
There has to be a better way to do localized database fields

So far there've been several questions regarding this, and they've all come down to the same answer: one table for the language-neutral data, 1-* to a table with the translations and an indexed language ID field. This has several problems: Twice as much CRUD. Need for Ajax CRUD if you want a decently friendly web UI. More than twice t...

compare uitextfield input with responseData of ASITTHPRequest

Hi, I am writing an application for Registration form (with fields--> firstName, EMail, password, postalCode etc.,.). while, user enters value in first textfield(ex: firstName in my app), it should connect to the remote URL.. and check the user entered value with the responseData(0/1). (1)How to check 'firstName.text' (IB field) with r...

Manage Database on iphone

How could I manage Large online database on Iphone? Should I have use other than SQLite3? ...

How to determine value of DbGrid cell during OnMouseMove event

I have OnMouseMove event, during which I want to find a value of certain cell (not neccesarily the one under the mouse). Basically the question is: How to access cell data using its x and y coordinates without selecting it, changing focus etc? ...

What's the best way of putting form data into a database when there's an unknown anmount of data?

I have a pretty large form that consists of radio buttons/checkboxes as well as text inputs. Due to the nature of checkboxes, if they post the form without checking it, it isn't sent in the POST data. Which leaves me a bit stuck with how to handle it. I originally started my database with the standard 'column for each field'. For exampl...

Database Independent Tool in Java

What all things you need to take care if you want to write Database Independent Tool in Java? I know we can use hiberante and corresponding HQL queries to make sure that there is no database specific queries. We also need to maintain the DDLs for different databases or we can use ddlutils to maintain the DDLs(I am not sure how stable is ...

Database cleanup after Junit tests

I have to test some Thrift services using Junit. When I run my tests as a Thrift client, the services modify the server database. I am unable to find a good solution which can clean up the database after each test is run. Cleanup is important especially because the IDs need to be unique which are currently read form an XML file. Now, I h...

Database Normalization Vocabulary

There is lot or material on Database Normalization available on SC and the Web. However, I still seem to lack on very definite reasons on explaining normalization. For example, for a simple design such as a table Item with a Type field, it makes sense to have the Type as a separate table. The reason I forwarded for that was if in future...

Best practice SCRIPT Installation DataBase

Hi I am new at SQL, I would like to have your opinions regarding best practices to adopt in SQL scripting to install a Data Base. PROBLEM A) In my script I have several Batches to create Tables. Tables have many Foreign Keys to each others, at the moment I must arranges batches in the right order to avoid conflict with FK Tables. I woul...

complex group by mysql query

I have a table with the following rows: id. user_id, type - link 1. 555, image - http://1 2. 555, image - http://2 3. 654, image - http://3 4. 245, video - http://.. 5. 555, image - http://.. 6. 878, text - http://.. I want to group the type (image) by date, so they show as single row. In this example, the first two images ...

Problems with SqlRestore when using different DataBases

Hello, i have some project, which can be running on databases with different names. I have some functionality in my program to do database backups and to restoring from them. The problem is when i try to restore database from backup to other database with a different name and so on. My code looks like this: public void Restore(s...

how to cache table data in java

we a facility in .net called recordset which stores the table data in the cache and can be used as table to fetch data from it which makes data retrival fast do we have anything like that in java, if so how to cache them, how to retrive them, what is the access time, would it be faster than fetching from database, can anybody help impl...

Correct way to insert Many-to-Many objects in Django?

Hi, I was working on a many-to-many model with extra fields and i saw the documentation for extra fields in many to many relations on their exemple, to create a membership they use m2 = Membership.objects.create(person=paul, group=beatles,date_joined=date(1960, 8, 1), invite_reason= "Wanted to form a band.") but that means that they...

Why is FreeTDS not reading its configuration file when run through unixODBC?

I'm trying to use FreeTDS's ODBC driver to access a MS SQL Server 2005 instance from a Linux application. When I run tsql on the command line, it will read /etc/freetds.conf and $HOME/.freetds.conf and pull in the options I want to set (confirmed with strace watching open/access calls). However when I use FreeTDS via unixODBC (which is...

Do I need Liferay jackrabbit clustered configuration when using db

Hi, I configured Liferay jackrabbit to use database instead of disk store. This Liferay will be deployed in a clustered Weblogic. I was thinking if I still need to configure jackRabbit for cluster if it is using database? I understand that cluster configuration in repository.xml is required only when data is distributed between nodes b...

What is the best database to use with Grails in an enterprise application?

I realize this has flame potential, please refrain. That being said, I'm interested in what databases people have used with Grails. What positive experiences and what horror stories are out there? I love MySQL, but there are a few significant bugs that are impacting me between Hibernate and MySQL, particularly as it pertains to index cr...

How much data can be stored in MySQL?

Hey friends I am just a beginner in MySQL, I need to know how much data can be stored in MySQL. I am developing a web crawler, can I store all the data in MySQL, or do I need to use another Database? Which is more faster? What I mean is, which has the highest Writing/Reading Rate? Do I need to reconfigure to add more data? ...

Can i use Distributed Database for a crawler?

Hey friends can i use a distributed DB for my WebCrawler,what all are the available Open Source Distributed Databases?? can i use MySQL as my distributed DB? how amount of data can be stored? ...

need to find the type of the column of DB.

Hi, This is my piece of code.Im getting all the tables names and col names present in the database .Now i need to know the type of column .like its int or varchar or something else .Can any one help me in this ?? and btw this is C# . OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(connectionString); DataTable schemaCols; DataT...

How does TransactionScope work?

When Method1() instantiates a TransactionScope and calls Method2() that also instantiates a TransactionScope, how does .Net know both are in the same scope? I believe it doesn't use static methods internally otherwise it wouldn't work well on multithreaded applications like Is it possible to create my own TransactionScope-like ...