
Database which each user sees differently - 'multiuser'/'multiview' database?

Is there an existing implementation or even a name for a type of database which allows multiple points of view? What I mean is for instance if one user changes an article's title then the change will only be visible to that particular user and everyone else will see the original title. If several users change it to the same new title the...

best database book for developers

Hi, i want to download a good database book for developers, can you guide me and send me good links to find a good one. i am working with SQL Server 2008. thanks ...

Binary data within a dll is unmanageable

Currently we store report templates (word docs) as binary arrays within a dll in our C# solution. public readonly static byte[] audit_engagement_template = new byte[] {208,207,17,224,161,177,26,225,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,... Etc etc. Now this file has become HUGE and very unmanageable as Visual Studio starts using over 2.5Gb of memory whene...

manage uploaded files in database or file system?

I'm going to incorporate the feature for my users to upload small files which are under 2mb (jpg, gif, pdf and docs). For page loading times purposes and generally managing files in future, can you recommend is it best to have the files uploaded to the filesystem (and link to it via the database) or upload to the database directly as a B...

[database] how to prevent from getting wrong ID.

database= mysql language=php I am coding program to work like this PC1 =computer1 step 1.PC1 insert data ,new ID from Auto-increment. 2.PC1 select last ID everything work fine but.. The problem when your code is used by many computers at the same mili-sec. For example PC1insert data,Auto-increment new ID 2.PC2 insert da...

Storing encrypted password and salt or only storing encrypted password?

I need a login system to check the user password. I know about salting passwords, but should I store the salt and the encrypted password or should I only store the encrypted password and the salt is somewhere in my app config file? Please pro and cons if there are some, thanks! ...

where does android store sqlite database version?

I am unable to find out this information in the db file. where does exactly android store database version info? ...

How to calculate time left in a count down scenario

We have a requirement to count down based on a user taking a test. What would be a best way to tackle tracking the time taken by a user while taking the test. We do capture start time, end time. But the calculations go awry if the application server or the OS goes down during the test. We were thinking of using another variable to store...

No idea why this login script isn't working!

I was following a tutorial I found on how to create a simple login using sessions and a database. I followed it to the T (with the exception of tidying up all of the code because theirs was a mess and I'm OCD like that). I get no errors at all on the page, it just comes up with a blank screen and I can't work out for the life of me why ...

How to write data in database efficiently using c#?

Hi, my windows app is reading text file and inserting it into the database. The problem is text file is extremely big (at least for our low-end machines). It has 100 thousands rows and it takes time to write it into the database. Can you guys suggest how should i read and write the data efficiently so that it does not hog machine memory...

Converting a Date from a String representation to a numerical representation and back again

Hello Are there any patterns or known ways of converting a date from a string representation to a numerical representation and vice versa? Background: I am using an Apache Derby database as the persistence for a Java program. I would like to do something like this: Select * from MyTable where date_column > 20100914154503 order by date...

Naming a group_concat column in a select

sqlite3 I have two tables. One contains some lists and the other contains each list's items. I want to create a select statement that grabs the rows in the lists table, but also creates a column which is a comma-delimited summary of the items in each list. I have this working as follows: select master._id as _id,

What do I need to know about working with huge databases?

I want to know what specific problems/solutions/advices/best-practices[don't punish me for the word] are arising while working with huge databases. Under huge I imply databases, which have tables with millions of rows and/or databases with petabytes of data. Platform-oriented answers will be great too. ...

Improving query performance by using views

I have a large table with 10+ millions records in a SQL Server database. The table contains certain type of data for all 50 states in the US. So if I create 50 views, one for each state, from this table, would the performance of making queries from my application be improved? Other suggestions? ...

Starting from scratch with NHibernate: tips for a new, large, application

I am writing a framework for a rewrite of an existing application. We have a data model of around 900 tables with 11000 fields in total and databases approaching 120 GB in the field. The basic elements of my new implementation are WPF, NHibernate 3, C#, .NET 4.0, NHibernate.Validator and Spring. The application itself is very data/transa...

Select three rows when two of them need to be unique (SQL)

First of all I am using Oracle 10g Express So there are three columns I want to select: [domain_name] [index_path] [collection_name] Now there are two columns that I want to be unique: [domain_name] [index_path] So my issue is how do I basically: select unique domain_name, index_path from TABLENAMEHERE while also selecting the c...

Database design for download presets

Newbie with databases, I would like some advise please.. I have agencies who can download photo's. Standard each agency can download "medium" & "large" photos. Now from their account page I would like them to make extra custom presets and manage those. I looked in the database of some blog software how they handle categories and wrapped...

Architecture Help: Queries on Subsets

Building an application to calculate metrics on Service Level Agreements. I have access to a single, de-normalized, table that gives me the info I need: ticket ID, category/subcategory, open/close dates, ticket priority, etc. The only way to identify the specific SLA being measured is to select by category and subcategory. Then I need to...

does mysql ignore null values on unique constraints?

i have an email column that i want it to be unique. but i also want it to accept null values. can my database have 2 null emails that way? ...

Methods of Parsing Large PDF Files

I have a very large PDF File (200,000 KB or more) which contains a series of pages containing nothing but tables. I'd like to somehow parse this information using Ruby, and import the resultant data into a MySQL database. Does anyone know of any methods for pulling this data out of the PDF? The data is formatted in the following manne...