Santo Maja Grozdanova Agon Xhela...

Question with android

How would i make what i selected in the spinner appear in a textview when i choose that selection? The data would be taken from the database. My package one.two; import; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView; import androi...

Cyrillic data in MS SQL

everything was working fine while the database of my mvc 2 site was in the app_data folder , after i transfered it to sqlserver express all the Cyrillic data i added after that appears in ????? :( I'm using nvarchar for my fields and collation is set to Cyrillic and yet .. ????? any suggestions are appreciated edit :// [H...

iphone programming ? How to connect to Remote Database (like SQL server 2008, MySQL, Oracle, etc.,) from iphone?.

Hello there, One Question "How to connect to Remote Database (like SQL server 2008, MySQL, Oracle, etc.,)?." I know there are ways like, web-services and one more complicated one, using UIWebViews (by Using Scripting languages.. like javascript). leave these...... Tell me is there any connectivity like JDBC, ODBC., etc..... ? I d...

Android SQLite insert unique

Hello all, Simple enough question, but I cant find ant half-decent documentation on it. Right so I've created my SQLite db but it has two problems or one depending how you look at it! The db creates fine and I can show the data in a basic listview, however on changing the orientation of the phone/emulator the insert statements run again...

Codeigniter - Blank screen when trying to retrieve 8500 records

Hi, I am trying to display a table which contains 8500 records, I am using the same controller/model functions as I have used throughout the site which all work fine. On this page however, I just see a blank screen. Is this a known Issue with codeigniter? Is there a work around? I am totally stumped, my only option I guess is to split ...

A migration to add unique constraint to a combination of columns

I thought this mus have been answered before, but I didn't find any pointer from my searches. May be I tried with wrong key words. What I need is a migration to apply unique constraint to a combination of columns. i.e. for a Person table a combination of Firstname, LastName and Dob should be unique. ...